
System functions

Mark sighs "how many draws do I have?" [ host has 10],"i wish to trade 7 for experience" [host has 356,576,575 experience was 0 before trading] "can I do something?" Lariciá asks [does host give permission?] "Do I have a say?" [nope] "then why ask?" [so I'm not the one she is angry at,] "SICILY!" Mark yelled, Lariciá "I wish to use a system draw" [you can-] "just do it" Mark sighs, [using one out of 10 draws, because Lariciá didn't do the tutorial unlike Maste- Host who is a lot more sensib- knows more to make better uses] "I AM SENSIBLE" Lariciá roars, "you sure?" Mark asks "no" Lariciá responds, [rolling], 3 slots appeared in there peripheral vision, the first lands on a sword, [Lariciá retrieved an obsidianite sword, information about the sword isn't aloud for Lariciá hasn't unlocked that part of the system!] "give me the details!" [or what?] "I'll call the authorities!" [...May I cuss her out?] "hahahahaha, fill free" [thanks, Just Because You had everything you every wanted before you spoiled little bratty b****, You don't have whatever you want so go ahead and still tried to be a spoiled little brat and see how long you live!] "I've lived for an hour so far!" [you mean 3 minutes?] Lariciá face goes red, "well no one loves you!!!" Lariciá smirks [I have Mark and that's all I need], "your both useless," [undoing all functions] "WAIT, I-I didn't mean it!" "?" [?] "what do you mean?" Mark asks, "s-sorry" Lariciá says.

[Larciá earned an apology reward]

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