

"This is your request?"

"I am aware of what I ask, which is why I will understand if you decline.", Tilia held no anticipation for the response.

A dwarf drummed his fingers against a table. Giving his beard a faint tug he considered the proposal.

A villager slammed their hands down, "Are you insane?! Do you know how long they have suffered?!"

The dwarf raised a hand to calm the outraged villager. Once the silence had been restored he interlocked his fingers and rested his chin on them. Eyeing Tilia he spoke, "We were prepared to spend the rest of our lives working. Mass producing mediocre weapons for the Lord's greed."

Tilia slightly bowed her head, but did not interrupt.

"We forged endlessly, our bodies on the verge of collapsing. Yet you approach us just a handful of months later asking us to pick up our hammers and forge again?"

"I understand the weight of this request."

"What do you think of this Hadvyke?"

Another dwarf rose an eyebrow upon being called on. Approaching the table they spoke, "Compared to what we were forced to do before? Stop teasing the elf."

Another spoke up, "We can put the care we used to into forging again. That constant laboring over the forge didn't dull my passion for forging. Rather I burn to make proper weapons! And they're being put towards a good cause? Our equipment would give them an edge."

Hadvyke rolled his eyes, "Naturally they would succeed with our creations. I would be offended deeply if they failed."

Tilia looked up, "Does this mean-"

The head dwarf guffawed, "Aye we'll take the job. The payment they give is wondrous. Perhaps this village can get a long overdue makeover!"

""Aye!"", the dwarves shouted in agreement.

Tilia smiled faintly, "Thank you."

"Don't worry about it, instead tell 'em to send those materials quickly. I've been wanting to make something besides a garbage sword. My creative juices haven't been spent in a long while."

"I will."

"Oh, I think it's about time for someone of your level to get a better set of armor. That won't last at your Stage. I am certain that your friends may very well need some as well. When those materials arrive here do bring them over. We'll make something special for y'all."

"That isn't necessary-"

"Nonsense! Don't turn down a dwarf's generosity! It's rude y'know!?"

"In that case thank you. I'll be sure to bring them."


The head dwarf turned, "Right then lads, we got ourselves a wonderful job. We'll be partying tonight!"

The cheers of the dwarves were momentarily deafening.

~ ~ ~

"They certainly make tracking you down easy."

Travis moved his head slightly at the voice, "Another trying to claim the bounty?"

"No, not as simple."

Four cloaked individuals appeared, emitting a thick killing intent.

Travis casually placed a hand on Abe's pommel, "Would you be so kind as to tell me why you are here?"

"Your enemies grow numerous. Aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

"I'd ought to keep track of how many times I've heard that. Everyone shakes their fingers and says I will pay, yet here I remain. So who sent you?"

"Why don't you take a guess?"

"The options are simply too numerous. Perhaps a little hint?"

"Someone who you humiliated."

"Do you have any idea on how little that narrows it down? Yet I would say it's one of the Guilds isn't it? If I had to throw the dart blindfolded, Raven Thread?"

"So it seems you aren't oblivious."

"Ha! So it was them! This is exactly the response they would take. Keeping this threatening air about them. For all their enemies disappear in a night or two."

"You classify as one of the enemies."

"It seems they can't take any more negative P.R. hm? Had to send some unknown fighters to claim the dues? You know, just in case it fails."

"Glad to know the info is correct, you arrogance is boundless."

"It's confidence, granted by the strength I hold. It's adorable that you think some mediocre items can hide your information from me."

Travis had long since identified the four with his Eyes of Trinity. [Truth: Revealing] was capable of identifying player stats through even high ranked cloaking accessories. Travis believed it would even be able to see through Legend Creating rarity items as well.

"So you can see through us? In that case you should be aware that you aren't dealing with some average First Stage fighters."

Travis replied calmly, "Instead some bottom of the barrel Second Stage 'fighters' have come to take the challenge. You think that, now that you're Second Stage, you have the qualifications to beat me?"

"The playing field is now even Dot, prepare for your downfall."

One pulled out an orb and shattered it. Travis felt almost offended, "An Orb of Greed? I see they've gotten cheap! Nothing compared to the Orb of Gluttony I faced on that eventful day."

"You will not face us only once Dot."

"That's where you're wrong. You won't be having a second chance."

Travis couldn't help but smirk, "Tell you what, you bunch seem interesting. I'll give you a handicap! I won't use my War Sight and. . . I'll use only one of my swords."

"Hmph, foolish choice."

"Not enough? Alright, I'll even let you choose. Would you like to face my right or left sword?"

Travis spread his palms to showcase Lumen and Abe. The four seemed hesitant at this, unsure how to proceed. They were prepared for a number of methods Dot normally used, but this wasn't in their given info.

"Nothing to say this time? Then the right it is."

Travis unsheathed Abe, Abyssal energy began to swirl around the blade. Slowly it fluttered off, like black embers off a flame.

'Let's rock!' -Abe

Travis couldn't help but agree.

To the assassins, their target suddenly vanished.

Reynold had a faint yet bad feeling ever since he approached his target. The Dot individual seemed to have no presence. Lacking in killing intent, confidence, mental pressure, almost everything. Aside from the arrogance shown through actions, he couldn't feel a thing about them!

It was like they didn't even exist. A terrifying opponent. Reynold trained in several types of combat, worked in areas that risked his life every second. With such near death encounters he was forced to adapt. He could sense danger that would leak off an individual.

Yet when facing Dot there was nothing?! It shouldn't be possible! Someone that powerful shouldn't seem so harmless! It was like his body was telling him he wasn't facing a threat, but his mind knew better!

A voice gently entered his ear, "Boo."

A chill ran through his spine as he quickly spun and swung his dagger. The rest of the team reacted only a split second after he did. Dot casually dodged the swing, "Quick reactions, but you'll need more than that."

Reynold grit his teeth, he wasn't going to let some arrogant brat toy with him! His team moved in sync towards Dot. They had spent years working together, their teamwork was almost flawless!

Two attacked Dot directly, while the other two prepared to counter anything Dot would do to retaliate.

Reynold felt his dagger hit only air, 'Perfect!'

Dot had dodged the initial blows! This was according exactly to their plan! Now it was time to push with an unrelenting force!

The two that were on standby immediately pushed ahead and swung towards Dot directly. While these strikes were also dodged, this was still according to the plan.

The tempo kicked up, with the two halves of the squad interchanging seamlessly, with both sides prepared to adjust according to the victims movements. A constant flow of attacks with no pause! Even the most skilled experts would find themselves pressured to constantly guard against such attacks.

Such a deadly combo became quite known within the network of experts. Individually each member of the four would prove quite the adversary, but together they become a whole new behemoth!

The constant and adaptive rush of attacks became known as the {Coursing Stream}! This technique had rarely seen failure!

'We have him on the ropes! All he can do is dodge! We keep this pressure up and he'll eventually slip!'

'How incredible, this technique is nothing to scoff at.', Travis thought to himself.

'You seem to be handling it well.' -Abe

'Compared to Dimitrin's training, this is nothing.'

'So you plan to keep dodging?'

'No, I just wanted to witness what gave them so much confidence.'

Travis flicked his wrist and knocked away an incoming blow. Despite interrupting the flow the four were not deterred by this. Instead their attacks intensified.

The sound of metallic rings sounded as Travis deflected all the incoming blows. He then praised, "Excellent! Of the players to come for my bounty you are among the more skilled! However, pure combat skill can only get you so far in this game!"

Travis released a [Depth's Beam] towards the group. As if sensing the danger they quickly spread apart, dodging the beam.

Flourishing his weapon Travis taunted, "Surely that's not all you have! You wouldn't have come so unprepared! Show me why Raven Thread sent you!"

Next chapter