

As Wei Rin entered the classroom, he was welcomed by the corroding force of liquid on his head. 

Muddy, filthy water.

Instantly, he got drenched with a foul-smelling mixture of disgusting liquid he could not even identify what. His eyes were met by a condescending sea of eyes from the scattered seats inside the classroom. No one helped, perhaps for fear of getting involved with the bullies. 

He heard snickering noises behind me but he did not turn his head to look. 'What for?' He knew so well who they were.

Lately, he spent his time alone more frequently in school. Chen Lihua and Chen Lingtian had been filing leaves of absence to participate in music competitions. They had reached that point where their teacher approved of their instrument-playing. Ms. Shin, their Music teacher, enrolled the twins in a small, casual competition first wherein they bagged - without much effort – the first prize in the piano and violin categories.

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