


Boys and girls

come out to play,

The moon doth shine

as bright as day,

Leave your supper,

and leave your sleep,

And come with your playfellows

into the street.

Come with a whoop,

come with a call,

Come with a good will,

or not at all.

Up the ladder

and down the wall,

A halfpenny loaf

will serve us all.

You find milk,

and I'll find flour,

And we'll have pudding

within the hour


Servants and maids

Need not be afraid

You, my lady shall protect

As fiercely as she does me

Forget your unfinished chores

And forget your master's snores

I'll lead the way, so just follow me

Deeper into the forest

Come with your hopes

Come with your worries

Come for your friend

But don't come not at all

Over this fallen tree

Just beyond the town limits

A chance to escape

Awaits each one of us

You gather your courage

And I'll find a safe destination

So you may safely run away

Within our shadows safe embrace

William is the oldest of Zypher's saved children, 15 years of age. He and Z have helped each other out so much that neither can tell who owes more life debts. As a general rule, kids are taboo to hurt or abuse, so when this group wanders through town you can be sure to find missing kids the next day! Helping them find better places with better people; which is why this is William's poem~ <3

This is the first of many character rhymes to come! Happy reading!!


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