
Chapter 570: Big Talk

Cala was not actually going to remove any of her clothing, she had only meant to take off her shawl, and she suddenly wished that she were bold enough to bare everything to the handsome man. Cade was not as tall as his brothers, nor was he as muscular as Drax, but there was a certain charm about the man that she could not overlook.

Cade's Dark hair had flecks of brown in it, and she could tell that it probably hung just below his brow when he did not have it waxed into place. Her mouth went dry as she started to think about the man washing his hair; more specifically, him in the shower.

"Are you okay?"

"Sorry, it took me a minute to process what you meant. I guess I just got used to it." Cala got up and made her way into the restroom, hoping that Cade would disappear. She wanted the man, but not really. When she peeked her head out of the door, she was shocked to see that he had not left.

"What if we can help each other?"

"What do you mean?" Cala was starting to regret her actions. If Cade wanted to flirt a bit, she was fine with that, but she was not ready to go any further.

"All you have to do is tell Milo that you have found someone else, and date me instead. I don't expect anything, it's just that you can save me from events like this." Cade stood up and backed Cala into the wall. "Also, I promise that I will touch you anytime you ask me to." Cala swallowed hard at Cade's words. She had not expected him to dive right in, she believed he would at least test the waters or at least confirm if she were lying.

"Wh-what about Milo?"

"Easy, let him break up with you; let him catch us." Cade kissed Cala's neck and the woman shivered.

"Mr. Vice President that is…"




Milo found himself unable to get comfortable. He felt like the world's worst brother for not warning Mills about Ellie, but he had overheard Adir and Cade talking about how much President Lee had done to protect Mina, and he feared for his sister.

It was not until after Mina scolded him that Milo realized the woman was not even fazed by Mills' actions and was likely complicit in them. His sister had once told him that he should not look at Mina as just a pretty face and body, but he had obviously failed.

Now, President Lee would not answer his calls, Mina's phone was dead, and Drax was purposefully sending him to voicemail. It was the most frustrating thing he had ever experienced, so he went to go bother Cala. She was good at calming him down, and he had also promised her that he would help her get Cade Staton to notice her.

Milo knew that Cala talked a big talk, but she was the type that would agree to go bungee jumping, but only take pictures when the time came. He walked toward her room and pushed open the door, startled to see his 'girlfriend' being pressed against the wall as Cade Staton invaded her neck.

The pair jumped with his intrusion, and while Milo was internally smiling, he had to pretend to be angry.

"What is going on here?" Cade started to respond, while Cala was making a face that confused Milo. It looked like she was trying to tell him to abort the mission, but he was not sure, and did not want to waste the opportunity to 'break up' with her without having to pretend to like men.

"Listen Milo, Cala isn't happy with you. Let's keep this between us, and she will keep your secret if anyone asks." Milo worked hard to suppress his laughter but could not; he recovered quickly though.

"If you were not happy, you could have just told me; I am above all things your friend." Milo did not know what he should say, and the look Cala was giving him was throwing him off. Once again, it was Cade who responded.

"She overheard you talking to Fiori, she knows you are interested in men." Milo's eyes darted to Cala; she was not supposed to outright say men. Her gaze was pleading but Milo found himself growing angry with his 'girlfriend.'

"I am interested in men? Fiori and I have similar reading habits, and we often speak about authors, whatever Cala understood from those conversations is on her."


"No. If anyone asks, I will tell them that you and I were never a couple. I know that you are a good girl, and I wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong impression." Cala's eyes went wide, and Milo suddenly had a feeling that she was no longer interested in Cade. He wondered how he could backtrack, but Drax was finally returning his call, and he did not want to miss it. "You two have a good night."


One of Drax' favorite past times was bullying Milo. The man was easy to rile up, especially where Mills was concerned, so it was nothing for him to ignore the man's calls until after Mills had fallen asleep.

Milo answered the call frantically asking after his sister, and Drax felt a little guilty about teasing the man for the first time ever. He explained that Mills was fine. She had been shot in the shoulder during a scuffle, but she had gotten an underground doctor to treat her wound, which had not gotten infected due to her self-medicating.

The conversation started to move onto the topic of what Mills was doing, but Cade's call interrupted the men, and Drax, not at all close to any of his brothers, felt the need to take the call.

"I think I messed up."

"What are you talking about 'messed up?'"

"That damn Cala girl. I kept telling you guys to keep her away from me."

"What did you do?" Drax was aware that Cade had a thing for Fiori, which was why he stayed away from the woman as much as possible.

"Milo just broke up with her." Drax massaged his brow and looked up at Ian, who was listening into the conversation.

"Cala is a very important part of our plans Cade."

"I know, which is why I am calling. Ask Mills how long she waited before she started dating Melony." Drax hung up on his brother, and while the conversation was a serious one, Ian could not blame him.


Cala found herself pacing back and forth in the Staton family guest room. Her door was opened and she knew it was Fiori. Cala had texted the woman because she saw her as her only salvation in the mess she had made. Milo could not take a hint, and immediately after he left Cade was trying to figure out her schedule so he could 'take her on a date.'

Fiori was scared as she walked into Cala's room, she felt so guilty about sleeping with the woman's boyfriend, that she almost did not go, but fear drove her to investigate.

"Everything okay?"

"No," Fiori whispered harshly. She rambled out the complete truth to Fiori, whose gaze darkened.

"So, you and Milo were never…?" Cala shook her head.

"Please don't tell him I told you. I just don't know what to do with your brother."

"You are on your own with that one, and once my mother finds out, you and I are going to be just like sisters." Fiori stormed out of the guest room, and toward the room where Milo was staying. She opened the door and was greeted by the man's naked body. She suddenly forgot why she even came into the room, but he quickly gave her a reason.

Milo was good at everything he did to her, and while she wanted to believe it was because she had nothing to compare it to, she could not lie to herself. Still, she was mad at the man, and she refused to give in.

"I don't want to do this anymore."

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