

Celine could see the anxiety in Izzy's eyes. She was not a cruel girl, she was actually rather pleasant to be around. This is one of the many reasons she was so popular. She was always kind to her fans, and even to those who had never met her. She had originally came from a humble background, and her financial situation had not improved with the success of her career. This all led to her being a rather humble superstar.

There had even been rumors floating around the web that she had been granted the title of saint by the Vatican, but the rumors had never been substantiated. It was a fact that she had done a lot of charity work in every city she had toured through though, and had even performed free concerts at several orphanages.

In short this woman was the type that could be compared to a princess, and this showed in both her actions and in her smile. Because of this she easily accepted Izzy's offer. She of course knew that his actions had been an accident, but had wondered how he would save face. It had taken a long time, and no small amount of courage to finally utter the words that he had. Because of this she had accepted his request. It was only a small request, but she did not know that this small decision would have a lasting impact on her life for the next ten years.

She smiled at Izzy as they walked out of the bus, he acted mostly like a gentleman, allowing her to go first. She was not as naive as one would think, and could feel his eyes admiring her backside, but she only smiled secretly to herself. This was something she had grown use to, and was not something she would hold against him. She had checked out him out as well.

He had a geeky vibe, even though he was in excellent shape. His muscles were lean and well defined, and his hair was neither long nor short, and was a black in color. His eyes were a dark brown, and his skin was quite fair. He had handsome features, and would have no problem being one of her back up dancers if she was doing a concert.

She could tell instantly that he was the quiet type.This did not mean that he felt inadequate, rather she felt that he simply felt people were a bother. She had seen his file as well. He was 16 years old, the same age as she was. He had tested out of school and recieved his bachelor's in programming from M.I.T. He could be called a genius, even if he paled in comparison to Albert.

His spot in the group had originally belonged to another, but he had obtained it after hacking into the system. The company had found out shortly after the selection had ended, but after reviewing his achievements allowed him to stay. His programming experience and ability to hack were perhaps his most outstanding features as far as they were concerned.

In short the boy behind her had all of the qualifications to partner with her, and seeing as how he had already extended the invitation she would graciously accept. The alternative was John, but after witnessing the state of his family, as well as his rather arrogant attitude she had decided against partnering with him. The last, Albert, had already been spoken for. That left only the boy behind her.

It was an open secret that the six of them would work in teams of two. Each group would be boy/girl. This is why there was an even amount of boys and girls. This had been hinted at during their briefing. The reason was obscure, but apparently the project worked better with this specific set up.

When the two got off the bus they noticed that the others had already been divided into groups. It was much like they had already expected. Both groups were boy/girl, Albert had been paired with Shawna, and John had been paired with Alexis. The parents stood behind the teen's, and showed a wide variety of emotions.

The two did not waste any time and joined the others. They on a spot marked three, while the other two were one and two respectively. It came as no surprise to either of them that John's group had stood in spot one, as the arrogance he displayed would only allow for him to be number one.

Izzy could only shake his head at the jouvinile behavior. What number they were assigned mattered not, as they did not know the specific roles each group would be assigned. He could only imagine that each group would be guided by a different individual. As they had no idea what or who each instructor would be, they number itself was meaningless.

They did not wait long before four individuals left the facility in front of them. The leader of the group seemed to be an elderly man with a long beard and a walking stick. The only part of the old man that did not seem ancient were his eyes that were bright with the vigor of youth.

Behind him stood three hooded individuals. A faint aura of otherworldness could be felt from them, but it was easily overpowered the strong aura of power that was being emitted by the old man. The old man looked at the group of them, his eyes piercing through any and all of the mage defences the three had over their minds.

They could feel the old man sifting through their memories, every embarrassing moment laid bare before him. Every truth, every lie, everything was laid before this man. The man did not even seem to move as a surge of power erupted from his being. The tower struck out at two targets. As Izzy turned to move his head he could only see the smoking remains of two of his companions.

In that single instance Albert and Shawna had ceased to exist. Their clothing fell to the floor, smoking, but undamaged. The man nodded as he looked at the rest of the group. the scene captivated the youths. It captivated them so much that they were not even aware that behind them their parents had met a similar fate. The soldiers behind them had moved with a quickness that no human should have as they collected the smoking clothing of the victims behind them.

Finally the old man spoke. His voice was cheerful, but held an edge that threatened of impending danger. Needless to say the smile that was plastered on his face did not reach his eyes.

"Four of you remain. The number is higher than I had expected." His eyes focused instantly on Izzy and Celine. In their moment of panic they had instinctively grabbed their companions hands, but it seemed that neither of them had been aware of the incident, but his gaze brought a blush to both of their faces as they realized what had happened. Even so, neither of them let go of the others hand, in fact if anything their grips had tightened.

The old man let out a genuine laugh as he observed this. His youthful eyes showing a glint of laughter.

"Do not be afraid young ones. Those that perished deserved what has come to them. They have broken their contracts, and made deals with another party. This happens with Every batch we recieve, though usually the numbers are much higher. Last batch only a single girl made it through."

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