
The Past

Maggie's POV

"Alright Jack, truth or dare?"

"Ehm, truth."

I was glad he chose truth. " Have you ever had a crush on another Youtuber?" He answered within a second saying

"Oh of course!" I blushed and wondered,

Is he talking about me? I doubt it.

Jack's POV

"Truth or Dare Margaret?" I gave her an innocent smile.

"Ugh, don't call me that. But Truth."

"Have you ever kissed another YouTuber?" I could see her emotions change drastically.

Maggie's POV

My heart jumped into my throat when he asked that.

"Uhm, Yeah." I could tell, Jack was having a laugh about this.

"But he's not a very good kisser." I tease.

Jack's POV

"Oh really?" I ask.

"Yes really."

"Well, he might have to work on that with you." I wink as Maggie's face turns beet red.

Maggie's POV

We were on the final round and it was Jacks turn. "Okay, monsieur Maynard, truth or dare?"

"Alright Ms. Lindemann I choose dare!"


Jack cleared his throat and read the dare.

"I dare you to kiss Maggie." I blushed a dark red color and looked at Jack in an urgent manner.

Jack's POV

"Wow, okay, uhm. I'd rather do the forfeit. What's the forfeit?" I looked at Maggie, and when she looked back up at me she had an evil grin on her face. "You have to lick between my toes." I gagged. "What? My feet are clean!"

"Sure, in an alternate universe." I went on with the dare and ran to the kitchen to get water to wash my mouth out. "Here comes the champion. Congrats buddy, you successfully licked between my toes!" Maggie was laughing so hard at my pain. I tackled her on my bed. "I'm gonna get you for that!" I did my outro and turned the camera off.

Maggie's POV

"Phew, glad that's over. I got so awkward when they asked you to kiss me." Jack looked up at me and smiled. "I wouldn't have minded if I had to." He winked at me with his beautiful eyes. "Fuck you Maynard." I got up and left Jacks room. I heard him shout out behind me "Maybe if you're lucky." I stopped in my tracks and gave him the finger.

Jacks POV

I laughed at myself. I checked the time 7:28. We still had time to do some things (that sounded so weird😂😂) I decided to text Conor.

Jack: Hey bro

Conor: Yo, what's up?

Jack: Maggie and I kissed.

Conor: What?! Jack you need to be careful around her. She's been through a lot in her past and I don't want her to get hurt again.

Jack: I know, I'm careful.

Conor: No Jack. This girl has had her heart broken too many times. That's what caused her to start drinking and hurting herself.

Jack: Wait, she did what?!

Conor: You heard me.

Jack: I need to talk to her about this.

Conor: No, don't, she's very sensitive. And I swear to god, if you break her heart, I won't be afraid to hurt you.

Jack: ...okay, I'll be careful.

Conor: You better

Jacks POV

Holy shit. I know Conor told me not to ask Maggie about that but, I live with her. I have the right to ask her. I made my way into Maggie's room. I was about to speak, until I saw her standing over her sink, with a razor in her hands, going over her left arm. I stood there in shock.

This poor girl.

Maggie's POV

I know I promised Sophie and Conor not to do this again, but just thinking about everything just caused some part of me to snap. I was so focused, up until I felt a presence in my bathroom. I quickly covered my arm and put the razor in my other hand. I looked at Jack. His lively eyes now were filled with sadness.

"Let me see what's in your hand."

"What do you mean?"

Before I could stop him, he'd grabbed the razor out of my hand and pushed my sleeve up. I shut my eyes, wishing none of this had happened in the first place.

Jack's POV

I looked at her arm, it was covered in blood. I washed the blood off and wrapped a bandage over it. During this whole process, neither of us had said a word to each other. "I'm sorry."

I heard Maggie apologize under her breath. I turned around just to see her starting to cry.

"Don't cry, you have nothing to be sorry for. None of this is your fault okay?" I wrapped my arms around her and carried her to the couch. When we reached the couch I could see Maggie was getting sleepy.

"Do you want to head to bed?" I ask.

She nodded slowly and I carried her bridal to her room.

Maggie's POV

I didn't want to go to sleep in my room, as comfy as my bed was, I wanted to sleep next to Jack.

Should I ask him to sleep next to me? What do I do? Whatever.

"Jack?" I asked in an innocent voice.

"Yes beautiful?" He answers.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Woah! We only met today!" I hit Jack on the shoulder and smiled.

"But yes, you can sleep in my bed."

"One more thing. Can you sleep next to me? You're comfortable."

Jack rolled his eyes and smiled.

"You ladies can't get enough of me, can you?"

"Ugh, Answer the question!"

"I'll have mercy and say yes." We both chuckled.

I was too tired to change, so I just sprawled myself on Jacks bed.

"Goodnight Jack."

"Goodnight beautiful." Before I fully fell asleep, I heard something that sounded like an,

"I love you,"

Next chapter