
An Impossible Possible Plan (2)

Having gotten the information that he required Bazel was about to bid Teirnan and Zaira goodbye for now, when he realized that he had almost forgotten to ask the most important question of all.

"Why exactly are all these hidden powers suddenly deciding to become extremely invested in Occultatum?" asked Bazel.

"Simple, because before recent events the town and its surrounding lands were regarded as a neutral zone. Every major faction's sphere of influence meets in the middle right here in this town, so to avoid all out war House Astra suggested that it be left alone and my own followed suit which forced the remaining ones to agree as well. Yet this all changed when the ancestral leaders of each faction received the same exact prophecy, that this town is set to be the stage for a great change...one that could completely destroy the world if left unchecked. Of course that is just one interpretation of the prophecy, as they tend to be fickle things. Either way, this little town of yours is now the center of my entire world so to speak."

Although Tiernan prefaced his explanation with the word simple, to Bazel and Neto the explanation was anything but.

'The entire town will be set ablaze due the conflicts of all these major powers, what a hassle. But perhaps I can use this..'

Bazel then finally bid goodbye to the two McGraths, for the moment at least since more pressing matters were at hand.

"Neto," began Bazel in a commanding tone, "get me in that meeting with the leadership of the department and bring the recordings from the interrogation room. I know you secretly recorded what happened, and good thing to as it will help us both out greatly."

"Ay, taking a leading role I see. I like it! Even though I don't know what your plan moving forward is amigo but me and my nino's are on board, even if I have to risk my job," said Neto, his tone going from playful to serious, "besides, if everything that Tiernan guy said is true I dont think there will be much of a town soon enough."

Bazel only heard the affirmation from Neto and the rest went in one ear and out the other as he was busy formulating how exactly he was to get the police department on his side. It did not help that most of his memories were a hazy mess and with the only way of regaining their clarity was to get punched in the face by a small feline, something that already caused everyone who had seen such a sight to do a double take and silently stifle their chuckling.

He instinctively knew how exactly to go about it, he just needed to fill in the details. For some reason he knew just what strings to tug at in order to manipulate others to his will, and though there was some kind of inherent rejection of this he simply brushed that aside.

'To gain back what was lost, the ends will justify the means'


A room full of wisps of smoke and burly men sitting around an oval table, was where Bazel now found himself. The room was otherwise neat and tidy with tones of sterilized white that could be most often found in places of medicine. Yet the ashtrays full of ash and the cigars being lit by the many men somewhat ruined the cleanliness of the room, but that was not important right now.

Scanning the faces of each and every person present, he tried to gain as much information as he could by analyzing facial expressions and postures as well as the more obvious stuff like the name and rank that was pinned onto their chest.

Bazel himself was standing on one end of the oval table while on the other end was a serious looking middle aged man who looked more like a well suited lumberjack than the venerated chief of police that he was. Seated on the left side of the table was the vice chief, a smart looking man with black rimmed glasses, close shave, and thinning hair. Seated on his right were the captains, with Neto at the front which easily showed off his seniority. Currently every single man in the room was staring at him with rapt attention, wondering why the meeting that Neto arranged was being directed by someone they had never heard of or seen before.

Having formulated his plan as best as he could, Bazel began to speak:

"Gentlemen, I am Bazel Vasa with the prosecutor's office but that position is not the one I will be speaking from today. Instead I will be speaking as a newly introduced member of a world that none of you have ever known to exist and one that is threatening the entire town with hostile takeover at best and complete annihilation at worst."

The men at the table were restless upon hearing such bold claims, but the Chief of Police silenced them with a light cough.

The Chief looked hard and long at Bazel before speaking, "You are here on the reputation of Captain Neto, know that everything that you will say from now on will be reflective of his character and could perhaps get him in trouble if you just waste our time. Continue."

'He said that not to pressure me but to stop any further interruptions, a wise man. Which means he is a useful one.' thought Bazel as he picked up the control for a projector up above and turned it on.

What played was the scene of his fight against Tiernan, then the assassination attempt on Zaira, and finally the confrontation between the assassin and Tiernan. Looking at the recording himself for the first time, Bazel noted that the scenes looked quite fanciful and almost exaggerated. Monitoring the expressions of the men in the room he saw that they most likely thought much of the same, which made him quickly come up with a way to prove that what they were seeing was true.

Once the replay ended, as expected, the men looked as if they had been served some kind of practical joke in extremely poor taste.

The Vice Chief was the first to speak, whose badge revealed his last name to be Moor, "A well edited piece of work, I am sure that video editing studios from around the country would love to hire you. But, the bullshit ends here. I suggest you walk yourself out of here quickly before I change my mind and arrest you for wasting our damn time, and YOU Neto...we will be speaking later, right after your psych eval-"

A mocking laughter rang out, stopping Vice Chief Moor in his tracks as he turned to the source in anger. However the source of the laughter, Bazel, ignored the man and instead asked a question to the Chief.

"Do you like coffee?" asked Bazel mysteriously.

To which the chief, with a barely changing expression, nodded silently. The chief was then presented with the peculiar sight of Bazel walking away towards the corner of the room, where a coffee maker was, and begin to make a cup of coffee.

Placing the filter, pouring the water, and adding the beans he carefully manipulated the machine as per his memories to make a rather mediocre pot of coffee. Under the bewildered and annoyed eyes of most of the men in the room, besides Neto and the Chief, he poured the coffee into a styrofoam cup and walked back towards the head of the table.

"Here is your coffee" said Bazel with a polite tone and placed the drink directly in front of the Chief.

All the grumbling and huffs of annoyance stopped with this seemingly simple action, with even more than just one breath of cold air inhaled suddenly.

"I must be dreaming" muttered the Vice Chief, which was a sentiment that everyone in the room shared in that moment.

The Chief of Police did not visibly react, instead he picked up the cup of coffee and slowly drank the entire thing.

"It's still warm."

He then put the cup of coffee back down and looked at what he saw in front of him, a giant portal of darkness that Bazel's hand had popped out of mere moments ago in order to deliver the cup to him.

A small chuckle escaped his lips, as his stomach jumped up and down, and soon he broke into a hearty unending laugh as his eyes teared up and he slammed the table with his fist.

The room was still silent, half wondering if their boss had finally lost it and half still in shock from seeing something impossible with their own eyes.

After several minutes of laughter the Chief finally calmed down, wiping the tears from his eyes and taking a deep breath to recollect himself.

"I thought I knew it all, the depths of this mundane life I have lived for forty years. But now, in this moment, I see something that i can not explain right in front of my eyes. Do it again" said the Chief, almost childlike wonder in his tone.

While Bazel felt somewhat like some kind of zoo animal, being stared at by wide eyes from all around, he needed the departments support for his plans moving forward so he obliged the request.

The same dark portal was created in front of him once more, except this time he stepped through it himself and appeared behind the Chief.

Standing behind the man, Bazel clapped his hands once and asked, "Satisfied?"

The Chief clapped in glee, apparently extremely enthused by the magical happenings in front of him.

"More than satisfied, far more. I believe your story completely...putting aside how amazing your abilities are," began the Chief, calming his childish outburst and demeanor and once again adopting the neutral look of one who stands above many,"does this mean that there are other people out there like you? Enough to constitute a grave threat that is?"

Bazel nodded gravely, causing every man in the room to suck in cold air once more as equally cold sweat began to form on their backs.

Thus Bazel carefully narrated all that he knew about the dangers that the town was about to face, and was already facing.

Next chapter