
Ji Yuan holds Destiny's hand

 Destiny was suddenly looking with woeful eyes on Ji Yuan, "Do you really meant what you have just said?"

Ji Yuan put on a straight face as he tried to say with great seriousness, "Even though I don't remember what I did when I was drunk but I am also a gentleman of the sword. I guess that I have no other choice but to accept what I have signed and accept this betrothal agreement that is between us."

The Goddess Destiny was startled, "Real-ly?"

Ji Yuan nodded, "Really. Moreover, you are really a likeable maiden. So, why not?"

The Goddess Destiny was looking blissful all of a sudden as she looked at blankly at Ji Yuan…

Ji Yuan was also grinning in his heart; he had purposely made her heart succumbed so that he could alleviate her up again. In this way, she would better cherish him and he would be her lord.

Anyang had heard Ji Yuan's thoughts alright as she said weakly: This is totally unnecessary, you know. She likes you…

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