
Half-day relationship

Although Devin was listening to the woman's rattlings, not a word made a hole in his brain. Like a wife caught by the cheated husband red-handed, Devin was heebie-jeebies imagining the worst consequences. He has forgotten to confess one crucial matter to Leena. No, he deliberately ignored it since he knew Leena would make fun of him instead of getting angry. If Valen brings the topic of a half-day girlfriend, he will be dead meat in Leena's hands today. The only thought that came into his mind was running away. ''Umm..Valen,'' He started. ''I have urgent work. Can we meet next time?''

''Can't you postpone for a little while? Let's go for lunch. I feel like it's been ages since we met.''

''I have a business meeting to_

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