
Chapter 304: Taken

Mina felt nothing but pity for Lisa, who stood accusing her of pushing President Lee into the arms of other women. She did not want to listen, but Lisa looked so defeated that Mina could not help but to stand there, granting the woman the right to rant.

"Miss Lisa, I am not sure how any of that is my fault. You are clearly angry with the wrong person," Mina said. She was not trying to be antagonistic, but her words were just that.

In response, Lisa rambled about the charity event, rumors, and even pregnancy, which initially shocked Mina, but then again it should not have. After ten years, it would only be normal for a couple to become less responsible, especially if they planned to marry.

Lisa had gone back to blaming Mina for President Lee's behavior. Mina found it hard to believe that the man had never done something similar; not just because of James' words, but because she doubted that whatever photo Lisa had seen, was not the first time President Lee had strayed in his relationship. Mina was not an idiot, and she knew Lisa had to be insecure for a reason.

Not wanting to appear unsympathetic, Mina listened to Lisa, but she soon had to tune the woman out. Mina used the opportunity to glance at Dom, who was also talking to someone.

"Miss Lisa please, I cannot help you. I do not have the power you think I do. I suggest you speak to your boyfriend. Only he can explain things to you properly." Mina tried to walk away but Lisa grabbed her.

"I know you and Ian have been living alone. Do you think I am stupid? Just because no one is there to see it, doesn't mean people can't guess what is happening." Mina did not even know how to respond. She stood there facing traffic, wondering how she should reply. She was tired of misunderstandings, and she wanted to let Lisa know that she had moved out.

At the same time, Mina knew that she was probably still alive because Lisa did not know she was on her own. Silently thinking of a suitable response, Mina's attention was drawn to a van that looked to be driving too close to the curb. Mina had only just become suspicious, when the van doors flew open and four men jumped out of the vehicle.

"Lisa; run!" Mina shouted, but Lisa stayed frozen in place. Mina grabbed Lisa; but in the time it took her to turn back she was caught.

Mina struggled violently against her abductors, but since Lisa had become a zombie, and followed the men without so much as a peep, it allowed three of them to focus on her. It took them just a few seconds to push both women into the back of the van.

Before the doors of the vehicle closed, Mina could see Dom running toward her, he was shouting and his weapon was drawn, trying to get a clear shot, but there were too many people and he was too far away. Mina heard the screeching of tires as the van sped away, with her still inside. She had been taken.


Lisa watched Mina punch, kick, claw, and even bite at the men who had snatched them. The girl was clearly doing her best to get away, but Lisa saw no need to struggle. The men probably wanted money which her family had enough of to save her. Mina on the other hand…

Mina was still thrashing about, refusing to let her hands and legs be bound when a fist flew out and hit her. It was not a soft hit, but Mina was not a soft woman. She kept fighting and the person who had punched her finally straddled her and sent multiple heavy slaps across her face.

Dazed, Mina could barely keep her eyes open. She felt some type of binding being tightened around her wrist and ankles. When her head stopped spinning, Mina tried to struggle again, but the loss of her mobility crippled her, and she was pushed roughly into Miss Lisa, who had surprisingly pulled her in closer, and further away from the men.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" Lisa whispered.

"Yes," Mina replied in a low voice, and it was the truth. No good could come from being kidnapped by four men.

"You two stop whispering," yelled one of them men. Mina's vision was so blurred that she could not even see who had spoken. She knew it was just a matter of time before she passed out.

Mina felt a hand wrap around her ankle and pull her away from Lisa, who made a very weak attempt to hold on. When Mina was close, the man pulled her into a sitting position. He was staring at Mina, whose head was literally spinning as if she were dizzy.

"What is your name?" The man asked, but Mina remained silent. He slapped her again and Mina grunted. She felt her nose go wet, but she knew it was not broken.

"Your f*cking up her face," said another man. "If you keep on, you'll break something." The man, who was holding Mina, scoffed and wrapped his hands around her neck. He squeezed lightly.

"Tell me your name, or I'll kill you right here." Mina was still quiet. The man was not saying anything she did not want to hear. Rather he killed her now than later, the only problem was Lisa. If she were dead, what would happen to Lisa?

Mina felt the fingers around her neck tighten and she began to gasp for air before the man let go. He kept asking for her name and repeating the process, stopping her from breathing for longer and longer periods of time.

"Stop it," Lisa shouted. "Her name is Mina; Mina Harlow." If Mina had strength, she would have called Lisa an idiot. It was better that the men did not know who they grabbed. They clearly had gone out without a target.

"Don't tell him anything else," Mina said weakly.

"And what is your name?" The man asked Lisa, who shrank back a little. She wanted to heed Mina's warning, but she was terrified and as soon as the man raised his hand, Lisa blurted out her full name without pause.

One of the men in the van made a call and spoke to the person, who Mina could guess by the tone of the conversation, had hired them. The thing Mina could not quite figure out was who the men were targeting, but she soon got that answer.

"You told us to take the one with brown hair, but they both have brown hair." Mina did not need to be a rocket scientist to figure out the men had been hired without being given much detail. "They are mostly uninjured, but one of the women hit her head." The man lied to the person to whom he was speaking. He hummed in acknowledgement a few times and turned back to Mina, who was still on the edge of losing consciousness. "Which one of you is President Ian Lee's girl?" He asked, but both women remained quiet.

The man did not hit Mina this time, instead he made his way to Lisa and slapped her hard enough to make her cry. Mina once again started to struggle against her bindings. She was mostly unable to move but she managed to crawl toward Lisa. Mina tried to shield the possibly pregnant woman from the man, but she knew her attempts were futile.

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