
Everyone Else Is So Special

Jarvis felt the warmth Bo and To gave off. They were much larger now, something he only fully realized after admiring their glory. The two birds turned their heads and focused a beady eye on Jarvis. After a second they then began to soar through the Chimera horde. There was no flash of bright lights, no powerful explosions, nothing spectacular. Yet to Jarvis it was a sight to behold still.

Yellow and purplish white lines began to flow about, like loose threads. As the birds swung through the air to and fro the Chimeras began to raise off the ground. Like a dance Bo and To slowly rose their tempo, gathering more Chimeras every second. Higher they went, but each inch they rose a bit of their bodies turned to gold dust. Gathering the Chimeras together Bo and To flapped their wings and accelerated the process. All the Chimeras gathered turned to gold dust, which spread across the field like pollen.

"Jarvis. . . ! This. . . !", Extreok held a bit of awe in her voice.

Whitelash continued, "The Sun Phoenix! To think it would return like this! Moreover it's burning away the thick Heresy that imbued into the land!"

Guarton gained new vigor and thumped his tail. The poor earthen wall that was hastily put up suddenly tripled in size. A brick pattern took to the wall and several spikes lay on its surface. A moat of magma formed and bubbled violently, a blast of heat reaching Gear and Jarvis. Steam bellowed from his nostrils, "This Heresy has hindered me for far too long!"

The trees in the forest began to act like vines. Extending out they snagged any nearby remaining Chimera and wrapped around it, trapping it within the fortified wood. They tightened before several needles of water passed through the minuscule gaps, acting as an iron maiden. Or in this case a wooden one. Neorvil relished in the feeling, "This is what it means to be a Sage!"

Extreok's fur rose as electricity crackled through her coat. The air felt like a static charge as thick thunderbolts slammed into the remaining Chimera. Her nose twitched as she commented, "Much better."

Whether or not Extreok was commenting on how she felt or the fact that her authority was regained remains unknown.

Gear watched in shock, the once struggling beasts suddenly gained so much power? This turn was something only known in fantasy! Yet it was happening right in front of him?

He turned to look at Jarvis, and the setting changed. His awestruck face turned somber, a strange book in his hands. It looked nothing like the simplistic one he normally held. Yet that wasn't Gear's focus. Rather it was the innumerable amount of beasts that watched him. They stood alert and patient, as if waiting for a command.

"Gear-!", Jarvis called out in alarm.

This vision was interrupted with the wall underneath him trembling. A thick slab shot upwards and promptly shattered. Yet it allowed Gear to notice what was happening. The previous inactive A class Chimera made a move. It had thin arms, with it's strange ball-like hands it seemed as if its arms were replaced with morningstars. Its head was shaped like an axe, any form of something human-like was nonexistent. Its entire body was stick-like. Almost as if it was drawn by a child.

A hum came from the Chimera, "Remove."


The World suddenly acted, its random effect triggering in the face of such a catastrophic Chimera. This time it was a single action, like pressing 'auto' on a battle. Gear's arm snapped into a position, his starter sword acting as a guard. In the next fraction of a second the Chimera slammed its morningstar-like hand onto the sword and split it in half horizontally. The blow continued and connected with Gear's chest, sending him soaring back. He flew over the village and towards the opposite end of the wall.

Gear bounced off the edge of the wall and spiraled into a tree. The wood splintered as his momentum was thrown against it. His HP turned critical and he struggled to stay conscious. Blood poured from his lips and he twitched violently.

His eyes began to close as he thought, 'I can't do this. Everyone else. . . is so. . . special. . .'

Body slumped and he became unconscious. An unwillingness was the only thing that remained for that moment.

~ ~ ~

Travis paused, a strange feeling overcame him. Turning towards the village he felt his hands hover over his weapons. Averoth manifested and crouched next to him, "Quite powerful Chimeras. Not the work of whoever now controls it."

"Leftover product?"

"Something like that."

"You said something interesting about the one who tried to stop me. What exactly did you mean?"

"I'm not too sure, so I didn't say much remember?"

"I want to know your thoughts."

"The way he looked at you reminded me of an old friend. Like he was seeing into the 'what is' and 'what will be'."

"In a language I can understand."

"That's as simple as I can put it I'm afraid. It's an incredible blessing. If he becomes aware of it, it would be no exaggeration to call him a Seer."

"He could name War Sights?"

"That's an incorrect way to put it. Seers don't name War Sights, they state their name."

"That's not what I was told."

"Not my fault."

"So War Sights have names already?"

"War Sights were meant to be found by reflecting upon yourself. Eventually you would come across the name with enough effort. However those who can peer into 'what is' can accelerate this process. A method so popular it quickly overtook the original method."

"Then why do they say they name it?"

"History becomes skewed with time. Perhaps the Seers eventually believed they name and not state."

Travis scrounged his brain, however he could not recall any mention of a Player Seer. However he couldn't discredit Averoth's words. After all he reached closer to the point where he was sent back in time. What happened after that was an unknown world. There was a possibility that this Seer Player would make their debut in the distant future.

If that was the case. . . was it worth helping? Gaining a favor from a potential Seer was no small thing. A proper play of cards could turn this into an incredible opportunity.

Averoth seemed to sense his intention, "Don't bother. Heresy is a fickle thing, and I don't need it messing with the ring. Moreover I'm afraid our presence doesn't need to be more known."

This distracted Travis, "No one should know I'm here besides the two down there. That's the point of the mask."

"Can't explain, just keep moving. I can feel they're still eyeing us."

"Right. . ."

With a complicated expression hidden by his mask Dot turned and continued down his path. The seed of doubt long planted now beginning to sprout.

~ ~ ~


Igneel watched in awe. Every move he did was barely effective against the Chimeras. His most powerful arsenal proved near ineffective. Yet Wrock was tearing through them like a hot knife through butter!

In a flash of dazzling light Wrock appeared above the party and threw forward a powerful kick. A blaze of blue flame burst forth towards the horde of seemingly never ending Chimera.

{Spirit of the Phoenix: Nirvana}!

Such an attack created a massive opening, which the party did not miss. Igneel was a bit late to react but he kept up with them regardless. Wrock landed and turned back, an action guided by instinct. An instinct did not fail.

The A ranked Chimera came with a much faster and stronger will. Its scythe-like arm arced towards Wrock's head, attempting to impale him. In response Wrock caught the Chimera's arm with an even greater speed. To his slight surprise his arm tensed and shook slightly at catching it, as if struggling to keep up with its strength. Still his confidence remained unshaken.

Wrock grinned whilst staring at its eyes, "Still standing is it?"


Kicking upwards Wrock knocked the Chimera off its feet. Keeping hold of its arm he prepared to throw it towards the ground, yet the Chimera was faster. Its goat legs shot forth to kick him, forcing Wrock to let go of its arm and dodge. Impressed by the quick thinking by a seemingly beast-like creature Wrock was quick to respond in kind.

{Spirit of the Phoenix: Guiding Flame}!

The Chimera moved the scythe-like arms to block the blow in an 'X' shape. Wrock's fist made contact and almost shattered them, but the Chimera was blown back from the force. As its scythe-like arms healed it stabbed them into the ground to slow its momentum. The blood of the fallen Chimeras gathered to it and was absorbed. Its focus narrowed onto Wrock and its sickening voice continued, "Remove!"

"Try it!"


The Chimera soared forward, as it progressed it swung its arms wildly forming curved blood projectiles. Wrock flashed as he destroyed every one of them, for he was unwilling to let them attack his party. The Chimera swung forward, its speed even greater than before. Wrock was still able to keep up with it. Rather it was still far from the point where he couldn't! Compared to the fight with the Sword Saint, all of it seemed to pale!

Wrock deflected it with a hand and, in the same motion, spun to kick the Chimera's body. The Chimera refused to be knocked back again and instead accepted the blow in its entirety. Wrock was a bit amused by this, for it caused the Chimera's stomach to burst open. Although its regeneration was acting quickly. Wrock then moved quickly, his position changed faster than the blink of an eye. His fist scored a clean hit to the 'jaw' of the Chimera and launched it upwards.

{Spirit of the Phoenix: Guidance Towards the Heavens}!

Spirit burned brighter, making the light appear to increase in brightness. To the point where the Phoenix on the back of his Gi seemed to be the one glowing. Wrock brought his fists to his waist, "I will never lack strength again. As long as we're in the same Stage, I will never lose again! No, even if I have to face someone of a higher Stage! Something like you is far below the peak of what I can handle!"


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