
Comments of chapter undefined of The Ghost System


You pretty much just destroyed the main point of my whole previous comment with the 2 chapters, since pretty much exactly what I was criticizing didn't happen. And I love it! :) Because exactly what I meant, that according to my opinion he partly does not stand up for himself enough, he has now finally refuted here and shown everyone that he is also no one to mess with. He has reflected himself, found out what the problems were (why he is seen this way) and how it came to this and then proved everyone else wrong. I personally think that this very moment is the most important one so far (at least in his character development), not his evolution and not that he joined the military. He changed and got rid of one of the last variables from his "old" life with Sampson. Now it really starts. This moment, in my view, is a starting point of his new life and an ending point of his old one in which he was underestimated and mistreated. I just wanted to note again (because that may have come across wrong in the other comment with the whole point of criticizing) that I didn't mean to criticize how the author writes the book nor how the author writes Rhys. The point is that Rhys is written as he is with all his inconsistencies and flaws, because he is not an all-knowing genius and perfect, but just a teenager. Of course it's a bit annoying when the character makes mistakes or acts "stupid" according to ones own standards, but it's human! It's all about development! What I was trying to criticize is that Rhys was not developing and adapting fast enough in my opinion. However, the point here, as generally with any book we read here on Webnovel, is that I lost sight a bit of what position I was taking in everything. I am a spectator, someone who lives outside the world of the book, observing things and gathering information. For me from the outside it is easy to criticize that Rhys was sometimes too nice for my taste, but if I were really Rhys as a person in this universe would I really have acted so differently in parts? In a few places certainly but probably not in the important ones. We as readers are in a position where we hold all the information in our hands, but are never really confronted with the emotional impact of an action, which makes it very easy to say: he should have killed this one or that one and so on. But the question we all have to ask ourselves is: Would I really have acted different than the person? Would any of us have been able to kill people the first time for no other reason than it makes everything a little easier? I hope not, and it would also be boring if everything was easy from the beginning. I certainly still hope that Rhys becomes even a little more selfish and thinks more about himself and not others but that is a hard process. With this moment, however, he already took one of the first and most important steps! We are observers and quasi gods looking down on the worlds we read about and sometimes lose a bit of focus for the fact that the characters, like us, are human beings with flaws and weaknesses. Rhys has finally shown what he can do and what he is made of and that's all I wanted! Thanks for the chapters, I enjoyed it and I'm sure many others did too. :)


The comment is just too long, i really admire the people who have the patience to read the comment.


Anyone knows the update schedule?


Dear author, This novel of yours is one of the few novel that hit directly to my heart. For me, it will be a disappointment if this cannot be continue. I always keep coming back here for an update. Hopefully you did not drop this..because, this is a really awesome novel!. I know a lot of reader like me will agree. ABANGERS


Praise the Lord (author)


I wonder when is this next week the author mentioned for his update.


The only thing that will kill this good book is the author release rate


Author nim pls post yr upload schedule ty 😌✨


I'm loving the book lot's, and I really really hope to see more.


Tbh this is too good


Man this novel is TOO GOOD


Thanks for the chapter If it keeps this good pace and this progress of character development ill never stop reading it even if it updates slowly


Hey author-san when do we get the next chapter? I'm dying waiting here I just love your story so much waiting really kills me So I hope you didn't drop it and nothing happened to you! Hope you're well! Thanks for the amazing story and I hope we get to read more of it


#Waiting for more great story.


Ghostbusters! If there's something strange In your neighborhood Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! If there's something weird And it don't look good Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost I ain't 'fraid of no ghost If you're seeing things Running through your head Who can you call? Ghostbusters! An invisible man Sleepin' in your bed Ow, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost I ain't 'fraid of no ghost Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! If you're all alone Pick up the phone And call Ghostbusters! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost Ooh, I hear it likes the girls Hm, I ain't 'fraid of no ghost Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Mmm, if you've had a dose of a Freaky ghost, baby You better call Ghostbusters! Ow! Lemme tell ya something Bustin' makes me feel good! I ain't 'fraid of no ghost I ain't 'fraid of no ghost Don't get caught alone oh, no Ghostbusters! When it comes through your door Unless you just want some more I think you better call Ghostbusters! Ow! Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Uh, think you better call Ghostbusters! Ha ha, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! I can't hear you Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Louder Ghostbusters! Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Who can you call? Ghostbusters!


(Im)patiently waiting for the next chapter 😀


interesting novel so far. For some reason it kind of made me think of Danny Phantom, lol. Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter


when is the next update to the story I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!


Is the Book on hiatus on sorthing?


nice chapter