
Group Bonding

Despite being a match with non lethal rounds, they still have the amount of ferocity as if they were suppressing actual enemies in the field. I looked back at my teammates. A quick flurry of rounds hit Sebastian, who was partially revealed from his spot. Knocking him into the ground, he grunted from the pain. He raised his arm up, signaling to the others of him returning back.

The squad seems to be firing in different intervals, to keep a constant amount of suppression on us. Though it seems there's only one merc beamed at my position.

Just need to focus on that one guy instead, wait for the firing to stop and begin a flank.

The moment i waited for came, the gunfire above me stopped. I ran as fast as i could to their cover, staring down i opened fire on the reloading mercenary. Emptying my magazine until the merc raised his hand up.

"Good flank." The merc complimented, not a hint of annoyance or rage at the fact i gunned him down using non lethal rounds. Humble, he's cool.

The other mercs were distracted by my sudden assault on their teammate and started focusing on me. I ducked below cover the merc used.

Nora stared at me, analyzing the situation from her barricade. She looked behind her, by herself without warning, she leapt out of her cover and charged directly at the mercs. Sebastian and Stephen noticed, joining quickly after.

Swiftly as they charged, Nora stormed their cover, firing with her weapon. The rest also following suit.

The match ended fast, the remaining mercenaries of the other team went back to their spawn. Putting their arms on different parts of their body.

A loud buzz marked the end of the match.

"ALRIGHT, MATCH OVER. PLEASE EXIT NOW." A voice announced, the glass barrier descended down.

"That was rather quicker than I expected." Mary commented.

"It was because Damon here found a way to make it quick. Nice job." Nora patted me on the back while we walked out.

"Alot of people really wanna try this new place, you guys up to drink some coffee for awhile?" Sebastian asked.

"Heard the cafeteria is giving out hot chocolate right now." Thalia replied.

"Hot coco it is then. Anybody gonna do anything else?" Nobody answered back at his question.

"Alrighty then, all of us are gonna get a warm drink."

"What do we do with these mags?" Mary raised an empty magazine.

"There's a container outside for that, one like the shooting range container." Thalia replied.

At the locker room we went different ways. I return the guns into the bag, zipping it up. More people were walking around here than before.

I waited for the rest of my teammates, who were still prepping up their stuff to leave.

The others got back at the door, all still in their armor, with bags resting behind or on the sides.

"Alright, lets dump the mags first." Sebastian walked out the door first, leading the group.

Through the ammo room i followed him, to a container at the side of this place.

The container was less full than the one at the range. Finishing up on dumping whatever mags we had left, we continued back on our intended path.

"Best to put back our stuff before we go, baggage can get heavy." Stephen advised.

In the range, Lennox was nowhere in sight. Must've left early.

We got to the elevators, a click and the doors closed shut.

The walk back to the quarters was rather uneventful, walking from the room back to the quarters, holding the bag filled with our weapons.

The long walk came to an end, we step inside the main room, quickly walking to our private rooms.

Inside mine, i drop the bag inside the armory. Taking out all its contents, returning them to their closets. That match was rather fun, though i did make it shorter for everyone with the flanking.

A warm atmosphere envelops the armory, fitting each gun from the bag into their closets. Back to the drawer for this empty bag, i stripped down from my armor into my shirt and pants. I return the new armor back to the stand and hopefully for the last time, placed the old armor inside this empty drawer.

After all became settled and done in the armory i step out, awaiting my friends, so we can drink some hot coco together. To have a peaceful time together apart from sticking close in missions.

Outside the rest of the team stood, some still absent though.

"Alright let's get some hot coco." Sebastian announced. We stepped out, this time walking towards the cafeteria.

A short quiet stroll through the hallway, oddly enough. It had less people that before, only 3 to 4 groups walking by. Are they in their rooms? or is it because of the room next to the range?

From the cafeteria i can already smell the sweet scent of hot chocolate, like it was made from large fresh batches. Its smell encompassing the room. Even from the entrance to this place.

Thalia inhales deeply, taking in the scent of the chocolate.

"Smells so good." Thalia walks immediately to the front, yearning to get a sip of that good chocolate.

"Hey hold up now-" Stephen tried to stop Thalia, but she was already rushing to get a good cup of coco.

"No point in waiting now." Mary runs to the front, along with Thalia.

I walk to the front, the smell luring me in more and more. Mercs sat around in the cafeteria sipping their cups of coco as well.

We all got in line. Thalia got hot coco first, the person behind the counter gave her a cup of hot coco. Thalia placed it near her nose. Still addicted to the scent before she took a sip.

It got to me, they handed me a cup, warming my hands as i held on it with 2 hands. Thalia sits on a random table, continuing to sip her hot chocolate.

We all sat down sipping our hot chocolate.

"MMMMM this is just what i need!" Thalia exclaimed.

"It's a nice drink to unwind with." Mary added.

"So, everyone doing well after the mission we did?" Sebastian asked.

"Surprised none of us got heatstroke from it." Mary laughed.

The group begins conversing about our mission, i stayed silent sipping my hot chocolate, observing as they talk, Luna sat on the other side of the table, also quiet. Sipping her hot chocolate.

I took a sip, the heat slightly burned my tongue but sweetness quickly followed. Relaxing, and sweet.

"What about you Damon?" Sebastian faced me, and so did the others. I looked at them with a questioned face. What about me?

"How did you feel about the mission we did?" Sebastian asked.

"Very hot, and i got a hatchet." I replied. I should go back to the room after this and clean that thing, same goes for the other ones. Does the gunsmith desk have a sink i can use? Or i should get water from the bathroom.

"What about your altercation with that guy?" Sebastian asked another question.

"One of the more physical fights i had as a merc here." I replied.

"You got a hatchet in return and you fought savagely, when you got out it looked like you ate that guy's face and body." The whole group laughed at Mary's comment.

The the group still went on with their convo, taking small sips as they chat. The warm atmosphere of relaxation from the fighting we had and the chaos that is ongoing outside, everyone smiled while talking. Luna still stayed reserved on her side, quickly drinking her hot chocolate. Not taking in time to savor the sweetness.

"I gotta go." Luna quietly excused herself from the group, walking away into the hallway. Until out of sight from here.

Time went by as the group kept their conversation going until their cups were close to becoming empty.

I downed the rest of my chocolate, as they finished their own cups.

"Alright, seems our relax and chat time is up. Best to spend time tending to our weapons and armor or do academy jobs here."

Standing from our seats, Thalia gathered the cups from the table, walking to the nearby cart to dispose of it.

We head back, this time splitting from each other, heading to our own places in the academy. Be it for work or tending to our weapons.

In the main room I head directly to my armory.

This is gonna be one tiring day of cleaning I thought to myself, I checked around the gunsmith table. Finding the things I need to clean my weapons and bring them back to tip top shape, as if they were recently made. Lubricant, brushes, a cleaning rod for the barrel, some cotton swabs, and finally a rag to clean it all off. I couldn't find any sinks in the armory. Guess i should get water from the sink, some weapons don't need a deep cleaning while a lot still require it. Alright, it's time to begin, starting from the hatchet i have to the weapons heavily used with little cleaning and maintenance.

I have returned huntsmen, with another chapter. About a month from the last chapter, now im back. Thank you so much for your patient wait, and now here's a chapter yet again of the parabellum academy and Damon's life as a huntsman.

Thank you so much for your support.

Razedealercreators' thoughts
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