
Fight, Even Against Three

"Be cautious, it seems like she gained more than just a superficial power boost.", Pale warned.

Tilia's War Sight morphed into two kite shields, which were place onto her arms like bracers. As she felt power surge through her, and her energy sapping away, she leaned forward. Despite the odds against her Tilia would still fight on!

Cain flickered and appeared behind Tilia, his foot arcing through the air and making contact with the side of her head. The damage he did with the kick was. . . none. It was as pointless as kicking a brick wall.

Tilia reached up and grabbed his foot as Cain was processing what was happening. Lifting him easily she spun him once and slammed him onto the ground. Pale lifted her mace making a warm glow wrap around it. Pointing it towards Cain she prepared to heal him.

Instead she lifted her shield and blocked a sudden attack from Tilia. The blow was enough to cause her to slide back, despite her incredible strength. Her shield quivered for just a moment.

'This. . . this might be a problem.'


A bolt flew across the air and slammed into Tilia's cheek. Except this time it merely bounced off her armor instead of piercing through. Thirn felt his hands quiver, "Her War Sight. . . can you even beat that?"

Tilia launched herself towards Thirn. Although speed is far from her strong suit the buffs she obtained made up for that greatly. Pale moved quickly in response to her movements, appearing between the two she raised her shield and blocked Tilia's attack, "Focus on wearing her down, I will make sure you are not harmed."

"You sure didn't protect Cain.", Tilia remarked.

Pale swung her mace towards Tilia. An action that was met with a mountain level of resistance. As Pale personally witnessed the unwavering defense Tilia currently possessed she grew a tad concerned. It wasn't due to her attack being easily blocked, anyone with half decent skill could do that. Rather she could feel the strength of the War Sight now that she was this close to it. Such a powerful War Sight was beyond uncommon. The amount of fighters with a War Sight on this level that Pale came across could be counted on her fingers.

'Wearing her out isn't an option if that's the case! I'll have to buy time until this power up runs out instead. . . !'

Tilia pushed Pale back and raised an arm. A fist landed directly on the kite shield that was acting like a bracer. Cain grit his teeth as his fist blossomed in pain. In fear of being grabbed again he rapidly retreated while holding his throbbing hand.

Pale calmly assessed the situation. Currently neither Thirn nor Cain had any capabilities of getting past Tilia's absurd defense. After making a decision Pale decided the best option was to take on Tilia herself!

Rushing forward with her shield Pale aimed to tackle Tilia. As she ran bits of golden energy formed in front of her shield and created a pyramid. The point heading directly for Tilia!

Raising a hand Tilia stopped the charge easily, the entire momentum of it stopped in a single moment! Pale failed to waver as she quickly changed her method of attacking. Her mace swung towards Tilia's side, aiming for a liver shot! Tilia smacked it downwards and aimed a punched directly towards Pale's face. The Paladin leaned to the side to dodge, but Tilia expected such a move! The kite shield on her arm seemingly detached and moved on its own will. Pale hadn't expected such a move and received a blow from the War Sight!

Latching onto Pale's shield Tilia pulled her closer. Creating an opening she delivered a powerful punch to Pale's gut, the kite shield following the movement and adding some additional damage. Letting go of Pale's shield Tilia kicked her back and raised her hand. With a swift movement she snatched something out of the air. It was Cain's fist, this time it crackled violently with green electricity.

Tilia examined it, "This is the move you used against Ninn. Did you not learn the first time?"

"I'm actually quite glad you grabbed me! I'm taking you down with me!"

Cain grabbed Tilia's shoulder and touched the ground. The green electricity forming at his fist exploded and traveled between the two. Cain's entire body convulsed violently as his own attack traveled through his body.

Tilia examined him, it wasn't as if she was unaffected by the attack. Rather the damage dealt to her through all of her defense bonuses was incredibly pitiful compared to her massive HP pool. So she let go of Cain's arm and opted to grab his head instead. Raising him up and slamming him onto the ground she then formed a kite shield above him. Ramming that into his gut she pinned him and prevented further movement.

With one opponent now rendered immobile, she had two left. Her main target was Pale, to rid of the troublesome healing. Pale proved to be quite capable of tanking hits. Even the few blows Tilia landed didn't do much. Truly an expert in protecting both herself and others.

Well excluding Cain that is.

. . .

Pale, the Sun Follower. She held a lot of faith in the sun. Or rather, the God of the Sun.

Through her unwavering faith and her talents as a Paladin she was granted the right of a God's Chosen Blessing. The greatest reward that could ever be given for her. With it her strength as a Paladin skyrocketed, and her fame grew alongside it. Yet despite this her faith never once dwindled. If anything it grew stronger.

Pale placed a hand over heart, "Even now, I can feel your guidance."

Tilia appeared in front of her, "You shouldn't talk to yourself."


Pale's shield quivered slightly. She had blocked a sudden attack from Tilia, but this time the strength difference wasn't as great as just a moment before? As if in just a moment Pale had managed to shorten the gap Tilia created! Suddenly Pale's pupils changed, they looked as if they reflected the sun itself. Pale began pushing against Tilia, "Tell me, what is the reason why you grew strong?"

"What kind of pointless question is that?"

"Do you wish not to answer?"

"Perhaps if we were conversing over some tea I'd think about it, but not in the middle of a fight!"

"If you have nothing to drive you forward then your loss will be inevitable!"

Pale swung her mace forward towards Tilia's head. This was met with Tilia's armored fist, blocking its force. Tilia almost immediately noticed that her advantage in strength was erased. Whatever Pale did it made them even. The light in Pale's eyes flashed and she quickly released a flurry of blows, "So what is it you fight for? Why do you continue down your path?"

Tilia didn't retreat, instead she responded with a series of attacks. Her armored fists and kite shields making contact with Pale's mace and her own shield. Neither side moving from their spot. Tilia formed more kite shields and made them attack, increasing the intensity. Yet Pale grew stronger and continued to fight against the onslaught.


Their blows continued to be matched. The force behind their blows was enough to start cracking the ground beneath them. Their strength causing shockwaves through the arena.

Thirn watched and grit his teeth, "I won't just stand idly!"

Running towards Cain he pushed against the kite shield with all his strength, "Damn, this just doesn't budge!"

Cain shook his head, "I've been trying this whole time, it just doesn't move. Focus on eliminating the last enemy instead!"

"I can't, I lack-"

"You can't do that move during Second Stage right? Take my strength, we can't fail the West Head."

"You say that as if Pale is going to lose."

"This War Sight. . . I can feel it has so much potential. If the fight against Pale awakens it further we may not stand a chance."

Thirn gripped his crossbow, "Alright, let's finish this!"

"I knew you wouldn't decline!"

Cain reached out a hand and Thirn gripped it tightly. Arcs of green electricity began to form around their hands. Cain's eyes shined a brilliant bright green, "Don't miss!"

"Of course I won't!"

[Virescent Current: Power Reroute]!

Thirn felt a wave of strength enter his body, but he also felt it start to dwindle almost immediately. Like a battery of sorts. Cain's arm went limp and he fell unconscious. Thirn let go and grasped his crossbow, "I'll show you why they call me Brilliant Gleam!"

~ ~ ~

"I can't believe it, she's going toe to toe against Pale!"

Inth gripped his chair, "This shouldn't be possible, what is Pale doing?!"

"I'm not sure. . . ? Could it be that this Tilia is a force equal to that of an Ace?!"

"Stop talking nonsense! There's no way some Second Stage fighter is on the level of an Ace! I refuse to believe Horrow gathered such a force in such a small amount of time! It can't be-"

"Oh calm yourself already.", spoke a new face.

Inth grit his teeth, "What. . . ?"

"To be so obsessed with the South. What a pathetic sight! Are you stuck in the past?"

"I don't think you fully understand. What Horrow is doing treads upon centuries of tradition! Such disrespect can't go unpunished!"

"Tradition doesn't help fighters! All it does it force them into things that limit their growth. What you're seeing is incredibly talented fighters who took up arms for a single reason. To fight against the best and learn!"

"I'll excuse your words this once, just because you're an Ace doesn't excuse this behavior!"

"Oh what are you going to do? Kick me out? Go ahead."

Inth grit his teeth, "What are you getting at?"

"Glad you're willing to listen. I'll be short, the present is now. Stop living in the past."

"Leave, I will not have you so blatantly disrespect everything the West Province stands for."

"Those stuck in the past never move forward, if you keep this up then the downfall of the West will be inevitable."

"I said leave!"

"Ha, fine. I'll be going. Just keep my words in mind."

"Damn Record, thinking he can just speak his mind."

"Head. . . maybe we should."

"Don't you dare agree with him. The South must be punished for their misdeeds!"

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