
Plans of Assistance

"Our kindness was almost taken advantage of."

Several executives of Wary Breeze remained seated after the meeting with Wrock. They continued to discuss the outcome. Although Wrock's words were an outrage, some understood the reason.

"Regardless of what happened he speaks some truth."

Another executive sighed, "We all know this. I doubt there is a single player who wants this situation to persist. Everyone wants to fight, it's just not feasible."

"We're almost done with our plan as well. It's too risky."

"What's the progress on that?"

"Thanks to Wrock's help, we can send a few ships worth of players to the East and gain a foothold there."


An executive who was mostly silent the whole time spoke, "So we're just going to run away?"

"We have no choice in the matter."

"We have a choice."

"Then this is the only reasonable choice."

Another agreed, "It's either we run and start anew in a place far better, or we die trying to fight to improve our current place."

". . . Wrock is right, we're nothing but a bunch of opportunist cowards."

"Let's not think of it that way, instead let's think of it as. . . A lucky few."

"Ha, what a way to sugar coat it."

"You aren't seriously thinking about going against Perina are you?"

"I am."

"Are you crazy?"

"If they truly have a way. If, and big if here, he has a way we could play a major part in freeing ourselves. Our reputation would skyrocket. We could be revered as those who contributed a lot to the fight. A chance to rise to the top of the Guilds."

"Yes, but this opportunity in the East is also the same. By establishing a decent foothold, we can rise to the top without restriction."

"Then say we do that, and what if they win the battle?"

Silence spread across the room. It was obvious what the answer was. If they escaped and the revolution succeeded, they would be viewed as cowards. The ones who ran from the fight fearing consequence.

"That's impossible. Fighting a Third Star is more than a pipe dream. The revolution stands no chance."

"What if they manage to gather NPC help as well?"

". . ."

"There's more than just players in this world. The saying 'hidden dragons and crouching tigers' is incredibly relevant. If the revolution gains help from NPCs, their chances will no longer be slim."

"What NPC would go against Perina though?"

"Those who are tired of her rule, we players aren't the only ones who suffered."

Someone shouted, "Stop with your nonsense, saying these dreams that plant pointless hope will veer us off course!"

Another argued, "But it's possible! The chance of us rising would be incredibly high if we're first to assist! That puts so many eyes on our Guild, and if we succeed the potential for growth is astronomical!"

Soon the table was filled with debate. Arguing amongst themselves.

As such, the cracks of their Guild started to form. The seed Wrock planted had started to sprout.

~ ~ ~

Jarvis stood at a cliff, "Kiro, I need to cross the river."

Kiro looked up from what she was doing, "What? Did you forget about the tyrannical ruler and all that?"

"That's the reason I wish to go."

"You can't even if you wanted to."

"Why not?"

"Crossing the river is no small task, the flow of ships is regulated by some powerful individuals. You'd need some crazy influence to cross. Or somebody insane."

"I thought it would be easy considering the trade at Doru?"

"The people who regulate it are quite keen on filling their pockets. Of course they would be quick to allow trade. Just slap a tax on transport and sale and the money will just flow in."

"I don't think we'll need a boat to cross."

"You plan on just running across? I know you're Second Star, but you have to think realistically."

"I'm confident in Neorvil's ability to cross that river."


"The swan."

"Oh, while they could fly across the other side won't take kindly to intruders."

Jarvis chewed the inside of his cheek, his thoughts became muddled with ideas.

Suddenly a voice pierced through, "There's no point in crossing right now."

Turning he spotted Yielya approaching them, "I was talking with Akiol, there's an issue with a few thing. First there's a lack of soldiers, however even if that is solved there will naturally be a problem with provisions, weapons, and intel."

"So your suggestion?"

"We support them from the other side of the river."

"That'll be troublesome."

"It will, the revolution would be easier to build on the West side due to the players being pressured by the tyrannical rule. They will naturally want to fight back once they break free of their fear. This side doesn't have that, we'll have to consider a different path."

Kiro interrupted, "That's easy."

"How so?"

"You need soldiers? Weapons? Provisions? Nothing a bit of money can't solve. There's always someone willing to work for the right price."

Yielya pinched her chin, "That could work. With enough funds we can provide the necessary equipment and supplies needed. It'd be some work, but it's certainly doable."

Jarvis provided a counter argument, "It may sound easy, but I doubt we can obtain that kind of money easily. Even if we worked ourselves to the bone grinding, I doubt we could earn enough to move a decent amount of people. Much less weapons and supplies."

Kiro shook her head, "Who said anything about earning the money through hard work? With the right connections you could gain a foothold in business."

"Hmmm.", Yielya fell into thought.

Meanwhile Jarvis provided another argument, "Managing a business is not something we have the slightest of idea on how to do. We would need something with a monstrous growth rate. With enough income to support a revolution. That's not something anyone can obtain."

Kiro shrugged, "I might know a guy who could help in managing a business, but actually starting one isn't their specialty. A manager of sorts."

Yielya snapped her fingers, "I'm somewhat owed a favor from Wiseren Trading Company. Although I'm not quite sure their power, getting shop somewhere for a price might not be difficult."

Kiro was taken aback, "Wiseren? You mean the Wiseren?!"

"By your reaction I assume they're quite well known."

"If it's the one I'm thinking of, Wiseren is ranked among the top of the Trading Economy. They have quite the influence when it comes to the ship porting as well. What kind of favor are you owed by such people?"

A smile crept onto Yielya's face, "Well you see. I might have saved Mr. Wiseren's daughter."

~ ~ ~ 

'Have you thought about what you are going to do from here?'

Opportunity didn't respond immediately, instead she calmly felt the powerful wind resistance. She was riding on the back of Ryolu. Their flight was almost aimless, nothing but fleeting thoughts to guide them.

Opportunity finally responded after some time, "Get stronger I guess. There's some incredible people out there, people I haven't fought yet. That Dot guy was certainly one of them, really made wonder if there are others."

'Then what direction shall you go?'

"Wherever the wind takes us, perhaps if my brother would return I could see just how much more stronger he is than me. Though I'm not sure, after all my strength is pretty ridiculous for my level."

'That it is, are you worried he wouldn't be able to contend in strength?'

"Yeah, although he seems incredibly skilled, I could only call his strength above average. No where near the top."

'A lot can change in a small amount of time.'

She laughed, "That is true."

Ryolu's voice was a bit quieter, 'I would like to see my daughter as well.'

"May the wind guide us Ryolu, I am glad you are with me on this journey."

'Likewise, it has been quite some time since I was able to move so much.'

As the two soared through the air a peaceful silence grew. Following where the wind guided them, perhaps onto adventurers closer than once could anticipate.

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