

"Redo all of this; it looks like garbage." I said, sighing and harshly handing the folder back. God, when will you guys learn?

As soon as that kid left, I smiled to myself. Everyone said I'd be a plain housewife as I wasn't enough.

Look who's at the top now.

I decided to go out to get something to eat and on the way there, I so happened to have bumped onto someone.

"Shit, sorry." I muttered, avoiding eye contact. He laughed. "Nah, I'm sorry." He replied, smiling before requesting I sat with him.

"Isn't this a bad sight to see?" "Me? So you still hate my guts?" I frowned, that wasn't what I meant.

"No... this." I said, hands gesturing to our set-up. "Why?" "Jisung-ssi, aren't you with that one lady?"

He laughs again before playfully rolling his eyes. "So you're stalking me?" "No!" "Well worry not; she's just my P.A."

Damn... how high has he gotten?

"And I asked you to stay to say thank you."


"If you never slapped my senses that night, I wouldn't even be alive anymore. But still..." Jisung mutters, eyes avoiding my direction.

"Accept my apologies, even if it's 10 years overdue; besides, I grew up like you asked me to."

He's right. He wasn't that childish teenager I once knew and word went around about his achievements and massive changes.

His worth, joy and value didn't come from anybody else anymore; it was finally innate.

"Do you still dance?" I couldn't help but ask, seeing as I got scared that he misinterpreted my last words.

He nods, smiling. "Of course I do; it was once in your name but now, I just do it for fun."

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