
Chapter 12


   "Forgive me, Chica, what do you need?" I said sitting back in my seat and looking at her.

   "I wanted to know if you would allow me and Foxy to sleep in his cove together," she asked a little blushed.

   I immediately realized about what she meant, but I decided not to make fun of her, I understand some times they want to be alone.

   "Ok, Chica, you can," I said smirking, "just please try to be as silent as you can."

   "Thanks! Don't worry about that," she said as she left the office.

   Well, I just hope they don't make any overreacted mistake; they could also make... well... a baby. I'm feeling a little tired today, the restaurant had never been that full, not even the day the restaurant opened for the first time, I really got surprised when I saw those people that came to see Bonnie with us, that rabbit is got talent, however, there's something in him that makes me think faster than I usually do. I'm used to think first before I talk, but in those cases I thought and I talked at the same time, I can even say what I say without voice, or move anywhere without wanting to move, it's so weird. Bonnie is a good boy, and I shouldn't be too tough to him for being his first day in the pizzeria, I think I was though, but I don't want anyone to take advantage of me either, I think if I apologize because of that, he could see it as a weak will in me and he might start to act different, although I think Bonnie is not that kind of animatronic, the only one who tried to do that was Foxy the day I arrived here. 12 long years, and I don't get bored of administrating this pizzeria yet, I like to give some fun and entertainment to the children in company of their parents, it's something that fulfills my wish of make children happy, and I've never made them feel disappointed—at least that's what I think.

   Christmas is too soon, basically in less than a month, I gotta make this Christmas more special than the other ones before this year is over, I think it's a great—late—gift of welcoming, everybody is happy in Christmas.

   I like to be here alone in the security office, it's like a good place for me to ponder, even though I've got my bedroom, but anyway, I can be alone here and be myself, while Chica, Foxy or Bonnie are practicing or playing between them. Playing between them... That's it! I need Bonnie to feel comfortable here with all of us, and what could be a better way than a board game. What kind of game though? I'll ask Chica.

   "Chica!" I yelled from the office.

   I didn't hear her.

   "Chica!" I repeated.

   "Yes?" she replied, arriving by the left hallway with her hair made a mess and her beak stained with lipstick.

   "Are you ok?" I asked, though it was too obvious the answer.

   "Yeah, I just... fell down in the bathroom," she said laughing.

   "Uhh..." I gawked with half-opened eyes. "Are you too busy? 'Cause if you are, I can call you later—"

   "No, no, no, tell me what you need," she insisted quickly.

   "I was wondering if you'd like to bring a board game for all of us to play together tonight, this is more because of Bonnie, you know he's new."

   "That sounds good!"

   "But I also wanted to ask you something... You know what kind of game we can play?"

   She thought for a few seconds.

   "How about Face to face?"

   "What's that?" I asked puzzled.

   "It's a board game that makes us do challenges, like... lick the floor, eat ketchup, shower with cold water, etc."

   "Really?" as I asked, I giggled because of those stupid challenges.

   "Yep, it's funny!" she said smiling.

   "Do you think Bonnie will like it?"

   "Well, let's just find it out."

   I wondered for a while looking down.

   "You're right, let's do this, "I said as I got up from my chair I was sat on.

   "Good, then I'll meet you, Foxy and Bonnie in five minutes in the stage, ok? I'm gonna go to my room."

   Chica left quickly the office while I kept in here some more.

   I'm honestly afraid of Bonnie's reaction when he knows the game, he could think it's a dumb game or too hard for him to take until he gets scared and don't want to talk with us ever again, or something worse, but I have no idea about other game to play, so I'll trust in Chica's idea. I'm going to Bonnie's room to invite him to play with us.

   I kept walking by the left hallway until I got to the dining area, where the white tables are and Foxy's cove to my left where, of course, he sleeps. I walked near it and I could hear Chica and Foxy mumbling to each other picking up stuff, I think they weren't as discreet as they should've been, anyway, in front of me is the backstage, where all of the rooms are. The door of Bonnie's room was closed. As I arrived to his room, I knocked.

   "Yes?" Bonnie asked.

   "It's me Bonnie, Freddy. I was wondering if you would like to come to play with us, just this night."

   "Oh, sure! I'm coming."

   "Ok, we'll wait for you here in the stage, ok?"


   After I invited Bonnie, I walked alone to the stage.

   No one has gotten out of their rooms yet, they already got late; I still look at their room and nothing. I got bored of waiting, so I took Bonnie's guitar, which was next to me, although I have no idea how to play guitar; from a young age, I wished I could play it, play it as good as an expert guitarist, but just like I supposed it was going to be, I couldn't, so I decided to keep doing the things I'm good at, and one of them, actually the best one, is singing. I like to sing: to myself, to the people, to my friends, etc. I feel like I'm singing from the bottom of my heart.

   While I was watching how I suck playing guitar, Bonnie got out from his room: he's wearing the black tank top; he does look really tough with it and also with his rock gloves. It was a great idea to give that to him.

   "Hi," Bonnie said smiling.


   "So... Where is everybody?" Bonnie asked as he looked around.

   "Mmm... I don't know, they should've been here ten minutes ago."

   "I see, then let's wait some more."

   "Yeah," I said smiling to him.

   After Bonnie said that, he looked at his guitar and he asked me excited:

   "You can play guitar?"

   "Umm... No. From a young age I wanted to learn, but I guess this was not made for me," I said leaving the guitar next to me.

   "Oh, well, if you want I can teach you how to play it someday," he said blushed.

   "Yeah," I said looking at the guitar and then at Bonnie, "thanks."

   "Alright, lads, are ya ready to be beat?" Chica said walking to us with Foxy.

   "Hey, Bonnie, have you played Face to face before?" Foxy asked.

   "No," he replied silently.

   "Well, I'm gonna explain you how to play it, ok?" Chica said.


   "Explain to me, too," I said before Chica started to speak.

   "Yeah, for you two," She said while walking in front of us with the game in her hands. "This game's called "Face to Face", I dunno who the heck called it like that, but whatever. We must take a little dice inside the box. The number that the dice shows will be the difficulty of the challenge: 1 is for the softest challenges, and 6 are for the hardest ones, that's the scale. There are a lot of little cards: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, they'll show us what's going to be our challenge. You can win by making all of the challenges. The winner will set a challenge to whomever they want to do whatever they want, the losers will have to do whatever that whomever set.

   "I think the winner deserves a better award," Foxy said.

   "Like...?" she asked.

   "We can make the loser does more: the worst player will have to clean all the pizzeria for a week by their own," Foxy said pointing all around.

   "Sounds good," Chica said with a challenging sight, "are you on board, guys?"

   "I am," I said.

   Bonnie looked at me after I said that, then he turned to Chica.

   "Yeah, I am too."

   "Alright! Now we have to sit in the center of the stage forming a circle," she said.

   We're all sat on the stage: Bonnie is by my right side and Foxy by my left side. Now that we're about to begin, I feel my heart beating faster. Ok, just calm down, calm down.

   "Ok so... who wants to start?" she asked.

   "I will, just to show ya who's the man around here," Foxy said in a pirate tone.

   "Alright, Foxy, here's the dice." Foxy took the dice; he started to shake it while looking at the game with all the cards, then he threw it.

   "2," Foxy said.

   "Let's see your challenge," Chica said.

   "Hold your breath for one and half minute," Foxy read loud, "this is stupid! I can't even hold it for one single minute!"

   "I'm sorry, baby, you have to," she said.

   I looked at Bonnie and he was laughing about Foxy's challenge. When I saw his reaction, I felt more comfortable by seeing he was having a good time, so I got nothing to be worried about now.

   "Argh, here I go!"

   As Foxy said that, he took a deep breath to full his lungs with air so he can hold his breath. Chica was counting silently all the seconds from 0 to 90.

   "C'mon, Foxy, you're doin' great!" Chica said.

   "Yeah, Foxy, you can do it!" Bonnie cheered too.

   All of us were staring at Foxy while he was kicking around and losing his self-control; it's been just 30 seconds.

   "Hold it! You're almost done." She was still cheering.

   As we kept staring at Foxy, his face literally purpled up, his eyes weren't moving anymore and he left his body lay onto the stage, still with the same position he was sat.

  Chica laughed a lot and then got up to face him.

   "Sorry, you missed," she said.

   Foxy started to breathe again, leaving behind that purple color from his face.

   Bonnie was laughing softly by seeing Chica helping Foxy to get up, and I was laughing too, but quieter.

   "I did it?" Foxy asked.

   "No," I said laughing.

   "Oh shit!"

   "Well, at least you tried," Bonnie said.

   "Ok, now it's my turn," Chica said.

   Chica took the dice and then she tossed it.

   "5," she said as she started to read her card, "Eat one tablespoon salt. What!?"

All of us started to laugh about that challenge.

   "Eww... Gross!" Bonnie said.

   "Come on, baby, now," Foxy playfully said.

   Chica went to the nearest table and grabbed a spoon and a salt shaker, then she came back to fill the spoon with salt in front of us.

   "Do I really have to do this?" Chica asked looking at us with the spoon in her hand.

   "Foxy held his breath, now it's your turn," I said.

   "Ok." Chica looked worried at the spoon and pointing it to her beak.

   She, with her eyes closed and frowning, ate quickly that salt; however, it's not going to be flavorless for a long time. As the spoon got into her mouth, her eyes widen and she closed tighter her beak, like if she were stopping a car which is about to run over her.

   "Oh, fuck!" Chica yelled with her beak full of salt.

   We started to laugh to her, watching how she was kicking around and still shouting; we didn't help her.

   "Eat it up!" Foxy exclaimed laughing.

   Chica was still yelling: she got up from the stage and started to run over the dining area. We all were motionless on the stage staring at her.

   After Chica ate that salt, she sat back with us.

   "That was so gross!" Chica said sticking out her tongue.

   "Fortunately you didn't puke," Bonnie said laughing.

   "I don't even know how I didn't do that," Chica added.

   "Well, it's your turn, Bonnie," Foxy said.

   Bonnie looked at me first, then he turned back to the game. He took the dice and then tossed it.


   Bonnie took a card from the 3 pile.

   "Hug the person at your..." Bonnie was reading loudly.

   Hug? Hug who? Why hasn't he finished? Hug who?

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