
Little Naked Kids With Arrows

The next morning, Yvonne woke up when the door of her bedroom was being knocked on continuously.

'Who the heck is disturbing my peaceful sleep!?' She groggily rubbed her eyes and turned in the direction of the incessant knocks.

Before her mind could start functioning, she glanced at the windows and noticed that it was still dark outside.

'There better be a fire in the hose and they want everyone to evacuate!' She groaned as only that reason could justify being woken up at this ungodly hour where even the sun had not come up.

"Yes!" She snarled when the person outside the door just kept knocking without a moment's break.

The very next second, the door was pushed open and she gawked as Mrs. Jacinth walked inside with a large tray in her hand.

Yvonne was not curious about what the old maid carried into the room but she was wondering why the old woman had even come here at this hour.

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