
[NFSW] V-Card Broken {Finale}

Once naruko finished swallowing, she looked up at him with a smirk on her face, the cum leaking from her lips..the smirk lifted from her face when She saw a smirk of shiro's own, "You want to play rough huh?"

As soon as she appeared, she was next to shiro...layed out on the bed, her back facing him... Shiro had an arm hooked around her neck with a smirk, and he leaned into her...Naruko blushed as his chest touched her back. he rubbed her pussy hard..and it felt...so...good....

"Oh.... " Naruko moaned in pure bliss as shiro contined to rub back in forth to a point where his own fingers became a blur, you could not see a hand anymore...

Naurko groaned in pleasure, Shiro felt his heart flutter in joy once he looked at her half lidded eyes....

Iit was a long moment that had passed...

"S...I....I c..." Naruko couldn't speak properly, but Shiro just grinned at her.

Eventually she came....and once she did, Shiro let go.

"Now...naruko....Want to get to the main course?"

Naruko could not speak properly, as she was still breathing...so instead, she spread her legs out wide... Shiro smiled and walked forward. until her ass was touching his dick, Shiro Stared in naruko's eyes, Naruko, who gotten herself together, stared back... "Are you ready?" he asked...

Naruko nodded, a blush visible on both cheeks, "Please, be gentle, this is my first time..." she said softly

Shiro smiled, "It is the same with me...i will be gentle, don't worry..."

She smiled, and Shiro proceeded to enter... the moment Shiro's tip began to enter, shiro groaned, he could feel the tightness of her folds squeeze around it, it felt so...perfect, and he couldn't wait to put the whole thing in side....

"Naruko's mouth slowly opened more and more, as Shiro's dick got deeper and deeper, it was so...oh...it was so sexy... but he was concerned for her, and no matter how much he liked the feeling, he had to stop, just to check on her..."are you alright?"

"Don't stop...." She groaned in pain..."I can take it!"

Shiro still looked concerned at her, "If you want me to stop, just say so ok, I will..."''

She smiled at Shiro. That was the cue for Shiro to continue, Shiro slowly dived deeper and deeper, until he was fully shethed inside of her... Shiro moaned in pleasure, the feeling, it was on another level....the tightness, it was...oh my Kami...

he looked towards Naruko, who was in pain, "Naru..."

"i'm fine...." She insisted. Shiro slowly nodded, before he began to thrust his hips back in forth...each slap caused Naruko to groan, and her tits to jiggle. Shiro loved this so much. He continued to rthrust, and thrust and thrust...until much to Shiro's relief and great joy...Naruko's pained moaned turned to pleasurable ones.. Shiro smiled, and decided to increase his thrusting. as he thrusted, the whole mattress shock, and Naruko's tits jiggled violently, Shiro loved this sight so much, he could not restrain himself, his hands went over to both tits and began to fondle them.

Naruko, never felt so good in her entire life...this was this was amazing, and she was doing it with the man she loved the most...nothing could make her more happier.

Shiro picked her up, her breast were rubbing against his chest, much to Shiro's delight, and she put her own arms around his neck, Shiro was holding her by the ass cheeks and continued to pump into her.. Shiro stared into her beautiful, half-lidded eyes, and gave her a long kiss to the lips a he continued to thrust into her....

Shiro never felt this much pleasure in his life.., this was his first time, and he was doing it to the girl that he loves the most, that just made it even more amazing, the feeling, naruo is so tight, she is so lovely Oh...Naruko....

Shiro suddenly found himself on the mattress Shiro looked at her, and looked at her eyes, then slowly,, she began to bounce....Up down up down up down...

Naruko bent forward and continued to grind against Shiro, Naruko bent forward and rested herself ontop of shiro, she than began to twirrk, Shiro was in paradise, but he could not let her stay dominant for long, so he flipped her over, much to Naruko's surprise and started to fuck her doggy style..


"Shiro grabbed the ends of her hair by both hands, and began to thrust into her at an even faster pace. After a while, Shiro grabbed her by the tits, and pulled her upwards, he began thrusting into her in a standing up posistion Naruko could barely hang on,...Shiro was slowly loosing his mind as well, none of them could even think, both of them were enjoying the pure bliss they were feeeling with eachother...

"Sh,,I,,,Ah...c..."She tried to speak...but she couldn't "i..side."

"In...side?" Shiro asked,,, "are...are you....sure...?"

Naruko nodded, Shiro sighed, and it was in that moment, Seed exploded inside Naruko.

Naruko's eyes rolled up to her head, she passed out in Shiro's arms with a smile on her face.

done, How was it, I think this was my first lemon scene, crazy right? How did I do? If you like it, comment, let me know of your thoughts, and powerstones, I. LOVE. POWERSTONES! Have a good day.

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts
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