
I'm a WHAT?

It's already 2 AM?

I was sure that I remembered it being 7 PM or so, but I guess that's what happens when you put all your time to a screen that radiates your eyes and causes muscle aches to your very fingers (trust me, my fingers feel numb, yet it's also painful).

My eyes are already starting to get blurry as my back started to hurt from the cheap wheelchair the company owned. I was covered in sweat since the AC was turned off.

This was expected for a college drop out like me, for the sole reason that I hated going to school. I avoided my parent's advice and decided to go to work without a proper degree.

Now I'm here working like I was nothing but a machine. Whose only motivation is to make money to eat, then waking up only to go work, then make money and repeat.

As you would expect, it is a minimum wage job and the only way to raise by 30% is to work past time. Like really past time—10 hours later kind of past time.

I looked around to see that no one is currently at the office anymore, it was just me. I think it's really impossible for people to be this long, with their families and you know. Well for me, it isn't a problem because I live alone and I'm a disgrace to the family.

Anyway, since nobody is here. I could use a little nap, right? I've been here since 8 AM, it can't be more hell than that. If I could just go somewhere other than here, I'd be more than fine with that.

I'm just... a little nap.

I sighed as I laid in my own two arms. It wasn't even a second until I passed out as I snored myself to sleep.

I could never imagine dying at this point, really. I thought it would be your normal getting caught by a guard as they thought you were some hobo that accidentally entered the building kind-of-nap (happens all the time).

It was when I woke up that it seemed strange. Thinking that it was still dark and I was still in my office, I tried to move. Yet, I couldn't as my body was stuck on something. I tried to use my arms or legs but I can't seem to feel them anymore, what's happening here? Am I getting kidnapped? That's impossible, who would want a failure like me?

I seem to be inside what seems to be a squishy container since I could still it touching my entire body except for my four limbs. Maybe I could wiggle myself out or head butt it.

I feel like my entire body is gone at this point. I tried to move different parts of my body but I discovered that I seem to sense like my spine at the end, movable. What is that? I know it feels like my spine but what if it's like a leg? Hell no, I can't feel my toes, maybe my toes are gone! Did I get reincarnated as a stick or something?

I'm so confused!

I decided that I need to get out of this dark place and stretch my entire spine straight. I pushed it with the end of my tail or whatever this thing is, became like my balance.

It was when I was finally able to puncture it as I see nothing more than dim-light. What kind of place did I end up in? This must be some kind of dream at this point, this is hardly anything but a horrible joke.

I poked my head out of what seemed like a sack as the sight terrified the living daylight out of me.

There were a lot of eggs that looked like reptile eggs with a more slim and long look! Like a lot of them that I can't even count with my own two hands— where are my hands! Ahhhh, where are my legs! This is not the time to panic, no it is! I thought it just went numb from all the sleeping and typing the keyboard, but no!

I was starting to get frantic as everything became first when all of a sudden, the eggs hatched snakes! They hatched snakes! Like a lot of them, all of the same time. I witnessed that with my own two eyes as their heads suddenly popped out like whack-a-moles!

That's when I realized the place I was standing in. You guessed it, a freaking egg. That's when it surprised me no more—I was a snake. I seem to have a pattern like that of camouflage suits, but lighter. I have that tint of peach-colored skin on me and my scales don't feel that scaley yet.

Did I sin too much in my last life that this was formed as a punishment? Then if so, please forgive me. Baptize me, anything!


No answer, huh? Well, F#ck you then you stupid piece of God trash!

What am I supposed to do, now? I can feel myself dying of hunger since I didn't eat earlier. Is there any food here?

I saw what seemed to be my sisters(brothers?) eating on something laying on the ground. It wasn't myself to be picky since I'm in a dangerous situation, "Do you have some room for me—" I asked my siblings as I almost died from trauma.

They ate another snake as I freaked the hell out, I felt my soul trying to escape my body but hell no, we're in this together! I can't eat something like that, I just can't do that! Cannibalism isn't suited for me.

If that wasn't terrifying enough, I saw as a snake that looked double the size of Titanoboa appeared out of the scene.

It's slithering caused the ground to rumble as her mocha-colored scales moved like a slow train. She stopped as her eyelid opened three times to show her gigantic 15 feet reptilian eyeball in front of me.

I froze like a perfectly-made statue as she stared at me with marvelous green Sclera. I also noticed that her belly seemed to be uniformed plates of peanut-colored scales as it runs until her tail.

Yes, I kinda secreted feces when we met eye to eye. Literally.

"H-hi mom?"

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