
The Duke’s Stash

Travis double checked his inventory, he hadn't restocked on any essentials ever since he arrived at the Abyss. He still had a few MP and HP regen potions, but the number wasn't large.

He couldn't do anything about it anyway, so he closed out the interface and walked out of his room. He was quite excited to see what a Duke's secret stash had to offer. If he could obtain a decent set of armor then he would be set for a while. Armor and weapons were usually the first items players would work towards obtaining. Stronger equipment mean faster leveling. Faster leveling meant more equipment. It was a near never ending cycle. Until players obtain a set of gear that would be stronger than the next set they could obtain.

It was strange for Travis to obtain a weapon and accessory that would be with him up until the near endgame. Yet his armor was outdated and overused.

As Travis walked out of the Manor he saw Dimitrin, Flinnder, and a few servants waiting for him. As he approached Flinnder said with a smile, "My Champion has arrived!"

Travis responded with an apology, "It seems I am late, my apologies."

Flinnder waved away the apology, "Nonsense, you're right on time in fact. Now before we head off. . ."

Flinnder snapped his fingers and the servants walked over to Travis. There was three, each holding a wooden chest. They opened the chests and inside was a set of small vials. Each chest holding three.

Flinnder commanded, "Take them, use them only in times of need. I don't believe you require them, so this should be fine."

Travis' interest was peaked, he picked up a vial carefully and inspected it. Immediately he was shocked, these were high grade stimulants!

Stimulants were a step above all potions, in exchange they had a much higher cooldown. As he collected them he realized he had three different kinds.

HP Restorative Stimulants, these recovered 5% HP every 3 seconds for 300 seconds. This was a blessing for any long term battles!

MP Restorative Stimulants, these recovered 3% MP every second for 60 seconds! This was a favorite amongst mages, but Travis found it enjoyable anyways.

What caught his interest the most was the last kind. It was a dark black liquid, it seemed to drain the light of everything around it. This wasn't important to Travis however, it was the effects!

Body Mending Stimulant, this halves the backlash from any Skill! If he drank two, that essentially would rid the side effects entirely! This was an extremely powerful Stimulant!

Travis stuck them into his inventory and bowed, "Thank you for your generosity."

Flinnder shook his head, "Not my generosity, my investment into your survival. It is crucial to me that you stay alive. However I don't have many of those in my warehouses, so do use them sparingly."

"Yes Lord!"

"Now then. . . Dimitrin we will be heading off. I leave the Manor in your care."

Dimitrin bowed, "I shall treat it well my Lord."

Flinnder nodded in approval, "Then, let's go."

Flinnder opened the black crooked square and Travis stepped into it. When he appeared on the other side he was greeted with a forest. The forest was devoid of any plant colors, instead it kept the black, gray, and white coloring of the Abyss. This made the forest seem more eerie than it should be.

Travis mumbled under his breath, "Am I going to have to find pages. . . ?"

Flinnder appeared through the square and observed his surroundings. He then said, "I am afraid that the information regarding the Duke's Stash is very vague. So we will be continuing on foot as we explore."

"Yes Lord."

The two walked through the forest, it lacked the sounds a forest normally would. Occasionally they would be attacked by a wild Abyssal Creature, which Travis would eliminate.

They walked in silence for some time. So Travis figured he should converse, "May I ask a question Lord."

"Go on."

"Your. . . portal ability, is it something unique to the royals of the Abyss?"

Flinnder chuckled, "Nope! This particular ability is my own personal War Sight. It's quite handy I must say."

"A War Sight? I never expected that. . ."

"War Sights aren't only combat oriented. Though I am able to use my own in combat if I wish to."

"Then what about your strength? Is this something obtained through effort?"

"Hmm, partially. We Royals are strengthened by the Abyss itself. The higher position you are, the more strength you receive."

"How do you become a royal?"

"A Duke is allowed to grant an individual the title of Baron to one individual every year. However there is a limit."

Travis thought for a moment and asked, "Who, or rather what, is Dimitrin?"

"Ah, curious are you? Dimitrin was once the personal guard of my father, however some cowardly royals assassinated him. Dimitrin was ordered to keep a younger me and my sister alive. As for what Dimitrin is. . . I myself am not sure. I always refer to Dimitrin with their name, there isn't really a she, or a he, to Dimitrin."

"If Dimitrin was the personal guard of your father, does that mean they are stronger than you?"

"Ha! Dimitrin does not have the benefits of a Royal. My strength outmatches theirs by a long run. However. . . if our strengths were equal, I wouldn't win."

Travis was somewhat surprised at the answer. Dimitrin was an interesting existence, to live so long while not being a royal. To be so skilled. He wondered what Dimitrin was exactly.

Flinnder stopped moving, Travis also stopped upon noticing this. Travis followed where Flinnder was looking. It was a cliff face, which was odd because Travis didn't remember there being a cliff nearby.

Flinnder walked over with a smirk, "What is this double illusion? What a careless Duke!"

Reaching out with his hand he touched the cliff. A dark pulse radiated out of his hand and the entire cliff shattered into small pieces. It turns out the cliff was an illusion!

Travis asked, "What do you mean by a double illusion?"

Flinnder walked over to a strange structure that was now revealed as he answered, "The cliff itself was an illusion. However another part of the cliff was a more obvious illusion. If someone focused on that one part and cracked the illusion, they would most likely be teleported to an unknown place."

Travis remained silent. He hadn't noticed any illusion, so he would most likely had moved on.

Flinnder inspected the structure, it was a fountain with six pillars surrounding it. As he looked around he beckoned for Travis to come over, "Take a look, see if you can figure out what is with this place."

Travis walked over and began to look around. He wasn't sure if Flinnder was testing him, or if Flinnder himself was unsure. Regardless he would still try his best.

Travis examined the fountain, it was mostly ordinary. Around the outside of the fountain bowls was carved to look like drapes surrounding it. At the top was a crane, its wings were spread wide. Its raised high in pride.

Travis moved around the fountain and inspected it from all angles. Just as he was about to give up he noticed the crane's beak was pointed at one particular pillar.

He went over to the pillar, the main body was also ordinary. It had a rigged pattern, like waves scattered across it. Near the top was several circles surrounding each other. The outer ones extended into more lines which curled at the end.

Using one of his shurikens and [Mark of Pause] he reached the top of the pillar and pressed the middle of the many circles. It was pushed inward with ease, the structure rumbled and the fountain began to spin.

It rose upwards, revealing a staircase underneath. Flinnder nodded, "Great, now let us move on."

Travis assumed he passed, though the puzzle was decently simple. The two descended, the stairs lead extremely deep. They had walked down the stairs for ten minutes before reaching a room.

Travis sighed in annoyance, "Is so many stairs necessary?"

Flinnder didn't respond, instead he began to inspect the new room they had entered. A strange material light up to room. The walls and floor were made of solid stone and was covered in carvings. A door covered in a checkered pattern of different carvings stood in the way.

Flinnder pressed a few, but nothing happened. He then looked over to Travis, "It's your go now."

Travis inspected the carvings. It seemed to be different soldiers, he then began to match up the carvings with the ones on the walls. He then pressed all the matching carvings, but nothing happened.

Flinnder said, "You don't know either huh. . . well."

Flinnder walked over and Travis hurriedly moved back. Flinnder seemed to once again inspect the door, "The carvings are the soldiers of the old Duke's personal knight squadron. I remember a few from a set of old documents, but I was only given written descriptions. I am unaware what they look like exactly. So. . ."

Flinnder raised his hand and with a punch the door was shattered, "We break in!"

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