
New Hope


Autumn 2310

A quiet neighborhood street, birds chirping and flying…. Our eyes fall on an old Victorian two-story house with the voices of three women laughing with each other as they climb the final flight of stairs to the attic. "Welcome to Murph manor" rug in front of the door. As we go inside, we find a set of triplets. Well, they aren't really triplets, but they are sisters.

Shania oldest daughter at 24 years old. 5'8" long thick brown hair that reaches her waist, which is currently pulled up into a high braided ponytail, almond shaped green eyes, high cheekbones, light brown skin. She has curves in all the right places. Personality – shy to start off but once she gets comfortable around you, she becomes the jokester unless things get serious.

"You know we need to start getting rid of stuff. We are the last three living in this house before it gets sold to the highest bidder just like us."

Alicia, middle daughter 23 years old. She's the tallest of the bunch 5'11", collar length reddish brown hair, almond shaped hazel eyes dark brown skin. Tall, athletic frame. Personality – go with the flow unless it hits her principles.

"We know let's do it now so that we can get this over with. That way we pick what we each want to keep and what we want to sell."

Yasminia, youngest daughter 22 years old. I am on the shorter side at 5'6". You know the drill shoulder length dark brown hair, almond shaped emerald eyes with medium brown skin. I'm a BBW with a small waist with top bottom that match well for someone of my height. I figured I'd be the narrator for this story because I'm writing this in secret. Personality – closet otaku and writer.

"I just hope that our new homes are near each other. We are the last of our family and I don't want to lose touch with you. Especially, now that everyone else has died during the war."

If you wondering about what war I'm referring to: it would be the intergalatical war of that started about 200 years ago when several alien races landed on our planet to have a battle because they thought Earth was as good a place as any since it's far away from everyone else's home world and earth didn't have any creatures of intelligence on it. Boy were they in for a surprise when we, the entire planet, came together to shove a few nukes in their pie hole. LOL

Well they got pissed at us and started trying to kill every human on the planet until the Interplanetary Counsel of Peace (I.C.P.) found out about it. However, you know how government works they are slow as all get out to come up with a solution. When they did, they realized that Earth was in danger due to the pollution from all the weapons used. A lot of people died from getting sick. The ones most affected were the people closest to the fighting. They died right away within a few months. Then it started to spread.

I.C.P. made all planets involved take a section of the planet and assist with cleanup of the air, water and soil. Each planet was also responsible to send doctors to I.C.P. that will work together detoxifying all the remaining people and animals of Earth. Good news, right? Well, it is good and bad. Good news no one's dying anymore from toxins, but bad news is that the toxins have killed off an unusually amount of men and for the men/women that are left have changed them making it impossible to have kids with other humans. So, now Earth's leaders have complained to the I.C.P., who have come up with a solution while the team of doctors are working on it. It's a type of exchange program but you will be getting married to people on another planet. However, Earth's leaders would only agree to it if the person who went into these relationships agreed with it. The I.C.P. decided on a set of rules:

1. Male/Female must go into the marriage willingly including setting a few demands that will make the transition comfortable for that person since they are leaving Earth and will not return.

2. Once said person gets married, they understand that they will be matched to who they are compatible with.

3. They also understand that marriages will link the individuals until death because divorce is not possible for other species.

4. There will be a period of 90 days, which will be consider the engagement period, where the person getting married will have to get everything in order and pack before the move.

5. All partners that are participating in this project, have been thoroughly checked and are in no way abusive or are a part of this program to enslave the human race.

Well, that's enough of that right now, we'll come back to this stuff later. let's go back to my sisters and me. We've reached the attic and Shania is feeling around on the wall for the light switch.

Alicia "Yasi stay still til Shy finds the lights. We all know you are clumsy."

Yasminia "Hey, I take offense to that. I'm not clumsy."

Shania "Girl, please. Coming from the same person who tripped over nothing in her own closest right."

Alicia "LOL, what about the time she slipped and fell when she just stood up at the movie theater."

Yasminia "Hey, come on guys really that was a long time ago."

Shania/Alicia "Dude seriously that was just last week." "Jinx"

Laughter fills the air and lights blink on.

Shania "Alright, let's get to work hopefully it will only take us a few days to go through all this stuff."

Yasminia " I think it would be best if we each start on the side that has our personal stuff in it make a pile in the middle for all the stuff we aren't keeping and leave the last side for another day since we should go through it together."

Alicia "Sounds good to me. It should take us maybe a few hours to go through our stuff. Instead of just piling it all in 1 pile in the middle. Why don't we make three piles: trash, donation and gifts to friends?"

Shania "I'm wit it"

Yasminia "What time are the people coming today for the pickup?"

Alicia "Around 5pm, I think but they will come every day around the same time to help us get rid of the stuff we've piled in the three categories."

Yasminia "Ok. It's a little after 10am now why don't we hit it for a few hours and break for lunch around 1pm"

Shania "Got it."

Meanwhile, at the I.C.P. the counsel has screened the next round of men. What we didn't know at the time was that these marriages were a little bit different than the ones on Earth. Most of the relationships will have multiple wives or husbands.

In this round, there are three groups of men, who are all looking for a wife and just so happen to be related. They are from a planet called Zanderia. This planet is over 3 trillion light years away from Earth. The Galaxy it is in resembles ours with the number of stars, planets and a sun. However, the planet of Zanderia, which is the 3rd planet in this solar system about the size and looks of Jupiter with rings around it like Saturn with 2 moons that orbit the planet, is ruled by the counsel of 3. The planet is split into 3 territories: Taquelon leads the only matriarchal society of Elves. Zander leads the shifters. Lunion is over Majix. Majix is a race, which you guessed it have magic and control of the elements.

A building with dome shaped center 4 stories high with 3 wings that branch out into the territory of the 3 races. In the domed part of the structure on the 1st floor sits a conference room that our 9 participants are waiting. Conference room doors open, Zander walks in the room to make eye contact with his sons, nephews and their friends in the room. Zander's voice moves through the room and fills it.

Zander: I've brought all of you here because our planet has been chosen for a very special reason. As you know, every planet that took part in that war game on Earth 200 years ago have to help continue that species due to our ancestors' negligence. The I.C.P. is having all planets that were involved to marry humans in order to continue the human race until a cure can be found and to promote peace between the races. The reason all nine of you have been brought in is a special case. The three women that you will marry are sisters and one of their requests was that they be together since they are the only family that remains after the detoxification procedures.

Xavier: Father, that means you have specifics on them right.

Zander: Of course, I do. I brought all of you together so that you will not only get information on each of your brides but her sisters as well.

Rocq: Uncle you said there are 3 sisters who is grouped up together?

Zander: Rocq you are paired with Ivan and Ian. Xavier you are with Chance and Daniel. Mykel, Ysanel and Lowinut are together.

Mykel: Huh, it's how we usually are anyway. What are the odds.

Zander, Lunion and Taquelon are the current leaders of Zanderia's counsel of 3.

Zanders' son: Xavier – crown prince, Rocq – 2nd in line, Lowinut – 3rd in line

Lunion (Zanders' younger brother) sons: Mykel, Ivan, and Ian (Ivan and Ian are twins)

Taquelon: Ysanel only child

Chance and Daniel are twin brothers that are Xavier's best friends and personal guards.

Ysanel is best friends with Mykel and Lowinut.

Mykel is first son and heir of Duke Lunion.

Ivan and Ian usually go off and do their own thing.

Lunion: Well, it's probably because you're grouped together for compatibility and your personality traits. Especially so that there is balance in the relationships. The human females haven't been informed yet that their matches have been found. You'll meet each other during the wedding which will be happening in 60 days.

Zander: It's enough time for all 9 of you to make sure you have your houses in order and find houses close to each other for the time being. We have a while before the 3 of us retire and hand things over to our heirs.

Taquelon: Why not just let them live in the vacation home that we share at the other intersecting point of the 3 territories?

Ysanel: I agree that way if we are needed here, we have access to not only video conferencing and teleportation facilities.

Xavier: Plus, we still have our own individual space. The females are still close and it's more like a resort than a vacation home anyway. All in favor of this plan.

""""" Yes"""""

Zander "1st we'll look over the material on your respective wives."

Taquelon "2nd Then you're going to split up into groups: 1 group to tackle setting up the house and preparing the ceremony and the other will be 1 member of each group going to meet and bring them back."

Lunion "System open all materials sent by I.C.P. and begin file in chronological order of the females."

Taquelon "I'm pretty sure you will know when you see them who is meant for whom. However, I'll see if I.C.P. is correct in their assessment. The 3 girls names are: Shania, Alicia, and Yasminia. I.C.P. thinks that the best matchups are:" (At that moment the video starts playing showing a picture of each girl with the partners names to the right of her picture and her stats on the left.)

Xavier, Chance and Daniel: Yasminia

Rocq, Ivan, and Ian: Shania

Mykel, Lowinut, and Ysanel: Alicia.

Wanted to try writing down ideas floating in my head to see if I'm any good at conveying my thoughts into words that others can understand.

Solidgrnd78creators' thoughts
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