
Hello Readers of Cassandra Syndrome

To My Readers,

I'm really sorry, guys, the updates for CS kept being postponed!

My original plan before was I should sustain Hell's Consort by one update per day while I update this in the afternoon and my Cursed Villainess in the evening, but I keep stopping because I need to edit at least chapters 1-50 in Cassandra Syndrome while I edit chapters 1-120 for Hell's Consort.

Hell's Consort also made me consume a lot of brainpower because I used to update 2-3 chapters per day for that book.

Now I update that 1 chapter per day to edit all this shiz and be done with it to start planning for Cassandra Syndrome again, but then I have to edit them first the first 50 chaps.

Please trust me, and don't you dare remove this from your library! (just kidding, please wait for me!) I also need to reread Cassandra Syndrome to pick up the story back to its original intention. I

have so many plans for this book, but I ended up prioritizing Hell's Consort.

I'm halfway done editing Hell's Consort, so I will be transferring to Cassandra Syndrome later on to edit.

I will tell you my plans after editing, but I REALLY, REALLY NEED to update this story.

I couldn't update because I don't like where the current chapter is going.

After all, it mostly contains fluff, and I need the original plot to drive this instead of the current ones.

I am unsatisfied, so  I need to fix it first.

Thanks for understanding.

Next chapter