

Who knew everything we did together would just be destroyed by distance? "Can you blame me?! You left even if I didn't want you to." Jisung says, as if he's proving a sensible point.

I tugged at my hair, frustrated with how petty he's being. "It was for my education! It isn't like I'm being a massive thottie like you've been!"

Yeah, he cheated. I never would've found out if I didn't plan on surprising him with a visit.

He just glared, followed by a sigh. "There were things you couldn't give.." He mutters, looking to the side. "Yeah? Like what?"

"Affection, perhaps? You're always too busy to bother with me." "And she wasn't?" He nods.

"Do you not hear yourself, Jisung?" I asked, getting angrier by the second. "I have loved you with all that I am, only to find out you chose to be with some other girl because she's physically there for you?!"

He grew silent and it made me wonder; does he realize what he's showing me as to who he is as a person?

"I went to study overseas to prove my worth, Jis—" "I didn't need that; none of us did. Isn't it enough for you to study here instead?"

I heaved a sigh, feeling absolutely tired with the things he's shown me the past months. He barely chatted and if he did, it wasn't like the Jisung I used to know; he barely bothered calling during weekends and when I called, it's as if I ruined his day and whenever we do got to go out, he'd always be on his phone, bored.

"Oh for the love of God; grow the fuck up, Park Jisung!" I yelled out, tears starting to flow down my cheeks because I only now realized how toxic this became for the two of us.

"I didn't leave for the sake of hoeing around, I didn't leave for the sake of leisure and I most certainly did not stop showing my affection; you just stopped receiving it."

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