

Good news finally arrived today but I can't celebrate because of everything going on in my life. Actually, I wouldn't categorize the news as 'good', it's more bittersweet. Khalil was arrested on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and attempted rape. The police officer that called said he's looking at a twenty year sentence, fourteen if he's cooperative, has a good lawyer and can take a plea deal. I know that what he did was wrong, but I can't help but feel bad for him. We were close friends when we where younger and it saddens me to see how much he spiralled ever since he got into high school.

I don't want him to spend the better part of his life behind bars. I don't want his youth to be wasted, but he's not the Khalil I knew and loved back then, the Khalil that cared for me and protected me like an older brother.

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