
The Confession

The steep slopes of the white citadel were not the lofty peaks itself as Ji Yuan soon discovered the hard way.

It was actually hundreds of thick metallic chains that were chained to the white citadel and each chain was as tens of miles long!

Because it was covered with thick snow and ice, it looked like a lofty peak from afar.

And now Ji Yuan and his party were now climbing onto the thick chains carefully.

The icy winds were blowing furiously above.

One wrong move, they will slip!

One slip, they will fall down hundreds of miles below!

And the efforts for the past several days will be in vain!

Yes, the white citadel was further and larger than they had thought; they had indeed been climbing for the past several days.

Ji Yuan was cursing under his breath, "Why are there so many cultivators around?"

He had literally seen thousands of them already.

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