
Breach (1)

Shortly after escaping Rei, Itachi, along with Zetsu and Tobi, had retreated into the Hidden Rain Village. "No one would Imagine Itachi Uchiha would be driven to this point by a single brat." Tobi's deep voice echoed through the darkroom as Itachi stood up. "I wasn't expecting them to be so strong… I doubt you did either."

Tobi's visible eye narrowed as he thought back. He was originally trying to capture Rei when he appeared behind him. However, he quickly realized that wouldn't be possible as a single sound set Rei off, and he was forced to retreat. "Indeed I was surprised it seems your interest was not misplaced." Tobi's head turned slightly as two figures could be seen standing near the entrance of the room.

Pain's Rinnegan shined despite the lack of light as Konan, who was standing beside him, said something. "Seems sending you along with Kisame was the right choice. Though losing him is regrettable it has given us a better insight. If that boy is allowed to grow past his current state he could easily be a formidable enemy."

"Unlikely…" Itachi said that it attracted both Konan's and Pain's attention. "What do you mean?" Itachi responded to Pain bluntly. "I saw the look in his eyes and observed how he acted and spoke. He only cares about protecting what he has and settling the score. At most he will come after me alone; he has no ambition to go any further than that."

"I can support Itachi's claims that we observed it all. As long as we keep to ourselves he won't become an issue. And by the time our goal is complete he will no longer be a match for us." As Zetsu rose from the ground, his black half spoke with certainty. Pain's eyes seemed to flash for a moment before speaking. "Very well then we shall ignore him for now."

Konan seemed to want to say something but then closed her mouth. "Very well." With that, both Pain and Konan left without another word leaving only Itachi, Tobi, and Zetsu remaining. "I don't doubt your predictions, Itachi. However, even I feel leaving him is risky." Itachi's eyes narrowed as he chuckled slightly.

"Madara Uchiha worried?" Raising his head, Itachi closed his eyes. "Relax. When he does come for me I'll kill him myself." Returning to the present day within the Soul Society, Ino had woken up. "Rei?" She was still in Fuyumi's Medical Room, but Rei was nowhere to be seen. 'He must have had something to do.'

Glancing over at Fuyumi lying in bed, Ino's eyes turned solemn before standing up. Walking outside of the room, she looked around and saw the Medical Squad members acting like oil when it came to her. Other than polite bows, they didn't talk to her at all. This was the effect Rei had on people especially considering he brought Ino here personally.

Soon she had left the Medical Barracks and found herself on the open streets of the Soul Society. She knew Rei was probably at the Central Building, considering that's where he lived, but at the same time, she felt the urge to look around. The Soul Society was so different from all the cities she's been to and even other Villages.

'I guess looking around a little bit won't hurt.' As she began to walk around, she noticed a few key things. The first being that everyone was fairly friendly, even as strangers. Looking at the different shops selling various types of goods, people carried their valuables and money without worry. It was as if the concept of crime eluded them.

The other noteworthy thing she noticed was that people had no sense of classes. Sure some people had more profitable businesses, but no one seemed to have a sense of superiority or monopoly. On the contrary, it was tame to the point that even the people she saw walking around with swords at their waist dressed in black clothes were treated with respect but not feared.

'I still don't get how he managed to make all of this.' As Ino continued to explore, she noticed something strange. The further west she went, the fewer people she saw walking on the street. 'Is there something over here that everyone is avoiding?' Making her way down a branching road, the number of people continued to decrease until eventually there was no one around.

"Don't you think this is getting dangerous? If she heads in further west she could get hurt." Hidden from Ino's view, a Team of Shinigami was conversing with one another. "That is true but Head Captain Rei said not to disturb her." As they all spoke amongst one another, they suddenly heard a scream.

"Aah!" Ino's head immediately swiveled towards the direction of the sound. 'That's nearby!' Quickly Ino jumped onto the roof of a nearby building and began moving towards the source of the sound. As soon as she did, she saw a group of Shinigami appeared beside her. "Miss please stop, we were given orders to keep you safe."

Initially, Ino was on guard from their sudden appearance, but then she relaxed, realizing Rei must have ordered them to follow her. "Didn't you hear that scream? Someone is in trouble." After hearing that scream, there was no way she could ignore it. It sounded horrifying, and even now, she could hear the echoes of fighting.

Of course, the Shinigami around her didn't miss it either, and they would certainly investigate. However, they were given orders, and they were from Rei, which took precedent. However, they thought that they heard a sudden explosion. Looking ahead, a large column of smoke had appeared that covered a portion of the sky. "What the hell…."

They were aware of the hollows; however, they had never seen this scale of destruction before. The leader of the team glanced at Ino and saw she just looked more determined to go than before despite the explosion. "Dammit." Biting his tongue, he turned and looked at one of the Shinigami behind him. "Inform Head Captain Rei of this immediately, the rest of you were going to investigate."

The order went out to the other seven Shinigami in the team as they all nodded. "Yes Sir!" With that, he looked back at Ino. "Well go with you but please stay behind us and don't do anything rash. If it's too much to handle, we retreat immediately." Ino nodded as all of them immediately picked up their pace.

Soon they arrived at a large plaza-like area, and all of their eyes widened in surprise. Half of the Plaza was completely destroyed and covered in debris. 'So that's what caused that massive explosion?' A large hole had appeared in the center of the plaza that was at least a hundred meters wide.

A group of two Shinigami was already at the scene facing off against a fairly large hollow that resembled half four limbs and had bat-like wings keeping it in the air. "Crap it was a Hollow after all." Hearing the Team Leader's words, Ino's eyes narrowed. 'A Hollow?' Looking at the two groups of Shinigami, some of them were injured from the explosion while some were covered in blood and bleeding.

"Hey." Ino looked over to the Team Leader, who responded quickly. "What is it?" Ino pointed to the flying Hollow as it attacked the two groups of Shinigami. If I can keep that thing still, can you kill it?" She was still a bit confused, but the Hollow, the group, was fighting was tricky. It could move through the air almost unnaturally fast despite having wings.

All of their Kido spells were ineffective due to the Hollow's speed as for jumping up to attack... It didn't end well, as shown by the people who were injured. The Team Leader looked at the hollow and nodded. "Ya that shouldn't be an issue but it moves too fast. The moment we try to attack it'll notice us."

"Don't worry about that. The moment it stops moving, just attack." The Team Leader showed he understood as Ino jumped off the roof of the building she was standing on. Landing on the ground, she ran forward until she was within distance of the Hollow. Putting her hands together, she held them in such a way that the Hollow was within her sights.

"Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Slowly Ino's body went limp as her mind left her body, entering that of the Hollows. 'What is this…' Inside of the mind of the Hollow was emptiness. There wasn't any sign of a will or anything intelligent for that matter. It was only after a few moments in the dark that Ino felt an overwhelming intent.

The urge to devour everything in its path and evolve hit Ino out of thin air. This is what drove a hollow of the lower levels of evolution to advance further. 'I gotta…' Ino focused as much as she could, blocking out the hollow's urges and the corrupting intentions spreading through her mind. On the outside, everyone saw the Hollow's body freeze up in the air as its movements stopped.

"She did it!" The Shinigami Team Leader yelled as he, along with the others, quickly jumped into the air and drew their swords. The two groups of Shinigami watched as the Team descended down onto the Hollow, landing on its back while impaling it. Immediately the weight from all of them caused the Hollow to crash to the ground.

"There from Squad One! Were saved."

"Thank god."

Cheers and sounds of relief rang out as the Team Leader sheathed his blade and ran over to Ino. "Miss, are you okay?" Ino was just getting up from the ground as she raised her head. "Yes I'm fine I just wasn't expecting something." Hearing that, the Team Leader sighed in relief but then froze when his eyes met Ino's.

Her iris's seemed to be a pure deep yellow with the surrounding part of the eye which should be white, being completely black. The eye's struck fear in the Team Leader as he stumbled back a bit. "What is it?" Ino blinked unconsciously, and the next moment, her eyes had turned back to normal. Seeing that, the Team Leader stayed silent for a moment.

"Never mind. It must have just been my imagination." Her eyes resembled that of a Hollow's, but of course, that was impossible. He ended up chalking it to a hallucination. Fully recovered mentally, Ino stood up and looked over at the disintegrating Hollow. "Still this doesn't make much sense. Something like that shouldn't have been able to create such a huge hole."

"Ya you're right. We already sent a message out to Head Captain Rei so he should arrive shortly." Ino nodded as she turned around and looked at the groups of Shinigami. Walking over to one of them who was lying injured on the ground, she bent down and held out her hands. "Huh?" The Injured Shinigami noticed her, and before he could say anything, a green light flowed from her hands.

Due to most people in the Soul Society being fully Souls, unlike Rei, Fuyumi and Ren, Medical Ninjutsu is not very effective on them compared to a normal human. However, Chakra, in its nature, is spiritual, so its effects were enough in this case. Slowly the wound on the Shinigami's arm began to close, blood leaking from it came to a stop.

In a short span of four minutes, he was completely healed. Sitting up and moving his shoulder around, he thanked Ino. "It's fine, just help bring the other injured ones over to me." The Shinigami nodded as slowly Ino healed every injured person in both groups. It took her under twenty minutes, and soon all of them were able to move just fine.

"Thank you very much we would have been in trouble if not for your arrival." The leaders of the two groups thanked Ino and the Team Leader she arrived with. Ino smiled, but just as she was about to say something, everyone heard an ear-numbing noise come from the hole in the Plaza. The noise was accompanied by scattered amounts of spiritual pressure causing everyone to tense up.

"What was that…."

As the noise disappeared, everyone's gazes fell onto the edge of the hole. And soon, their gazes turned into ones of fear. Multiple hands and arms shot from the hole and grabbed onto the ground, causing it to shake. One of the Shinigami whispered to himself as they all saw Hollow's one after another climb from that hole.

"Oh god…"

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