
Who are you?

After conversing with Francis, Leena stepped into the car and jumped onto the complainer in a split second. Devin has to hold on to the car steering for support with the sudden incursion.

"You are not only a copy cat but a kvetch also." Leena straddled and attacked him from the front seat itself. "Complaining is also mouth farting. Do you know this?"

"Well, then I don't mind hearing from your mouth." He chuckled. He did not intend to complain to Francis but it slipped out of his tongue when he spoke with him yesterday night.

"It's your mouth, idiot." She bawled remembering the sticky note he has put in the bathroom when they were in Seattle. She can never forget those ten days memories with him.

"Curb your temper, sweetheart." With one hand, he held her hands, and with the other, he moved the seat all the way back for as much as possible so that she doesn't hit her back to the steering wheel and knock the gear shifts.

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