
|| Chapter 261 || The Dark Island

The bellowing winds of darkness swept throughout the barren lands. Trees withered, shriveled up, and deformed. Anything that breathes, anything that crawls and walks on the blackened ground, would be poisoned and consumed by the very earth it trods. Scattering fat centipedes, blood-red, crawls up the crumbling branch. How high up it was, unaware of the danger beneath it. 

Past the blood-red waters and over the bottomless cliff, a mountain, reaching for the heavens, piercing the thunderous black clouds. Millions of starving creatures, reeking of blood and rotting flesh, roamed the land searching to consume and devour. Their eyeless forms were terrible, enough to haunt one's soul until death. Some swarmed around warm locations while other dwell in waters, others scourge through the ice, and some prey underneath the surface. 

It is a horrifying place, The island of Gohtel. 

A place feared by most and worshipped. 

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