
Chapter 125: Familiar

Cylus didn't know why everything Mina said was interesting. She was like an open book. Either she didn't know who he was, or she didn't care, no matter what, it was refreshing. There was also the fact that her face was so very familiar to him.

"Choose a drink for me," Cylus requested. Mina, who had only had one alcoholic beverage in her entire life, named a specific brand of red wine. "They don't carry that here. That is a dinner wine. Choose something else," Cylus said.

"I don't know any others." Cylus adjusted himself in his seat and studied Mina closely.

"Are you trying to tell me that you don't drink?" He asked. Mina shook her head side to side.

"I had my first drink yesterday," she said.

"And how was that?" Cylus asked. Mina thought about what she could remember from that night and laughed at herself.

"I think I have a low tolerance," she admitted. CEO Rue made a hand gesture, and someone rapidly approached.

"Get me one of each kind of drink," he said, "and label them." The man nodded and scurried off to complete his task.

"Is all of that for you?" Mina asked.

"No, it's for you to try."

"Me?!" Mina's face clearly showed her unease.

"Relax, you'll just taste them. I'm curious about what you would like. That's all." Mina crossed her arms.

"I refuse." Cylus chuckled.

"Mina here is the thing. I find conversation with you interesting. I enjoy your candid nature. Think of this as a conversation starter. Besides, I prefer my women willing and conscious." Mina did not know why, but there was a familiarity about Cylus that made her believe his words, and when she looked at the scornful faces of the beautiful women around them; she knew he was telling the truth. Every one of them looked as if they were waiting for their chance in line.

In no time a waiter returned with a full tray. Mina looked at the several drinks and read the labels attached to each glass.

"Are you sure I won't get drunk?" She was curious about the drinks, but she did not trust Cylus enough to get drunk with him. He was unlike Zane who respected the clear line she had set, but only because Cylus had not given her a chance to do so. Handing Mina, a small silver spoon, he explained each drink to Mina.

"This first one is a black wine, it's made from dark grapes and is very dry." He swirled the drink in its glass and took a whiff. Then he gave the glass to Mina who followed suit. Using the spoon, she tasted a small amount of the wine. Her tongue felt as if it had been coated with a layer of antiperspirant. She did not like it and her reaction tickled Cylus.

"You really don't drink," he said, as he handed her another glass. They repeated the process with all the wine samples and out of the different types, Mina preferred the sweetness of the white wine, but it was not as good as the one from Faryta.

Mina told Cylus her opinion of each, and the man nodded attentively.

"You really don't know anything about wine," Cylus said when Mina was done speaking.

"Hey, don't make fun of me. I told you I was poor from the beginning." Cylus laughed loudly again. He really enjoyed the woman's company.

"Mina, are you sure we haven't met before? You seem very familiar."

"I am positive," She said, frankly. Cylus listed out places they could have possibly met, another waiter came holding a tray with four small glasses. "What are those?" Mina asked, and Cylus flashed a mischievous smile. Unnerved Mina shifted a little further away from him, making the man titter in amusement.

Mina was handed a plastic spoon and Cylus once again explained the drinks to her. This is rum, he said while pushing the small glass forward. Mina dipped the spoon and wet her tongue; it was too strong.

"People drink this?" She asked and Cylus explained that it was usually mixed into a cocktail. Mina tested two other drinks and when she got to the Whiskey, Cylus cautioned her. He noticed that her small sips were becoming bigger.

Feeling a bit buzzed, Mina ignored the man and took a big sip of the brown liquid. Immediately, her throat felt like it was on fire. Trying to get rid of the gross aftertaste Mina picked up the white wine and gulped down the entire contents of the glass.

Cylus could tell that Mina had become buzzed from just tasting the drinks he ordered. He told himself that they would stop after the whiskey, and he would get her a bottle of water to help sober her up. He wasn't lying when he said he preferred his women conscious and willing.

When Mina took a sip of the shot of whiskey, he was too busy laughing at her revolted expression to stop her from chasing it down with a glass of wine. When he noticed what she was doing, he pulled the glass away from her, his eyes wide.

"Didn't you say you had no tolerance?" Cylus asked.

Aware of the idiocy behind her actions, Mina covered her mouth and laughed. It was an infectious laugh that pulled Cylus in. He was sure that he had met the woman before.


Ian seethed in anger. He had seen Cylus Rue guide Mina to a private table and watched him dotingly allow her to taste several types of drinks. He couldn't hear what they were saying but based on Cylus' reactions the man was clearly smitten with Mina. Zane, who had also been watching, suggested that they find Lisa and Luna. He did not understand how Mina ended up alone with CEO Rue. When they found the two women, Lisa appeared to be having a good time with her friends. Luna looked stressed as a very drunk Dr. Bell lazily leaned against her. Ian would have intervened, but his sister was a very capable woman. If she were uncomfortable with the situation, she would have come to him or left the bar long ago.

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