

I never unfollowed her social media so I still got to see bits of her life through images. One image stood out to me though:

She was with somebody new.

I smiled a bitter smile, half proud and half jealous. That would've still been me if I knew better.

But at least she seems happy?

Hell— maybe they're not even dating! I chuckled softly; will I really still hope for a chance to make it up to her?

"Still staring at her, I see." "Hyung, please shut up."

Minhyung just laughs, ruffling my hair. "You'll get there; trust me." He says, looking far into the distance. "It's hard but... be patient." He adds without looking at me; as if it's just him reminding himself.

Then again, he was right; I was stupid and selfish but I can redeem myself, right?

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