
Chapter 737: What He Wanted...

The event had already begun but Ian was still waiting for Mina to arrive. He was nervous, but not because of the engagement the way people kept assuming. He was feeling anxious because he had not seen Mina in person since she tried to kiss him. He had been desperately wanting to apologize to the woman, but he had a feeling that even if he did, she would not accept it. She made a valid point when she left his home, and since then he had been wondering why he did not just ask her.

Sadly, Ian believed that the damage had already been done, and looking at the people who came to the event, he became nervous that his guestlist may make things worse, or that he would end up punishing himself if any of the men in attendance stole his fiancé from him.

"Why are you pacing? Isn't this what you wanted?"

"What if she gets uncomfortable and leaves? What if she blows this whole building up? What if-"

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