
January 24, 2021: Koev li halev

Syn merely heard a sonorous absence of sound in her ears. Apres a few seconds, she lost the sensation that she had on her body, unaware of what was happening to it - She only felt numbness washing over her whole existence. Every scene that was occurring around her seemed as if they were currently shown on a broken-down television.

The lady hurriedly looked at Oriella in utter confusion. Although, upon meeting the gaze of the investigator, her wonderment grew as she saw how widened the eyes of the woman were. She wanted to ask what was wrong, yet her lips remained sealed.

Then, all of a sudden, a burning discomfort arouse in her left arm. It was as if the limb was being strangulated by chain links that were heated beforehand. However, in the next moment, her mind was distracted from the pain by the abrupt movement of the car. The lady didn't anticipate that the vehicle would lurch forward, so she wasn't able to avoid another collision between the left side of her body and the door.

At that point, it fully registered to her that something was amiss with her left arm, by virtue of the redoubled ache from the hit. Accordingly, she quickly glanced down to scrutinize it.

'What's this?' She said while she touched the area an inch above her left elbow.

When her right index finger grazed the edge of the hole that was steadily oozing with blood, adrenaline emerged from her consciousness. The nausea that dominated her senses now kicked-in, making Syn feel queasy. Withal, aside from suffering from the torment in silence, she didn't have any other reaction.

Not even a whimper nor a word of complaint came out of her mouth. Syn just sat on her seat, still perplexed on the actuality of the entire events. Gradually, the lady's perception processed the cacophony of the commotion transpiring in her surroundings.

Soon, she could harken the driver cursing repeatedly, the officer sitting on the passenger side communicating with their comrades, and Orellia muttering some words to her. Nevertheless, she couldn't process all of the information that was entering her head. The sole thing that she's clearly aware of was the deepening torridity from the small wound, sending waves of prickling agony all over the muscles in her body.

"Miss Rosenfeldt!" Orellia finally discarded her panicked demeanour to help Syn.

The investigator assisted the young lady in switching to a more comfortable position. The woman desired to make sure that no pressure would be put on the Syn's injured arm. Thus, Orellia, exercising sheer caution, supported the lass' upper body while propping her back on the cushioned seat.

Orellia proceeded to remove the coat and jacket all by herself because Syn's energy was nearly depleted - The young lady appeared as if she was about to pass out. The woman struggled in taking off the heavy articles of clothing. After all, during a car chase, she had to avoid burdening the area of Syn's arm that was injured.

Later to a couple of minutes of removal, Orellia threw the clothes on the floor of the vehicle. Subsequently, she procured the handkerchief that was in the breast pocket of her vest. She then carefully lifted Syn's left arm with her right hand and started to tie the piece of cloth with her left. She coveted to administer a tourniquet foremost since they didn't have a first aid kit inside the car.

Nevertheless, the disorderly motions of the police mobile didn't favour the situation. The handkerchief kept on slipping out her grip. Half of it was presently soaked with Syn's blood since it fell on the pool that settled on the seat.

"Damn it. Can't you slow down for a bit?! Miss Rosenfeldt was shot!" Orellia inquired, shouting amidst the loud skidding of the police mobile's tires.

"What?! She was shot?! We can't go to the hospital at this rate! There are several cars on our trail!" Henry responded as he recklessly turned the stirring wheel to take over the car that was blocking their path.

Upon hearing her comrade's statements, Orellia just returned to her task at hand. She picked up the bedraggled handkerchief once more and debated if she could still use it. Howbeit, the blood had now spread throughout the cloth, turning the previously white hankie into one that had the darker shade of fresh human blood. Even the officer's hand was teeming with the fluid from simply touching the cloth.

"Jordan, do you have something that I could use as a tourniquet?" Orellia queried the man sitting on the passenger seat.

The man gave her a glance, cussing under his breath once he saw the incessant flow of blood from Syn's left arm ahead of replying. "What about your belt?"

"My belt has holsters, so I can't take it off."

Consequently, the man stripped his brown leather belt off of his trousers and handed it to Orellia. The woman took it promptly, moving on to a spot that would give her the liberty to see the wound. There was a narrow space behind the driver's seat where she could fit in, so she utilized it.

"Orellia, hurry up. I received a message from the chief that they set up a barricade at the fourth intersection from here."

"Noted." The woman uttered as she stood up, albeit crouching her upper body, changing her stance to a kneeling one right afore the lady's knees.

Nevertheless, as she stepped on the clothes that were cluttered on the floor, Orellia felt that the weight she exerted broke something as she harkened a barely audible crunch. She decided to check since it might be Syn's phone. She flipped one side of the coat, yet there was nothing. Withal, when the woman turned the jacket over, she noticed a minuscule rectangular device, similarly sized as a fingernail, that was in pieces.

'What's this? It seems familiar.' She asked to herself, yet opted to get a move on instead of finding the answer. 'Oh, tourniquet, I need to apply it pronto.'

Orellia inspected the wound further, descrying that the bullet lodged in pretty deep into the lady's limb. Though, as she lifted the belt to begin the tying process, she was reminded of a thought that was connected to the item that she crushed.

'Wasn't that a listening device?'

Koev li halev [Hebrew] - This refers to a certain kind of empathy. If you can't watch people suffering or miserable, particularly if you love them, because you feel it so strongly yourself

mrmrciacreators' thoughts
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