
Chapter 464: 'With' Mills

It was well into the afternoon when Ian finally woke up. He had a pounding headache; which Dr. Juan had told Drax could linger for a few days depending on how high his fever had gotten before he was put into a cold shower. Ian did not care about that at all though, his entire plan for the evening had been ruined, and he could only imagine how much more Mina hated him for it.

Drax tried to cheer him up by reminding him how hard Mina was laughing, but the night had become like a blur to Ian. He could remember some things, but not all, and he was having trouble figuring out which memories were real, and which were misinterpreted. He was sure he had kissed Mina, but the context in which they kissed made no sense to him, so he pushed it into the same category with the robot he was sure he had been dancing with.

"That Mina woman, am I correct in assuming that she is not just an employee?" Drax was asking the question to Zane, who had come as soon as he heard his friend was awake, but Ian knew the question was for him.

"She is," he replied, but Ian did not go into detail. "Where is she?"

"With Mills," Drax replied, and Ian looked up.

"In the house?" he asked, a little bit of panic entering his tone.

"No, they wanted to go for breakfast, so I-" Ian shot to his feet, and Drax followed. "Relax, she is with Mills, nothing will-"

"You don't know Mina," Ian cut in.

"I can track her," Drax said, pulling out his phone and opening a tracking application. "What the-"

"What?" Ian asked, already at the edge of fear.

"The signal is bouncing from tower to tower," Drax replied.

"What does that mean?" Zane asked. He was enjoying the look on Ian's face. He had warned the man not to lock Mina up, but he did not listen and if Mina was truly gone this time, then it served him right.

"Mills took the tracker out of her phone." Ian did not have to ask to know who could have put her up to that.


Mills and Connor were engaging in conversation, she was pleased to meet another person who spoke the Sani language, and the fact that he was unassuming made it easy for her to talk to him. She could tell he was flirting, but she saw no need to correct his actions, because she was a one-man woman, and Connor had nothing on Drax.

As if her thoughts had summoned the man to her side, Drax's loud voice boomed throughout the room. He cursed, making Connor jump and Mills smile. She watched the man look at her with wide eyes.

"When you told me you had a boyfriend, I assumed you meant he was a human," Connor said, and Mills laughed a little too hard for Drax's liking. He could tell by Mills body language that she held no interest in the man she was sitting with. He could also tell the same was not true on the opposite end.

"Why did you remove the tracker from your phone?"

"Why did you install it?"

"To keep you safe, you know I can't lose you."

"So, you think I'm weak?"

"What? Babe no, that is not what I meant." Connor used the bickering between the pair to slip away. He was not a coward, but he knew when and where to assert his dominance. On his way out, he was glared at by a man who looked familiar, but he doubted a Lee would ever come to such an obscure place.


Drax was able to find Mills by sending her a string of texts and when she replied, it pinpointed her phone's location at a cafe in a lesser-known part of town. Once again, Ian felt restless. He knew Mills was unfamiliar with Scal, but Mina likely lured the woman to the cafe in order to escape with the advantage of an area she knew well.

Unsure of what was waiting for them inside of the cafe, Ian allowed Drax to go inside first. When he caught sight of one of Cylus Rue's friends through the cafe windows, he lost all patience, and headed inside expecting to find Mina, but all that greeted him was the sight of Drax pleading with Mills to forgive him.

"Where is Mina?" Ian asked Mills.

"She said she was going to the restroom." Ian sighed woefully, before Mills completed her statement. "Relax, as soon as she removed the tracking device from my phone, I knew she wasn't a simple girl. I let her go, because she needed to leave, but I can and will find her."

"You don't know Mina," Ian said. "She avoided my men for hours before turning herself in."

"It's true, I do not know Mina, but she also does not know me." Mills handed her phone to Ian and he could see a small dot moving across the screen.

"You chipped her?" He pulled Mills into a hug before releasing her. He went to leave, but Mills called out to him.

"If you go to get her without giving her a chance to come back on her own, you will lose in the long run. I chose to reply to Drax messages, to give him a chance. Allow Mina that right as well."

"She will never answer me."

"You will not know until you try."


Ian sat in his car and dialed Mina's number. He was immediately frustrated when she did not answer, but Mills told him to keep calling. Ian must have called Mina thirty times before she answered by shouting into the phone and then hung up. Ian turned to Mills, who shrugged and told him to call again.

Ian kept calling Mina, who kept sending his calls to her voicemail, she was unaware, but Drax was already driving toward the location where the tracker showed she had gone. Mina was at a bus station, and Ian could tell from her rate of travel that she had already taken several busses, moving around in a circle. Mills was the only person who found the situation thrilling, and she kept praising Mina for her wit, which only served to anger Ian.

"Forget it," Mills suddenly said. "If this continues, her phone will die. Drive to where she is, and I will bring her back." Drax did not even bother to get Ian's approval before following Mills' orders.


Mina climbed off the bus, looking to the left and right of herself. President Lee had stopped calling, and she hoped that he would not call again. Her phone battery had nearly been drained, but she could not turn it off, because she needed the rest of her information to properly synchronize before doing so.

Mina intended to use the photos of President Lee to blackmail him into leaving her and her family alone. She would stay in Pan, she would move back in with her parents, and she would see to it that if anything happened to her at any point, the photos and video would be released hourly. She found it ironic that blackmail had gotten her into the situation, and now she was depending on blackmail to get her out.

Mina was waiting for the next bus when a familiar and sultry voice rang out from behind her. Without looking back, she ran with Mills hot on her heels. Mina dipped into an alley, and Mills entered right behind her. There was a wire fence in front of Mina, and she tried to scale it, but Mills grabbed her and tugged her back down before Mina could even get her leg up.

"That was fun, we should do that more often," Mills said while grasping Mina's arm tightly.

"Let me go and we can try again." Mills smiled. She really liked Mina.

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