
Chapter 27

Stepping off the boat Satoru, Killua, Gon, and Alluka went and looked at the tall buildings they could see in York New City.

" Can't believe we are already here. " Gon said.

" Wonder how Leorio and Kurapika have been? When can will we get to see them? " Gon asked.

" They will arrive here soon. We just have to wait. " Satoru said.

" Well since we are here, I'm going to go check out the market. " Killua said.

" I'll go with Killua. " Gon said.

" Me too. " Alluka said.

" Okay. I'll go and find a place to stay for all of us. I'll text you the location after I buy it. " Satoru said.

" Okay. "

" Have fun, you guys. " Satoru said as he walked away.


" Wow. " Alluka said as her eyes widened at the sight of the market.

" This place is huge. " Gon said a study looked around.

After making a detour to the library to learn about Greed island from the message Ging left for Gon, Killua, Alluka and Gon headed to the market as planned.

Satoru already knew about the game but Killua and Gon told him about it anyway.

" Don't get lost. For now, we should look for a store to get you a phone. " Killua said as he looked at Gon.

" Okay. "

" Brother can but something as well? " Alluka asked.

" Yep. Just make sure you don't break afterward. "

" Okay. "

"Let's go get Gon's phone first. " Killua said.

Walking to the phone shop, they looked at the different phones available. Killua made sure Alluka didn't touch anything as they may get scammed for it breaking.

It's not that he doesn't trust his sister, it's just he doesn't want to pay money when he knows he can get back after he threatens the man later. But that would be too much work.

" Hey what about this one? " Gon asked as he pointed at a large phone.

" That's a good choice Gon. "

Recognizing the voice, Gon turned to see Leorio standing behind him.

" Leorio. " Gon said.

" Yo. "

" It's been a while, old man. How's being old treating you? " Killua asked.

" I'm a teenager. Get it right. " Leorio said with a tick mark on his forehead.

" Hello. You are that guy who ran away to get on the blimp? " Alluka said as she pointed at him.

" Hahaha yep. " Leorio said nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

Killua and Gon snickered.

After buying Gon a phone and Alluka getting something she wanted which was a plushie they walked away from the market and sat at a restaurant for food.

" Greed island. " Leorio repeated as he ate a fry.

" Yep. It's being auctioned. The problem is that we don't have enough money to buy it. " Killua said as he wiped some of the creams that were on Alluaks face after she took a bite of her crepe.

" Makes sense. " Leorio said.

" Oh yeah. Leorio can you use Nen? " Gon asked.

" Yep. I mastered all the basics except for Hatsu. Haven't made mine yet and haven't started to learn the advanced techniques. " Leorio said.

" Same. We still have some advanced techniques to learn. We haven't made our Hatsu yet either. " Killua said.

" Makes sense. Guess I have to work harder. " Leorio said.

"How're your studies going for being a Doctor?" Gon asked.

" Really good. Managed to get past many exams to get to this point Though it's hard to juggle training in Nen with learning about biology. " Leorio said as he laid his on the table.

" I see. Hang in there and don't die. " Killua said with a thumbs up.

" You can do it. " Alluka said with a thumbs-up as well.


" Yo everyone. It's been so long. " Uvogin said as he looked at all the members who gathered here.

" It has been a while. " Pokunoda said as she looked at everyone.

" Hey, Uvogin. Fought any strong people lately?" Nobunaga asked as he looked at Uvogin with a grin.

" Not really. Most jobs were quite boring. " Uvogin said before yawning just thinking about those jobs.

" Makes sense. " Shalnark said.

"It's nice to know that all of you have been doing well. "

They all turned towards the shadow where they saw their leader looking at them from the stone he was sitting on.

" Boss. It's been way too long. So what are we doing this time? " Uvogin asked excitedly.

" Don't worry I'll be telling you shortly. Let's just wait for everyone to show up. "

" Everyone's here except Hisoka though," Phinks said.

" He likes a good show. He'll come here but he'll be fashionably late. " Machi said with an indifferent tone.

" That's true. " Uvogin said.

While this was happening, Satoru was sitting on the tallest skyscraper in York New.

He took his mask off and wore sunglasses. He looked at the bustling city below him while drinking a can of coca-cola.



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