
Chapter 172: Her 'Go To' Guy-2

Luna had clearly heard what Zane had told her, and she knew that it was a possible coping mechanism for someone who suffered in the same way Mina suffered, but she could not bring herself to process the information. Luna felt as if she had been straddled with a heavy weight, and she could not help but to pester Zane with questions for the remainder of the ride.

"How did you find out about them?" Luna asked.

"Your brother told me." Zane replied.

"And how does he know?"

"Your nan told him," Zane realized too late that Luna was probably going to make a big deal out of the situation.

"So, you don't know for sure?" Luna asked.

"Why else would she ask someone to buy her protection?" Luna's eyes bulged further.

"Did she ask Ian?"

"Worse, she asked your nan," Zane said, and Luna covered her mouth with both hands. She could not help but to be shocked by the knowledge of her nan being asked such a bold request by a stranger.

"Wait, why couldn't Dom get them himself?" Luna asked curiously.

"When your brother asked, Dom said it was Mina's idea. Maybe he thought she would change her mind?"

"Wait! Dom admitted it too?"

"From what I know, yes."

Luna hoped that Mina was not manifesting some sort of perverse addiction. Her impression of Dom had never been favorable, but the man was loyal to a fault and her brother kept him around for that main quality, despite the amount of trouble he caused among female recruits. Concerned, Luna told herself that no matter what time she returned, she would have to confront Mina about it, but before she could think of an approach, Zane interrupted.

"You better not say anything to her until she tells you. I don't think she will be happy if she finds out that we all know," Zane said.

Luna had not actually thought of that. Mina obviously trusted her nan with the secret, and she did not want the girl to think that the old woman had betrayed her confidence.

"Fine, but the moment I sense something is off with her, I'm putting an end to it myself," Luna replied. Zane shrugged, it seemed that both Lee siblings could not decide if they wanted Mina or not.


When Luna arrived at the Lee mansion, she desperately wanted to question her brother about what he knew but being that there were only a few hours left until breakfast, she opted to wait. Besides, she still had to convince Zane to stay the night. She did not feel comfortable having him drive back on his own at the late hour, especially since he had gone through all the trouble of meeting her in Gespa. Not to mention him having sent his own trusted driver to fetch her from the hotel as he waited for her at the airport terminal. Fortunately, it did not take much to convince Zane to follow her into her brother's home.


Mina awoke in a groggy state. Her back ached from the night before and she was fairly sure she had a few bruises. She rubbed her eyes and recalled President Lee's command when she returned. She found herself hoping that Dom would not have to wait too long for her to finish having breakfast. Mina got out of bed, ready to start her day.

Needing a shower to help wake herself up, Mina washed once again. Afterward, she stood in her closet for a long time trying to pick out the perfect outfit to emphasize her much leaner arms. Jessica and Dom pretended not to notice her minor achievements, but James always pointed them out, so Mina knew she had at least made some progress. She wanted to show off to Luna whom she had not seen in over a week.

Eventually, Mina settled on a tan, high neck, fitted short sleeve shirt with light blue jeans. The ensemble was very uncharacteristic of her, but she felt good about herself and she deserved to show off every now and then. Mina tossed her hair up into a mid-ponytail and applied a clear lip balm. She did not own any jewelry, nor did she have piercings in her ears, but she knew that a pair of glittery studs would have completed her look perfectly. She could not wait to see the look on Luna's face.


Luna sat at the breakfast table nearly squirming with anticipation. Before she slept, she had come up with a plan on how she would get Mina to spill the beans. Zane was already seated beside her at the table. He was carelessly flipping through a newspaper and shot warning glances at her any time their eyes met. He had threatened to tell her brother about the trouble she had gotten herself into if she did not allow Mina to come clean on her own accord.


When Ian entered the room, he was shocked to see Zane. The man was dressed in simple and subtle clothing that Ian could tell came from his closet. His best friend, while irreplaceable, had not a subtle bone in his body.

"Did you sleep here last night?" Ian asked.

"Something came up and I ended up in the area," Zane said. It was not a total lie, but it was a twist of the truth. Ian shrugged sensing nothing wrong with the story. It was not the first time Zane had unexpectedly stayed at his place.

"Where is Mina?" Ian asked and both Luna and Zane looked at one another.

"She hasn't come down yet," Luna replied. She could sense a hostile tone in her brother's voice.

"Did something happen?" Zane asked. He too picked up on the hint of anger in Ian's question.

"Nothing, I just don't know if she will make it. She came home drunk just before midnight," Ian replied.

"She is drinking again?" Luna asked. No longer trying to mask her concern.

"I could smell it on her," Ian said. He was not lying. He had smelled the alcohol on Mina, and he assumed she was frightened because she had promised not to drink again.

Just as Zane was about to ask a follow up question, an extremely pleasant looking Mina stepped into the dining room.

"Sorry I'm late," she said, with a huge smile plastered on her fresh face.

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