

Kang Sola only stared her with her usual poker face. Their expressions could not be more contrasting. "I'm not here about our broken deal, if you're wondering. I'm just here to give this to you as a gift. Accept it. It's quite expensive. I've broken down my piggy bank for it." She let out a soft chuckle. "Congratulations." 

Supergirl was acting cool again. Even Kang Sola was surprised at herself. She had ran through several scripts of what she had to say to her when they meet. Most of it was rather confrontational and aggressive.

None of those surfaced at the crucial moment.

When she arrived in front of her apartment, all her angst was gone. And when the lady went defensive, she had already forgotten why she felt the urge to lighten up the mood.

She was simply relieved that this poor woman, a victim of fate, was finally a free woman once again.

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