
Chapter 145

If you wanna read other novels, like Avatar Cold Paths or Twilight: We Are Venom go to my Patreón, https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer; see ya soon!


Time was… quite the little thing… without anything but darkness around, it was impossible to know time…. So here I was… feeling like I was floating in a void of emptiness… devoid of anything. Not knowing how long had it passed since I formally died for a second time.

I was breaking records… I had died twice in a lifetime, not many people can boast about that, at the very least… the asshole I have for a god decided to resurrect me… probably because I still have the rip off of the Lich King to defeat, not that I complained… I loved living. And if the excuse for me to live again was to murder that asshole, I was fucking in!

But while I was happy… I was coming back… I was scared, not of the challenge the Night King represented. Still, the cost of resurrecting… in the books… every person that was brought back to life… lost something, a part of them, Catelyn Stark, lost all her memories and humanity, Thoros… was but a fragmented human, walking without purpose, and Jon…. Jon felt empty… as if something he didn't know was missing. And I couldn't help but wonder… what would my price be? I knew the time of death had something to do with it.

But still, I couldn't help but… ponder over the thought, "A price…" I muttered in the void.

•Yes… a price… it's the natural order of things•

"You are rather talkative now…" It was odd to see this bastard being so responsive.

•You are in my domain… reaching you here… is fairly simple•

I suppose that made sense, but still… fuck that guy, "So a price?"

•Every time a fire starts… fuel is needed to do so… fire can't exist without a source to feed off•

"And my original source is gone?" I inquired.

•Yes… but no, your case is complicated… your life force… your fire is intriguingly big… but yes, you are right now… indeed dead•

"So I will lose something…" I can't believe that after all the shit I had been through… I made a Saiyan move; I went into battle without a strategy.

•Not much… thanks to the priestess fast action• Mental note, thank Melisandre, •but it will be something you will forever feel missing, and you may never know what…•

"Well… who knows… perhaps this resurrection will take all embarrassing memories out of my head… wouldn't that be convenient," I laughed.

•You are about to wake up… don't fail next time, champion…•

"I won't… and fuck you,"


"He's waking up!"

I slowly opened my eyes… and immediately noticed something was wrong; my right eye felt off, the why? I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Ronard!" Daenerys cried, hugging the ever-living crap out of me, and yet I felt somewhat numb; at first, I got scared this resurrection had taken my feelings, but I knew I still loved her, so I concluded I was just numb for now to say something.

*Is he okay!? Please don't make me break those walls!* Qrow roared from the outside.

*He has to be okay! If he isn't, I kill him myself!* Neltharion hissed.

*I will burn every single one of them… I will burn them all…* Rhaegal muttered.

"I feel…. odd," I muttered, as I clumsily reciprocated Daenerys affections, ��What's the damage?" I asked, wondering if my body had any permanent damage to it.

"You lost an eye and have some permanent scars in your chest and back," Melisandre was the first one to answer, "But your eye—-"

"I lost a….what?" I asked, "But I can see just fine…." I tried closing one eye, and then the other, and yeah, I was able to see, "Yeah, I can see,"

"Well, I was about to get there… the lord, not only restored your life… but your eye," Melisandre explained.

"Can I have a mirror?" I asked as I brushed the crying Daenerys that had buried her head on my chest, wanting to hear every beat of my heart.

"Sure," Melisandre nodded, giving me her mirror, and what I saw… was unique.

I had a scar that looked like the one Kakashi from Naruto had, but a tad smaller, and my eye… well, it was… awesome, it was like seeing a fucking fireplace, I mean, the white part of the eye was still white, but the part that was supposed to be colored, well, that shit looked like it was on fire, "Neat,"

*I hear him!* Neltharion roared in excitement.

*You really have to get out… those three dragons have been outside for two days,* Nick Fury cawed, *And next time you try to pull that shit off… I will fight you motherfucker!* he added jokingly.

"And lose?" I chuckled.

*I never said I would win…* Nick Fury shrugged.

"You… are really here…" Daenerys cried, sobbing in my chest, "I can't… I-" she muttered as she took a step back to better look at me, "Are you really here?" At my nod, she gave me a slap, which woke me a bit more, "Don't you ever… do something like that again… don't ever break your promises again…"

I promised her that I would never die, this was probably the most well-deserved slap ever, and I was getting off the hook quite easily.

*I know what you're thinking! 'I'm getting off the hook easily!' Well, think twice!* Neltharion growled with excitement, *I will kick your ass, old man! And my brothers will help!*

"I'm sorry… I never wanted to die…" I said, looking straight into her beautiful eyes.

"How does it feel?" Melisandre inquired.

"Being dead… was odd…. I felt like my body was floating in an endless sea of darkness…" I answered, as I took a deep breath, "Being alive again, odd too… I feel numb for now like confused with all… I just… it's weird,"

"Did you find it?" Daenerys inquired, "Melisandre told me,… you fought the monster to find its weakest… so… did you?"

"No, but I found his strengths… which is equally helpful," I sighed, "On a terrain with ice, like beyond the wall, he holds a great firepower, but his real power is the connection he has to his minions… he can see what they see all the time… meaning attacking him is near impossible… if he has an army around him,"

"Can you defeat him if you fight him… one on one?" Melisandre asked.

"Most definitely, with his army and terrain, he is above me, but in solo combat… I am better," I nodded, "He was only able to outmatch me so… bad, because I dueled him on his own terrain, under his own rules… had I known he shared a field of vision with hundreds of thousands… I would've never accepted the duel…"

"So to defeat that abomination… we have to cut his eyes… one by one," Melisandre concluded, with a very dark tone.

"That's the idea…" I nodded, as a yawn escaped my lips, "I need a nap….. I feel exhausted,"

"I will fetch someone to carry you to a bed big enough for the both of us," Daenerys said, tears still rolling down her beautiful face.

"No need… just lead the way," I said as I passionately kissed her… and it felt amazing, reconfirming the fact, I still had my emotions; perhaps I lost something insignificant after all.

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