
Xian Zihao Had Gone Wild [M]




Jiang Ruolan bit her lips and refused to make a sound. Instead, she instinctively twisted her waist and her hands trying to grab onto Xian Zihao's hand that was on her private part. He was repeatedly teasing her. 

Instead of letting Jiang Ruolan do as she wanted, Xian Zihao instantly gripped both of her hands and placed them above her head.

Jiang Ruolan was still biting her lip, but she could not hold it any longer. When Xian Zihao kissed her lips again, she gave up her last line and could not help but let out a delicate cry.

The occasional light, heavy rubbing, or probing of his fingers made her crave even more. She wanted to wrap her legs around him, but with this strength of her, the only thing she could do was lying motionless on the bed and allowed him to kiss her.

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