
Chapter 120

Author Note: New novel up, Marvel Gamer Project go check it out!

I will be updating that novel twice a day, at a minimum and the chaps are long, the first one is over 3000 words.

And If you want to read up to 21 chaps chaps ahead of Got, go to


I'm currently on chapter 141

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The slaughter continued, with neltharion burning every in our path, soon the city would be ours, my ravens had informed me that my army was going to arrive any minute now, meaning this battle would be over soon.

Now, the rest was up to the Tyrells, they had to stop Cersei's backup plan, now that was a bit complicated, one segment of wildfire was more than enough to set a big part of the city on fire, so if they missed even one… the consequences… would be catastrophic.

"Let's focus now… on the troops outside the walls," by this point we had already burned all the archers and anyone close to the wall, so as to not waste any time, it was time to focus on the others.

*Got it,* Neltharion said, turning to the other troops.

As we continued burning the enemy's army, from afar I could already see my men approaching the battlefield fast, if I had to take a wild guess I would say they were a few minutes away at much, which meant it was time to open a path for them, "Burn the gates to King's landing," I ordered my son.

His fire was strong enough to break through wood, and even shattered stone, in short, the wooden gates of King's Landing were barely an inconvenience for us, but the main reason I had avoided to attack them until now, was because… I didn't want to push Cersei to her limits… at least not until my army was close, which it was the case now.

I also wanted to give the Tyrells more than enough time to plan their approach at stopping Cersei and her suicidal plan, and by the information my ravens had been giving me, they had set a big part of their army to defend those delicate spots, of the Tyrells depended if I gave my men the signal to enter the city or not.


[Tywin Lannister POV]

Chaos… pure and absolute chaos, the walls of King's Landing were in flames, the citizens were running and crying in fear and my army was broken… fire and agony breaking their formations, was our defeat always this… unavoidable, one man…one simple man… was leveling my army like they were nothing, and all he had right now with him was a dragon, one dragon by his side… and everything I planned was... burn into nothingness.

In the end it was me… who was blind, I didn't have to see more to know… that the moment Ronard's army breached within the wall, everything would be lost.

I underestimated the power that a dragon had…. by a long margin… I thought a good formation and weapons would stop the beast… but they didn't…. arrows bounced off its skin… swords couldn't reach it… and catapults were too slow to aim at the beast… and were subsequently burned like the rest of my plans.

"The gates… are gone… the dragon blew them open," one of my soldiers said with fear, shaking.

"Where is the King?!" I shouted, turning to one of my men.

"He is with the Queen my Lord," the soldier answered.

Even in the end; the idiot of a daughter I had… was destroying our name… even in defeat a Lannister must be an example! "Bring the King to me, or die trying!" I commanded, this was the last time I allowed my daughter to shame the family name, or what was left of it… if we were going to die, we would die being the lions we were.

No grandson of mine was going to hide under a skirt…he was the damn King, and like a good captain he had to sink with his boat; besides, his mother's plan was to blow up king's landing if we failed to win… and we were doing just that… failing awfully to win this fight.


[Cersei Lannister POV]

Father had failed once again to stop Ronard, he had failed me for the last time… and he would burn with the city for it, he thought I wanted to take King's Landing with everyone in the city included, but… the reality of my plan was a bit different, something I had kept secret to everyone.

The city would indeed burn… but without Joffrey, The mountain and me, I had other plans for us… for we would escape through one the many city tunnels… leaving Ronard and my father burning… with the mountain on my side, I would be able to survive… long enough to take what it was mine…

"Why do we have to escape mother! I'm a King! The enemies will kneel when they see my radiance," Joffrey complained.

"They will… but for now… we need to play our cards to the best of our possibilities," I sighed.

"Well… if we don't have any other choice," Joffrey sighed.

"Behind me," The mountain commanded, and a second later I notice why he was giving us orders, soldiers of Highgarden were in the tunnels, guarding the first explosive of the chain that would set the city on fire.

"How dare you to touch a king… you are not worthy of it!!" Joffrey hissed with anger at the mountain, failing to notice the soldiers ahead.

"We have orders to not let you pass," one of the soldiers said unsheathing their blade.

"I am your queen… so who ordered you such a thing?" I inquired.

"We have orders… and that's all you need to know," The soldier replied.

"Stay back… I'll handle this," The mountain said slowly walking towards the dozen soldiers with a smile plastered on his face, he wanted to break them… to make them suffer.

"Make every single one of them suffer… but be quick… we have at much an hour before the bear takes the city," I ordered.

"That's more than enough time," The mountain laughed, dashing towards the soldiers with a wicked smirk of pleasure.


[Ned Stark POV]

The damage one dragon alone was able to deliver was truly terrifying, no wonder my ancestors kneeled to the first Targaryen, this… was unbelievable… just Ronard and his… dragon were more than enough to level a big part of the defenses King's Landing had in place, and all it took him was about an about and a half, burning everyone and everything on his way.

And he did all this with online one out of three dragons, I can only imagine what he would be capable of doing with his three dragons… most likely he would have no need for us…

"Let's keep the fight outside, we need to wait for the King's signal to enter the city," I shouted, remembering the men we had to wait until Ronardsafe enough to enter.

In that Ronard had been very clear that if he didn't give the go signal to enter we were forbidden to do so, as to avoid everyone getting caught in the explosion.

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