
Sebastian the Captain

"Listen, the plan is that we use the gas of the school to calm the protest." The man said to Sebastian.

"This is bullshit, all were doing is igniting a riot. It aint gonna solve anything, were just fanning the flames." Sebastian slammed his hand on the table.

The man sat back on a chair that was behind him and let out a big sigh, Sebastian looks down and sits back in his chair.

"Whats going on?" Mary whispered, with her mouth near my ear.

"I dont know but they are really ticked about it." I replied.

The man retrieves something under him and puts it on the table, they were folders with the word 'RAMAZA RIOT' stamped in red on each of them. Sebastian stood up and took the folders opening the first one he got, as he examined it a worried expression swept across his face.

"Its an unethical plan if things turn south, but its plan b so try your very best to limit the risk of the using this. The protocol will be given if things get dirty on the street, the government is in shambles as we speak.

Sebastian storms out of the room, we follow to see what happened.

"What happened in there?" I asked Sebastian who was leaning against the wall outside the door.

"Damnit, the next mission is to help supervise a protest. The government ordered mercenaries to join the riot police to cull the unruly citizens, they fucked it up from the start by opening fire. Now the protests turned to riots and now every huntsman is but our group, if the crowd becomes violent the police will shoot them. We need to try our best to make the crowd less violent before they love their lives." Sebastian explained.

Sebastian pulled out a flask and began drinking from it, hopefully its water. In his other hand were the files that he read.

"Here read it, i need to think. Talk to me when your done, im gonna go to the roof." Sebastian hands me the folders.

"Im gonna talk to Sebastian for awhile Damon, you can read. Im gonna keep him company for now." Mary follows Sebastian as he walks to the elevator.

I opened the file and inside were pictures of crowds and police both divided, in the crowd were kids, teens, old people, qnd adults all in the same protest. The police wore dark blue armor with a mask that blocks the face from the crowd, a truly demoralizing act that may or may not help the riot control. The paper in the first folder titled 'History of Ramaza riot' inside it reads, "Civil unrest began after inaction of government on corrupt individuals, began 6 months ago in Zamazi park. Reports say police who responded were assaulted and beaten, possibly the aggressors. Gunfire erupted as people in the crowd opened fire with small arms mostly pistols, armed police reaponded and a bloodier battle ensued. News broadcasting ecouraged more violence against police as news stations began going against the government. Unsure whether for personal reasons or pure hatred, arrests were few but all arrested were the most violent in each protest. Normal officers were dispatched but then escelated to riot police and military, after crowds began attacking and destroying police barricades. The protests are leaderless with the behavior determined by the most influential in the crowd, be it violent or peaceful." The protest started peaceful then escelated because of instigation by crowd members, hmm i feel bad for these officers.

I placed the file at the very end of my hand and looked at the second file, the paper had a stamp that read 'PLAN A' inside the paper it reads, "In the event riots dont occure all police officers shall stand ground and shall not advance, weapons to supress the crowd should not be used yet unless ordered to or the demonstration becomes violent. If the police encounter any violent protester in the peaceful crowd, they shall open up and drag the person inside the police wall. From there the individual shall be arrssted and the demonstration will continue, lethal force is strongly discouraged as long as the protesters dont attempt to attack any law enforcement officer. Maintain a wall of officers with shields on the front, the second row shall contain officers ready to arrest any violent indivisuals. The reserve shield personnel shall replace the front shield officers when they beckme tired or may be placed in the back of the front shield officers, for extra resistance when the crowd tries to push the police back but show no violence in doing so." I turned to the last folder which was colored red with the word 'PLAN B' stamped in black on the front.

The pictures inside showed weapons, non lethal and lethal all on a desk. The paper read, "When the crowd becomes violent the first strategy is as follows: Officers shall begin firing smoke canisters in order to confuse the crowd, the officers must fire at the air and make the canister land in the crowd as it may injure the protesters if fired directly, and possibly cause more violence. Water may be used to stun the crowd but not at the level that may kill protesters. pepper spray shall be released via gas tanks behind the front shield officers, if the crowd is stuck in one location call in a second police wall to isolate the crowd and begin arrests." As i was reading a paper slipped out, the paper had a dark red stamp on it that said, 'Last plan'.

The plan had a printed picture of machine guns and rifles, the paper reads "If the strategies fail and the crowd opens fire or begins assaulting the police wall do as follows: All shield officers reinforce the front and advance, push back all protesters that push back. After this shields must disperse and reveal weaponry, if the crowd is not dissuaded with the weapons or contimues firing. Shoot the crowd no exceptions man, woman, child, elderly all must be shot dead, fortunately this is only in the event that none of the strategies are successful. Make sure that the crowd does not become violent."

After reading this footsteps got closer and closer, i look up and it's Sebastian.

"So you read the plan right" he asked with a tired voice.

"Yeah and where is Mary?" I asked with the papers still in my hands.

"She went somewhere maybe eat more noodles" Sebastian replied, he took the papers from my hands and arranges them in order.

"We need to make sure the protesters dont escalate, if they do we are gonna have another war crime added to the schoolbook. When i joined i expected killing criminals, not possibly killing innocents. That was my dream when i joined the huntsmen, to fight crime and earn money while doing so. I may kill people but i have ethics and morales."

"If thats the case we better have a good plan to stop them." I replied.

"Dont worry i made plans while i was talking to him, the trip is in a day or two so we have some time." Sebastian explained.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the teammates it seems you were a good choice after all." Sebastian said.

"Wait, you chose me as a new person in the team?" I asked stuttering in my words, as i cant believe it.

"Well no, all groups must have 10 constantly. So we only had 9 the whole time until 5 months ago when we were notified that we have a new recruit going to our team." Sebastian replied.

"Oh so thats how it work. Wait what was the guy talking about, when he talked about our school gas?" I asked.

"He will ship canisters filled with a special gas made from the arcanes. I hated the idea of using the gas because it was gas not tested yet by the research facility of the school, it was meant to incapacitate the enemy but in doing so the process to incapacitate then tampers with the brain. It has a chance to overload a part of the brain, be it rage, sadness, happiness, it was never tested so who knows what that thing can do." Sebastian sighed in an exxagerated tone, "I came from a family that work as cops, i wanted to be dofferent so i did this. Risky work but i guess its more effective than normal police, how? i dont know i just think the school has better soldiers than the country has. Im rambling at this point, since Mary went out to eat i forgot we should go see Stephen, he said he has a new sniper rifle we can see, come follow me."

Sebastian walks to the elevator entering it, i followed shortly after. I stepped again inside this small elevator as Sebastian tapped a button on the pad, the doors close and the elevator goes down.

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