
YouTuber Impressions

Maggie's POV

I turned my camera on.

"Ello everybody! It's me again and today, I'm going to be doing Youtuber Impressions. You guys know how shit I am with impressions, but fuck it. Let's do this."

"So I tweeted you guys to send me some suggestions of who to impersonate and wow, I got a lot of replies!" I read off the first impression.

"As always, the king himself, Mr. Pewdiepie. Ahem, How's it going bros? My name is Peeeeeewwdiepiiiiee. I feel like I did that one quite well actually." I smiled. I read off the next one.

"Then we have the queen of YouTube, one of my heroes, Ms. Jenna Marbles. Okay, I don't know how to do her since she doesn't have an intro. Whatever,

Hey everybody, it's me Jenna." I was silent for a minute.

"Uh, yeah. Let's move on from that disaster." I said.

"Ah yes, my good friend Zoella. Wait, I need props for this one." I went in my bathroom and got my makeup bag.

"Hello everybody, today I'm going to teach you how to use all this trash." I laughed.

"Sorry Zoe, I love you." I blew a kiss to the camera.

"Miniminter. Oh damn, I've always wanted to meet him." I sighed

"Yo guys, what's going on. For a girl, I feel pretty confident about that one. Simon, if you ever see this. Call me, please. I'm desperate." I begged.

Oh Jack's gonna be so jealous.😏

"Ooh! The Gabbie Show! Yay." I squealed.

"Welcome Back!" I waved my hands my hands together. I looked at my phone.


I smirked.

"My dearest Brother, Joe. I'm going to butcher this one just for my sake. Hello everyone," I said in a high-pitched voice.

"Today, I'm going to be ruining my ex-roommates life again." I clapped my hands together and smiled at the camera.

"NEXT ONE!" I shouted.


I sighed.

"Just try and guess who this is supposed to be." I cleared my throat.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES!" I screeched. I grabbed my throat.

"How does that bloke do this everyday? It was Jacksepticeye if you didn't know." I pointed at the camera. I looked at my phone and grinned evilly.

"Aww, my sweet little Conor." I smiled and started singing Royalty.

"How's that for an impression?" I winked.

"Ms.Alissa Violet. Also one of my heroes. Ahem, Hey guys it's Violet here, back at it again with another video." I smiled confidently.

"Not too bad if you ask me. If any of you are watching this, I loooovvvveeeee yyyyoooohuuuu!" I exaggerate.

"Alright, last impression. I need a break. Doing Jacksepticeye was hard mate." I whined.

I scrolled through the list of YouTubers. I stopped when I saw my sweet Jacks name.

Ooh this is going to be fuuuuuuun!

I wiggled my eyebrows and looked up.

"Saving the best for last. My dear, Jack-ass. Ahem, hello everybody my name is Conor Maynard's shadow and, today I'm here to annoy the shit out of you." I ran my hands through my hair and looked into the camera trying to look all smooth and suave like Jack did.

"That, by far, is the best impression I've done in my life." I snapped my fingers and laughed at myself.

"Well, I think I've lost enough friends for one day. Thanks for watching, give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to join the family! See you next week with another video!" I waved and turned the camera.

Jack's going to be so mad when he sees that video.

I checked the time, 5:00.

What the hell? Already? Damn, I take my time don't I?

*Buzz Buzz*

Joe-Bro💥: Hey, you wanna come round' mine?

Baby Devil😈: Sure, what time?

Joe-Bro💥: How's bout' 5:45?

Baby Devil😈: Sure, see you then.💚

Joe-Bro💥: See you

At least I wouldn't be alone tonight. Going to Joe's was always fun anyways. I smiled.

I'm already dressed and ready. What do I do now?

*Buzz Buzz*

Well okay then

Baby💍: I miss you Princess😞

Princess💞: I miss you too. But don't worry, we'll see each other soon enough.💋

Baby💍: Not soon enough for me

Princess💞: Oh don't be a lil' baby

Baby💍: I'm your baby

Princess💞: That's true

Baby💍: Well I gotta go, speak soon okay?

Princess💞: Of course❤️

I shut off my phone and started watching The Kardashian's. Don't judge me, what else am I supposed to do?

Jack's POV

I shut off my phone and frowned.

"Why're you frowning like that?" Conor asked.

"I miss Maggie." I said crossing my arms.

Conor rolled his eyes.

"Shut up and stop being a baby. I miss her to but you don't see me whining do you?" He said.

"Fair." I shrugged and went back to unpacking.

Maggie's POV

It was time to start getting ready to go to Joe's. I grabbed my purse and keys and left.

*At Joe's*

As I walked up to the door to Joe's, Bailey texted me.

Bails😚: Heyyyyyy sis

Baby Devil😈: What's up?

Bails😚: Not much, just wanted to see how you're doing.

Baby Devil😈: I'm good, what about you?

Bails😚: I'm good. I miss having you at home😞

Baby Devil😈: bitch, we go out together like, all the time!

Bails😚: You make a point there

Baby Devil😈: 😂Of course I do😘

Baby Devil😈: Well I gotta go, I'm at Joe's.

Bails😚: Okay, well speak soon.🌹

Baby Devil😈: Alright💗

I smiled knowing that my sister missed me made me happy. I knocked on Joe's front door and he answered in a second.

"Mags! It's good to see you." He smiled and brought me into a big hug.

"I've got some friends over that I want you to meet." I nodded and He led me inside. When we reached the sitting room, I saw a pretty looking girl, sitting next to a taller man with his arm around her.

Obviously her boyfriend.

When the girl heard me come in, she shot up off the couch and ran up to me.

"Hi! I'm Arden, Will's girlfriend." She pointed behind her. Will waved and smiled. I shook her hand and smiled.

"So Mags, how's it going?" Joe asked poking my nose.

"I'm fine, how're you three." I asked.

"We're good." Will answered.

"We were just about to film a video for my channel and I wanted to know if you wanted to be in it?" Joe asked.

"YEAH! LETS GO!" I shouted.

It's been a while since I've done that.

Next chapter