
One In Need

"Too slow."

Dimitrin flicked their wrist and redirected Travis' sword. Travis' breathing grew heavy as he held his sword. The training had been extreme recently. Dimitrin seemed to stop holding back and widened the gap Travis once thought was closing.

He laughed at his foolish thoughts. Tightening his grip he continued to exchange blows with Dimitrin. The sounds of metal clashing sounded throughout the manor.

Dimitrin struck the sword out of Travis' hand. It flipped through the air before crashing into the ground. Dimitrin swung their sword towards Travis, aiming for a final blow.

Travis slid forward, dodging the sword by an inch. He threw a fist towards Dimitrin's stomach. Instead of getting a clear his like he planned, he found Dimitrin's knee slamming into his stomach.

He slid backwards and doubled over from pain. Yet Travis couldn't comfort his hurting body, instead he he reached out his hand and murmured, "Return."

Harbinger of The Abyss floated off the ground before shooting through the air towards Travis hand. However by the time it reached his hand, Dimitrin's sword was pointed at his neck.

Dimitrin sheathed their sword and nodded, "Good, it seems this wasn't a bad choice."

Travis collapsed onto his knees from exhaustion, "What do you mean?"

"I increased the difficulty of your training. It seemed like your improvement was slowing, however it seems to have accelerated again."

Travis didn't have the energy to say anything. Instead he sat there breathing heavily.

As Dimitrin walked off they said, "Rest tomorrow, your duel with Lord Flinnder is the next day. It would be best if you are well rested."

Travis weakly replied, "I. . . will."

Dimitrin chuckled to themself as they walked away.

. . .

Flinnder signed a few papers and asked, "How is he doing?"

Dimitrin kneeled, "It seems your suggestion was correct, he is now struggling to keep up in our battles. But he grows fast as ever."

Flinnder beckoned for Dimitrin to get up, "You don't have to act so respectfully all the time. At least don't kneel when it's just us."

Dimitrin stood up, "Yes my lord."

Flinnder looked at another stack of papers and sighed, "All this paper work is so annoying. These spoiled nobles do whatever they want, and I have to clean it up!"

"When you ascend to Duke you will no longer have to worry about such things."

"That's why I am looking forward to it so much. . . Anyway, how do you think he will fare?"

"Better than last time, however he is still no match for your strength."

Flinnder grinned, "Well that much is expected, hopefully he provides some entertainment."

"What about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think about your Champion?"

Flinnder pondered for a moment before responding, "I think I have truly hit the jackpot. He holds more power than he should, along with such a powerful War Sight. . . I am positive that I will become a Duke."

"You praise him well."

~ ~ ~

Yielya placed the headset to the side. Standing up she stretched before moving to another room. Knocking on the wall she warmly spoke, "Mother?"

"Oh. . . Jenna you're here. How was the game?"

"Great as always, more importantly let's get your meds settled."

"Forget about the meds, tell me your adventures!"

Yielya smiled with a bit of sadness. The body she had inherited was that of Jenna. An aspiring home designer, yet her parents were struck ill. With her experience as a Priest, she was well aware of how much time they had left. Truthfully it wasn't long at all. Feeling burdened with this new responsibility she took up Jenna's role as a caretaker, providing basic aid despite the lack of her Priest-like abilities. 

Because of the health of Jenna's mother, she was confined to a bed and barely had anything for a source of entertainment. The shows she watched on a TV were growing bland. One of her most entertaining things was listening to Jenna's stories about A World's Legacy. For both the parents had pre-ordered it as a gift. Allowing her to explore a world since she refused to leave them alone in the house. 

Yielya took a seat and placed her palms onto the frail hand of Jenna's mother. With a warm smile she began to speak of their latest adventures. The stories of Six Lights.

Jenna's mother smiled, "Ever since you've joined this Six Lights team you've been looking a lot happier. I am glad we haven't prevented you from making friends."

Words got caught in Yielya's throat. Taking a moment she comforted, "I never held that against you. But yes, they are great friends."

Grabbing a container she placed it next the Jenna's mother, "Now your meds, I will go see if dad is awake."

"Alright I'll take them."

Yielya smiled and left the room, as she gently closed the door she bit her inner lip. The rampant memories and feeling of Jenna broiled violently. There was a lot to handle, but Yielya felt one thing for sure. She desired to help them, not just the parents but Jenna too. No matter how powerless she really was.

Just like how Yielya was saved before.

-Several years before the defeat of the Demon Lord:

"Tch! Are you slandering the Church's name?! Even when you're blessed by the gods themselves and are granted healing above us all! You will heal anyone who comes asking for help, it is your duty!"

Yielya looked down, "Yes Apostle."

"Good! Now go heal that man's arm!"

Yielya grit her teeth as she walked into the treating room of the Church. There a silver haired boy sat, a bloody bandage on their arm.

Yielya walked over with a smile on her face. It was fake, but it was required to maintain the Church's image.

She greeted the silver haired boy and asked, "May I know what caused the injury?"

The silver haired boy smiled at the thought, "Ah well. . . during a fight I tripped and fell on a sword. It dug in quite deep, I figured I should get it treated."

Yielya nodded, "Alright, allow me to treat you."

Carefully unwrapping the bandage she inspected the wound. With a shock she noticed the sword opened a major artery. The boy should have bled out long ago!

She considered it a miracle from the gods and cast a healing spell. A warm golden and green light enveloped the wound and began to slowly repair it.

A pain shot through her head, causing her to stumble. The spell stopped as she gripped her head. The silver haired boy steadied her and asked, "Is it too much? It doesn't seem deadly so I can wait."

She began to murmur, "That would probably. . ."

The Apostle was found in the doorway. She saw it from the corner of her eye and fear overtook her, "That would probably not be best, I must treat this wound."

The boy frowned but slowly nodded, "If you insist."

She fought through the painful headache and finished healing the wound. She then made a gesture as she excused herself, "You have been healed, I shall now take my leave."

She left the room and walked to her quarters. Before she opened the door the Apostle held her shoulder, "What was that?! You made the patient worry for you! That does not fit the Church's reputation as strong and steady! You absolute failure!"

The Apostle raised his hand to hit Yielya. She quickly raised her arms to protect herself, but never got hit. She nervously looked through her arms to see a hand holding the Apostle's arm.

The silver haired boy calmly said, "Is this what the Church is about? Abusing their clearly overworked members for not providing perfect results?"

The Apostle began to stutter, "H-hero! I do apologize for not greeting you earlier! Of course! You, who has the hair from the legend! How could I forget?"

"And so, care to explain what this is?"

"I. . . I was just going to give her a pat on the shoulder! You know, give a cheerful reminder to do better!"

Akiol's face remained straight, "Oh? Why would a pat elicit such a defense response? What about the verbal abuse?"

"I- I!"

"I have seen enough, I will report this to the Head Church. Surely they will send a more competent Apostle."

"Hero! That isn't necessary! I merely got a little angry, I am truly passionate about the Church!"

"I have seen your other members coward in fear of your presence. Stop making excuses."

"Tch! This is all your fault!"


The Apostle collapsed onto the floor. Akiol had a nervous look on his face, "Oops, I put too much force into that one."

Yielya slumped to the ground. She took a deep breath in relief.

Akiol extended a hand, "Your healing is exceptional, such a wound would have taken far longer by the other Church members. So, want to be my party's priest?"

Yielya hesitated before accepting Akiol's hand, "Anything to escape from here."

Akiol lifted her up, "Great! Welcome to the party! It consists of only you and I."

Yielya laughed, "What a small party."

Akiol continued, "I am sure we will find more. Now with you around I won't have to stop at every Church! Oh, that reminds me, what is your name?"

"It's Yielya, a pleasure to be in the Hero's party."

Next chapter