
Chapter 64: Detest

From his laptop, Ian could see Bressaw hugging a still crying Tara. He kissed her forehead and pulled himself free of her hold before exiting the room. Ian noted to himself that there seemed to be a thing between Lee guards and Lee maids. Even his nan met her husband this way.

The thought of his nan softened Ian's resolve, and instead of locking both women up together forever, he waited to calm down before he would reenter the room with Mina and the maid. There is a saying that goes 'dead men tell no tales;' perhaps the group of three took it to heart. Samuel had told him that since they had honestly believed that Mina would not live past another few days, they saw no harm in their action. However, Ian was not sure if any harm had been done, just yet. He had been suspicious of Tara's arrival from the moment she entered his home, and the situation at hand only added to his concerns. However, no matter how deep he tried to dig, it seemed that the girl's entire family was employed with the Lee's, and she wasn't given much of a choice when it came to education related matters. She was simply following orders as she had previously said.


Tara was gently pressing a wet cloth on Mina's face. The coldness of the rag felt good, and Mina welcomed it as she woke from sleep. Opening her eyes slowly, Mina could see that Blue's, orbs were red rimmed and puffy. She reached up and placed her hand over Blue's. She was trying to silently comfort the girl, she did not know what happened, but she could tell that her friend was truly shaken.

Mina could not help but to feel that all of what had happened was her fault. Had she used a tenth of her brain power back then, she would not have ended herself in the situation she was in now. Easy money was bad money. Mina had always spouted this phrase without any real-life experience, but now, she could write a book about it.

Tara noticed that Mina seemed to be in a daze, and she could tell by the woman's eyes that she was not in a good place. She assumed that it was because Mina was weak from not eating, but if she had a window into Mina's mind at that minute, she would have been traumatized by her vicious thoughts concerning President Lee. Time seemed to stand still for both women.


Glancing toward the door, Mina could see that it was left open. Her body trembled when she did not see brother A or brother B standing outside of the door.

'What method of torture is this?' she thought. 'I'm sure if I spring up and try to run now, he will use it as an excuse to abuse me further.' Before Mina's thoughts could become anymore critical, she felt a hand gently press on her shoulder. Blue was smiling while holding a spoon in front of her face.

"You promised me you would start eating again." she said. Mina of course refused. It was not that she was not hungry, she just could no longer stomach the slop she was being served.

Mina gently pushed Blue's hand away and the girl furrowed her brows. At this moment, she was reminded of her sister, who often had to remind her to take a break from studying to eat something. Mina noticed how old memories were starting to resurface and she could only think it was the slow motion equivalent of her life flashing before her eyes. She laughed to stop herself from crying and told Blue that she was not hungry.

Mina said these words, but her stomach betrayed her and cried out in protest. Tara frowned.

"Mina, President Lee has directly placed your life in my hands, please eat for my sake." Tara spoke through her smile. She did not know Mina very well, but she assumed that she valued her relationships with others greatly. She also knew that these words would leave Mina unable to refuse.

Mina stared at the spoon, reluctant to even open her mouth. She wanted to gag just by looking at it.

Just as she turned her face away from the spoon, she heard the footsteps of someone approaching. Mina did not need to look to see who it was. She knew it was him judging solely on his oppressive aura that seemed to suffocate the room. Gripping the sheets tightly she forced herself to remain calm. She did not want to further Blue's involvement. Mina had already guessed that the men who guarded her doors had already been 'dealt' with. She was already harboring the guilt of causing one maid to be killed, and she did not need the added weight of another.

Ignoring Mina, President Lee directly addressed the maid sitting on the bed.

"Please remember my words, if she dies..." President Lee allowed his warning to trail off. Hearing his blatant threat, Mina's eyes widened. She snatched the spoon and bowl from Blue and began to stuff her mouth with the foul concoction.

After quickly finishing the entire bowl, Mina narrowed her eyes into a frigid and icy glare. She looked directly into President Lee's eyes and asked,

"Are you happy? I have eaten. You can leave her alone now." Her gaze never wavered or faltered. It was full of detest of disgust. Mina's once beautiful amber eyes had since gone dull and they gave off a sinister vibe that made them look demonic. Their darkness seemed to betray the lightness of and gentleness of her features. Such a hateful scowl on a delicate face should have marred Mina's beauty, but it did not diminish the woman's appearance at all.

Ian was taken aback by Mina's glare. He had once heard his sister tell him that he infused fear into others with just one glance, but he always thought it to be an exaggeration. Today however, he was on the receiving end of a murderous leer that he would not have believed came from the same woman who cowered at his sight just weeks ago. If he had not been witnessing it with his own two eyes, he would not believe she was capable of such a look.

As president Lee was about to speak, Mina glanced around uncomfortably. Her body lurched and she clumsily flipped herself out of the bed. Still connected to the monitor, Mina struggled against the wires with Blue's help and made her way to the restroom where her body forcibly expelled the disgusting goop, she had just forced herself to swallow. Tara stood outside of the door, unsure of how to help or if she could.

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