
Torch’s Masterpiece

Torch tapped his metallic chin, "Tour. . . Alright I guess I can show everything I got for now. Let's start over here."

Torch walked over to a small assembly line, "I mass produce the Constructo bots over here. They are my main source of income after all. Since I built them somewhat poorly, the Guilds have no choice but to buy more if they wish to keep the bonuses."

"Aren't you worried they might find a way to repair or create them?"

"Repair? Maybe, but the materials are so poor that every repair will only cause it to have a portion of its previous lifetime. I would say two repairs are the maximum before it would be easier to purchase another."

"Are they open to solo players too?"

"Oh definitely, the small parties also buy some for their house. Though the total income from those aren't equal to the guilds. The guilds did try to offer me high prices for exclusive contracts. But I felt like that's a waste."

"The moment they find you unneeded they will most likely try to wipe out everything you have."

"Someone already tried. What was their name. . . Widows Regret? Something like that, they didn't like the fact that I was selling it to everyone. I occasionally get a small player trying to infiltrate this place."

"How many have you killed?"

"Around four hundred? It's a rough estimate though. Might be higher, might be lower."

"We all have our own problems with the guilds huh."

"You have an issue?"

"More like I picked a fight, though they technically started it."


"Let's see, some guy named Reverence from Jumpstart Pavilion. I won a bet against him and got a sword out of it. Though I think our quarrel is at an end now. Now it's. . . Zealous I think. From Infinity Base."

"You have something against the number one guild?!"

"Number one guild? Weren't they number ten?"

"They won a war against nine of the top ten guilds. So they are currently the number one guild in A World's Legacy."

"Woah, I guess it has something to do with that class he got."

"The one that gives a free Berserk Skill?"

"Yeah he mentioned something about that. I had almost stopped him from obtaining the class. . . though I failed."

"Haha! You're crazy man!"

"They hired an NPC assassin to defeat me. Oh which reminds me, here."

Akiol dispelled Changing Crimson and handed it to Torch, "The sword I got from said assassin."

"This is the one you used during our duel right?"

"Bingo, it's blade is made from a strange material that allows it to expand. I never got to test the limits of that though."

"Expand? Intriguing."

Torch flipped a strange item over his mechanical eye and studied it for a bit, "Can I buy this?"

"No need to buy, consider it a gift for the sudden intrusion."

"Isn't this your sword though?"

"Not currently. . . that one is doing something right now."


"Don't worry about it, I'll show you at a later time."

"Well thanks for the gift then. Let's continue with the tour."

Torch walked over to another corner of the large factory. Another assembly line was evident. The machines worked at a smooth pace. The clicks of machinery and the sound of metal was rhythmic.

Torch gestured to the machinery, "This is my greatest fighting force. Here I am mass producing those soldiers I used during our duel."

"Mass producing? I thought you said they were expensive?"

"Oh they are. Fiver hundred grand per robot."

Akiol was genuinely surprised by the price. A robot could almost pay for his house!

Torch clicked his fingers together, "I have a constant connection with the guilds. Demand is constant, so I am a very rich man, or robot."

"Must be, to make so many robots."

"I'm considering temporarily halting this. I have enough robots to take on a guild now."

"I know who to call if I am ever stuck in a war."

"Oh please do, I would hate for them to gather dust."

Torch turned to the other half of the factory, "Now as much as I would like to boast about what these are that corner is the repair station for my own construction bots."

"Not constructo?"

"I built my own with high quality materials. So they last longer, are more efficient, are faster, and I can repair them several times before I am forced to scrap them."

"So what's the other corner?"

"Temporary storage. I plan on making a whole cargo house in the future. In fact it is already in production!"

"You sound like you are enjoying yourself."

"Making robots is so much fun. I made enough money off of this I was able to quit my job and focus more here."

"Sounds like you are living the life."

"I really am, thank you for that."

"Mere coincidence."

Torch nodded, "Alright now to show my personal lab."

They moved through the walking machinery and through a doorway. Akiol was greeted by a large amount of strange shaped machinery. At one wall was a large bench with several mysterious tools.

Torch coughed, "Pardon the mess, once I have my cargo room finished I will have so much free space."

Akiol touched some machinery with interest, "What are all these?"


"Ohh. . ."

"I recently unlocked this strange compression technology. Yet I can't seem to get it to work at a consistent rate."

"So you have had some success?"

"I'll show you that later. Oh, here you can have this."

Akiol looked up and saw torch push over a strange shaped device.

"What is it?"

"While it failed to compress properly, it still works. You just gotta. . ."


The machinery unfurled in the blink of an eye revealing a glider with a large wingspan.

"I couldn't quite make a helicopter, but I made this while experimenting. I considered scrapping it due to it failing to compress, but then I remembered your strange absorbing ability."

"How does it work?"

"You glide with it?"

"I meant the semi compression."

"Oh! You click this small button and-"


As the machine compressed into an odd shape the wing smacked Torch's head.

Torch didn't notice and continued with his explanation, "When it is fully compressed that same button will be visible right here. Just press it again and it will unfurl."

Akiol tested it a few times before absorbing it, "Many thanks then."

"No problem! Now, onto my beautiful creation. Something I have yet to field test."

Torch flipped open part of the stone wall and type a passcode in. The walls rumbled and part of it opened.

Torch made a small laugh, "I am extremely proud of that."

The two walked in and lights began to turn on. They all directed their light towards a single thing. A heavily armored robot.

Torch touched it gently, "It's my combat body Mark two. The armor is made of a similar compound as the mecha. The amount of hidden weapons I put on this is ridiculous. It holds some of my successful compression machines. It is my greatest creation, and I am excited to test it out."

The armor was plated, but Akiol noticed a thinner material behind it. It looked bulky, but something told him that it was also flexible.

The body lit up and began moving. Torch began to speak, "Every inch of this thing was built with battle in mind."

His voice was cold and robotic. Akiol asked, "No voice module?"

"I placed something else instead of that. This thing is made for pure battle, a voice module is unneeded."

Akiol felt like the armor set was really cool, he thought it was a shame that Stars was unable to see it.

Torch flicked a wrist and a glowing light shot out and remained two feet out, "A photon saber, though it's not really. More like a mana saber. Still it can cut through a lot of stuff."

He flicked his wrist and the glowing blade retracted. Extending his left hand upwards a metal blade shot out from the bottom of his wrist, "Hidden blade, got the inspiration from an old game. It's more of an backup weapon than main."

When he tilted his hand back down the blade retracted. Grabbing his left hand he twisted it and it popped off, "Machine gun, I have about two hundred bullets compressed into my forearm. One of my many ranged abilities."

He put his hand back on and tapped his shoulders. Two cannons appeared on them, "Rocket launchers. The left one is gas, the right is explosive. I only have two rockets for each though."

The cannons folded inwards. He clapped his metallic hands and three triangles separated off his chest. The floated in front of him and made a triangle shape, a green triangular barrier then appeared. This all happened within a second, "Heavily compressed mana barrier. For those pesky ranged attacks. In case their battery runs out I have a backup in my chest to charge them when the return."

The barrier faded and the triangles returned to his chest. The sides of his feet opened and three small orbs lay in each one, "Grenades, the same trick I used against you."

They closed and Torch opened his right palm, another triangle extended outwards slightly, "Electric net, another trick you have already seen."

The triangle merged back into the suit. He then pointed at his back, "See these squares? They are actually prisms."

Seven small squares were on his back, six were in a circle whilst the seventh was in the middle. Two at the top popped out and revealed that they were, in fact, prisms.

The prisms rapidly unfurled into two heavily armored robots, "Elite soldiers in case I get outnumbered."

Akiol asked, "All seven?"

"Just four are this variant. The other two. . ."

The two soldiers returned to their prism shape and into Torch's back. The two on the bottom half of the circle popped out and unfurled into two robotic dogs, "These guys are incredibly quick. Meant for chasing those who are on the verge of death. They will grip on with their powerful jaws, if I can't catch up or their damage reaches a certain mark. They will explode."

Akiol whistled and patted one, "How powerful is the blast?"

"Around the strength of a modern missile."

"Could they explode when they are in your back?"

"The bomb requires a specific condition to go off. That condition will not be fulfilled if it is destroyed. So the chances of that happening are near zero."

The dogs returned to the prism shape and onto Torch's back.

Akiol pointed at the seventh and asked, "So what is that one?"

Torch grew excited as it popped out, "This one most likely won't be used but. . ."

The prism unfurled to show a large turret. Eight barrels gleamed in the light, a large box of ammunition fed into it. Torch patted it, "A minigun. It can be both manually and automatically controlled. It's slower than a modern minigun. This one can shoot around one thousand to one and a half thousand bullets within a minute."

"Great gods, and how many rounds is in it?"

"I have about thirty minutes of compressed ammunition in this."

Akiol wasn't confident in going against a machine like this. He then asked, "So this is the final card of this whole machine?"

"Final card? No. There are still some features I wish to keep hidden for now. Nothing like revealing it at the right time you know?

At this point Akiol felt bad for whoever had to fight this.

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