

The feat was not that simple, however. Kang Sola's heart had been dormant for so long. To even ignite a beat from it in the romantic sense would already require a tremendous amount of effort. It's like pushing a huge rock into moving on a flat surface with bare human arms.

But to keep it beating for a certain person and to sustain it, more, more, more fuel in the form of effort and time was required. More investment. More depth. More experiences. More memories. With. That. Person.

In order to achieve his goal, Wu Xiang tried to deposit little by little to Kang Sola's emotional bank through dates. At least now, the lady would casually agree to his whims, so readily accompanying him in watching movies, eating out dinners, reading books together near a fireplace, and much more.

Of course, they still did vlogs together. It was another thing that kept them connected.

Kang Sola felt warm and secure whenever she's with Wu Xiang.

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