
Xian Guiying’s Secret Was Finally Revealed I

The Old Man thought for a moment, then narrowed his eyes as if recalling something, "I haven't been to the United States in all these years. According to Jian, there's a specialist there to accompany her, and Jian hasn't been there either. But I've never heard of any bad news, so she's probably still alive."

How light a favor.

Even if that woman had almost destroyed Xian Jian's family, she had, after all, given birth to a son for the Xian Family. Although she was at fault, her punishment was already sufficient. Twenty years of separation from her son and twenty years of insanity. 

Jiang Ruolan could finally understand Xian Jian's cold personality. He was a man without a heart.

At this moment, Cui Liuxian came down the stairs with a pot of withering flowers, as if she was looking for a way to save it. When she saw Jiang Ruolan talking to the Old Man while playing chess, her eyes flashed, and she walked towards them with the flower pot. 

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