
I'm Glad I Found You

Yvonne smiled at the man who was in charge of maintaining the entire mansion that the St. Claires lived in.

Butler Limo had come out to the stable to feed Demon as this was his daily responsibility.

While the mighty horse hated getting closer to anyone other than his master, this man was an exception as he fed and washed the horse on a daily basis.

This caused a certain friendship to be formed between the man and the beast who spent a small amount of time in each other's presence every day.

"I'm glad I found you here, Butler." Yvonne looked up at him with a smile as she spoke these words.

The beast halted for a second after hearing his master's voice but soon went back to eating its morning meal.

Butler Limo did not have many interactions with the little miss of the family however, he adored the child just like every other servant living in this estate.

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