
Death and Rebirth

Do know about the Isekai trope? Basically what happens is the mc dies, meets god or just straight up goes to another world through reincarnation. Me, im currently in a black void. Yes I died. How? Simple, by getting run over by the legendary truck sama.

This would be a good thing however for me it wasn't. When people get reincarnated or meet god they forget to mention one important detail. HOW MUCH IT FREAKIN HURTS!!!

Seriously when I got run over, truck sama slammed me against a wall. As I was bleeding out I could hear the sound of screaming from my left. It turns out it was a woman. I'll call her Sakura. Sakura over here was selling her voice to the world for free by how much she's screaming without needing air.

' Would you please SHUT THE FUCK UP!!'I ask. Well I got my wish as my conscience slowly faded away. Finally I no longer have to listen to Sakura.

' Wait I'm forgetting something. Something important. Shit! I needed someone to delete my browser search history. '

" That what your worried about.!!"

" Hey. Do know how important that is? I don't want people going through that either way for purposes.

Also who are you? "

" I am god. "

" I see. "

" So you're not shocked that your dead. "

" Of course not. If I was alive I would be having nightmares about Sakura screaming. "

" But that woman's name isn't Sakura. "

" Yes I know. I gave her that since she reminds of her when she screamed like a banshee. "

" But you got run over by truck. Of course she would scream. "

"Your point. "


" Screw it let's get this over with. Last time I did this I allowed the person to make wishes and choose his world. "

" Really that cool. What did he wish for. "

" He went to the Haikyuu world as Hinata Shoyos older brother. Anyway your world will be chosen by this wheel. "

The wheel in front of me had many names on it. MHA, One piece e.t.c was on it. God spun the wheel and it landed on Black Clover.

' Hmm. Not a bad world. I can use magic and have fun. I'll try to find something to do there as well. '

" Alright it seems that your world will be Black Clover. Since this world has magic it will be decided by another wheel. "

A wheel appeared I front of me and God spun it. As it came to a stop I looked at my magic. I got space magic. Not bad.

" Alright since that's over with I'll be sending you there. Good luck. "

" Wait before you go. Please do me a favor. "

" Alright what is It? "

" Please erase my browser search history. "

" Are you serious?!! Fine. Just leave. "

Just like that my conscience faded away and I'm being sent to my new world.


When regained my conscience I looked around. I'm currently on the floor, awake in the middle of the night. The room isn't that great.There were other kids here on the floor with me. They were all sleeping. The room itself was made of wood and there were holes In the floor as well as the roof since water was leaking down.

I was sure I was in an orphanage. At that moment I felt a headach.I could see images the this body doing things around here. He also had general information. I gritted my teeth so that I wake no one up. Once done I looked through my memories.It seems my name is Elden. No last name. At least someone named me.

I'm in the black clover world however I'm not in the Clover Kingdom. I'm in the Diamond Kingdom. This is great for me.

Now most of you must be thinking 'what's wrong with this guy?'. The diamond kingdom does take children before conducting basically the Mizukagure exam to become genin. Make them fight against each other to the death where the strongest one who survives becomes part of the royal army.

The reason why this is good for me is that I can get training from others. I'll be able learn things from their training to survive.

' I'll survive in this world. Strength is needed. With it I'll be able to do anything I want. I'll do the things I want to do.

'This will be interesting. '

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